A Game Warden is the line of defense between nature and humans. The game warden ensures that local laws and regulations are upheld when hunting and fishing, and helps conserve the habitats of countless species of wildlife. Becoming a game warden is a rigorous process, but if you have a love for the outdoors and a desire to protect it, follow this guide to learn how to get started.


  1. 1
    Amount of time outside and away from family and home. They work odd hours and are on call when not working.[1] Many game warden positions are highly independent, and junior wardens are usually not able to choose where they want to be stationed.
    • Wardens may have to work in hostile or dangerous situations.
    • Successful game wardens are usually heavily invested in hunting and fishing, and want to ensure that the lands and animals they love are protected from misuse. Wardens will be consistently interacting with fishers and hunters, so they should be familiar with those cultures.
  2. 2
    Learn the duties of a game warden. The game warden’s primary duties revolve around enforcing local hunting, fishing, and boating laws. Wardens patrol all areas that are used for recreational outdoor activities, including rivers, lakes, mountains, beaches, and deserts.
    • Game wardens seize fish, game, and equipment that is associated with the violation of any laws.
    • Game wardens also educate the public, oversee public safety, and provide assistance to other law enforcement agencies.
    • In some states, game wardens can make arrests and share many of the same powers as police officers.
    • Game wardens wear uniforms and carry a firearm.
    • Game wardens go by a variety of title, including Conservation Officer, Wildlife Officer, and Wildlife Manager.
    • Duties will vary depending on where you are stationed. Rural officers will often be ensuring that hunting and fishing happens legally, while urban officers deal with air quality issues and the illegal transportation of wildlife. The duties of a game warden a varied, and wardens often find themselves performing completely different duties from day to day.[2]
  3. 3
    Research the requirements for becoming a warden. The requirements for becoming a game warden vary from state to state, but most have similar lists. Most states require applicants to be at least 21, but some states such as Texas require the applicant to be at least 18.
    • Applicants with a felony record will not be considered.
    • Applicants must be in good shape and be able to pass physical tests. This includes good eyesight and hearing.
    • Most states prefer applicants to have a four-year degree in a related field before applying. A two-year degree plus experience may qualify as a substitute. Check with your state. Good degrees include Biology, Wildlife Management, or Criminal Justice.
    • A few states, such as Oregon and Alaska, require game wardens to become sworn state troopers, and applicants will need to go through the same training as every other state police officer.
  4. 4
    Look into the various specializations available. Many game wardens can specialize in a specific career path that may appeal to them. These paths are all related to the conservation of the wilderness, and vary depending on where you become a warden:
    • Airboat operator
    • Canine handler
    • Whitewater specialist
    • Field training officer
    • Dive team
    • Firearms instructor
    • Pilot
  5. 5
    Know the outdoors. Successful game wardens come into the job with a strong background in fish and wildlife, and must have the desire to work outdoors. Game wardens will operate all-terrain vehicles and may be out in the field for days at a time.[3]
  6. 6
    Learn your local laws and regulations. Before you apply, take the time to read through your local wildlife laws so that you have as comprehensive of an understanding as possible. This will give you a leg up during testing and in the academy.
  7. 7
    Understand that competition is fierce. There are many more applicants than there are positions, all across the country. Do everything you can to make sure that your resume and background stands out/ Set yourself apart from other candidates by taking your education seriously and by staying motivated.
  8. Advertisement
Method 1
Method 1 of 1:

Part Two: Becoming a Game Warden

  1. 1
    Know when to register. Most states open recruitment one or two times a year. Check when your state starts the recruitment process, and make sure that you have your requirements taken care of before then.
    • Some states only offer specific tests once every few years, so double check the dates on everything that you need to do.
  2. 2
    Get some experience. While you are working on your degree, apply for internships at local wildlife conservatories, national or state parks, and fish hatcheries.
    • If you have your degree and are waiting to apply, find jobs that deal directly with wildlife conservation, or start the path towards law enforcement. A history in law enforcement greatly increases your chances of being hired as a game warden.
  3. 3
    Do some physical training. Most states require game wardens to pass a physical test before they can be admitted. The requirements of these tests vary from state to state, so double check what the benchmarks are for your gender and age group when it comes to physical tests.
    • Typical physical tests include timed pushups, sit-ups, and mile runs.
    • Some states require swimming tests as well.
  4. 4
    Start the application process. Each state has a different application process, and applications usually have to be submitted within a specific time frame. Check with your state to see which forms need to be completed as well as when they need to be submitted.
  5. 5
    Study for the exam. You will be given information on the exams that you will be required to take, as well as resources on where to find the information on those exams. After passing the test portion, applicants will undergo background checks and polygraph tests, as well as a psych evaluation. Examples of what may be covered on the tests include:
    • Wildlife management, including general knowledge or the region’s species, data collection, and identification.
    • Fish identification, terminology, distribution, etc.
    • Court procedure, constitutional law, legal terminology, knowledge of regional laws and regulations.
    • Map reading.
    • Boating knowledge.
    • Other general hunting and fishing knowledge.
    • Firearms knowledge.[4]
  6. 6
    Go to the academy. Almost all states require cadets to complete training courses at a state academy. Sometimes this is the same academy as other law enforcement officers. Most academy programs taker around 30 weeks to complete.
    • The academy programs will cover both law enforcement training and fish and wildlife training. Law enforcement training includes driving an emergency vehicle, firearm training, making arrests, and other law enforcement duties. Fish and wildlife training will include identification of species, as well as knowledge of laws, regulations, policies, and forms.
  7. 7
    Start your training. Once you graduate from the academy, you will be placed under a senior officer who will train you in the field. This field training can last up to 6 months. After that, you will most likely be assigned to a station somewhere in the state.
    • Assignments vary from state to state, and some will give you more flexibility as to where you are assigned than others.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What should I do while in high school to prepare myself?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You should be able to take some college classes while you're still in high school. Courses in Constitutional Law & Criminal Law are a big help. I took them during high school for about $40. It will save you time and money in the long run.
  • Question
    Is it hard to be a game warden?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, because they have to patient while hunting people down, be in the hot sun all day and follow instructions they may not want to.
  • Question
    What is the best thing to study in high school to get ready to become a game warden?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try studying criminal justice, environmental sciences, wildlife management and biology.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 190,670 times.
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Co-authors: 15
Updated: December 18, 2022
Views: 190,670