A vicar is a parish's representative of a particular church, and is charged with leading all church duties for his parish. If you want to become a vicar, you'll need to go through an extensive assessment to determine whether you're the right fit for the calling. This will be followed by a long training period. Becoming a vicar can be a very rewarding process, but it is also extremely demanding. If you want to become a vicar, commit to your calling early on. Spend time getting invested in your current church, studying the Bible, and dedicating time to prayer and meditation. Such things will set you apart from the group, and result in your local vicar taking you seriously as a candidate.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Committing to Your Calling Early On

  1. 1
    Learn about the demands of a vicar. Becoming a vicar is not a decision you should make lightly. The path to becoming a vicar is long, and the job itself is extremely demanding. Those who decide to become vicars have strong faith, and see the job as more of a calling than a vocational path. Spend some time learning about the demands of the career to decide if it's right for you.[1]
    • Vicars are the backbone of any parish. As a vicar, you are responsible for many ceremonial duties such as marriages, funerals, communal worships, and christenings. If you have a large parish, this can be a very demanding job.
    • Your job is not just ceremonial. As a vicar, you must help your parish navigate their spiritual paths. You must provide one-on-one guidance to members of your church, advising them on how to live Christ-like lives and carry out God's work. People rely on you to assure them passage into heaven, so your job is quite serious.
    • While the job can be incredibly taxing, it can also be rewarding. If you have strong religious faith, and feel a personal calling from God, becoming a vicar may be the right career for you.
  2. 2
    Consider if the benefits and salary work for you. You should take some practical considerations into account. How much you make depends on your denomination and the length of time you've been working. Some vicars are paid on a stipend that ranges from $600 to $2,000 a month, but you may also be provided lodging by your parish. Benefits in terms of things like health insurance range by church. Other vicars are paid a regular salary. Most vicars do not become greatly wealthy, so make sure you're prepared to get by with less as a vicar.[2] [3]
  3. 3
    Get involved with your local church. Start early if you want to become a vicar. You'll want to be heavily involved in your church so you'll know the ins and outs of the church's ceremonies, values, and customs. You'll also learn the Bible more significantly, and be exposed to different teaching and interpretations of the Gospels and other religious doctrine.[4]
    • Obviously, you should attend church regularly. Go to any weekly communal worships and pay close attention during the session.
    • You should also develop a one-on-one relationships with the leaders of your church. Talk to priests and other vicars about your desire to become a religious leader. Ask them for advice and guidance.
    • If your church has a vestry, consider joining. Being an active vestry member can help you build the skills necessary to succeed as a vicar.
  4. 4
    Study the Bible. An in-depth knowledge of the Bible and its teachings is necessary if you want to be a vicar. Spend time reading the Bible each day, join a local Bible study club, and ask priests and religious leaders to recommend supplementary texts written by renown Biblical scholars. You want to be able to understand the text of the Bible and its application in the world.
    • It can help to take a religious studies course. If you are in high school or college, see if there are any religious studies courses offered by your school. You can also look into enrolling in or auditing a religious studies class at a community college or four year college in your area.
  5. 5
    Spend time alone in prayer or meditation. You want to foster a one-on-one relationship with God if you want to become a vicar. This means spending time alone in prayer or meditation. You want to make sure you feel as close to God as possible going into the vicar career path.[5]
    • Close yourself off daily for personal prayer and meditation. This should become a necessary part of your day, as important as showering and brushing your teeth.
    • How you pray and meditate depends on your church and personal preferences. If you're unsure on how to get started, talk to a religious leader in your local church. Ask him or her for advice on how to pray and mediate when alone.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Gaining the Necessary Skills and Training

  1. 1
    Volunteer with organizations focused on helping others. To become a vicar, you need excellent interpersonal communication skills. You'll want to spend time working with your community. Volunteer work that involves helping others and bettering your local town or city is an excellent way to gain the skills necessary to becoming a vicar.[6]
    • You can always volunteer at your church, and this may be the best place to start if you want to be a religious leader. Talk to your priest about volunteer opportunities at your church, particularly those working with others. You may even be able to go on faith-based volunteer trips with your church, helping communities across the world or country.
    • You can also look for local religious organizations, that fall within the values of your denomination, and volunteer here.
    • In addition to church-based volunteer work, strive to work with any organization with a focus on community outreach. You could volunteer at a local nursing home, work with an organization like Little Brothers/Big Sisters, or outreach programs that provide food to impoverished families.
  2. 2
    Gain public speaking experience. As a vicar, public speaking will be a vital part of your job. You will have to give weekly sermons and speak at events like weddings and funerals. Look into ways to gain public speaking experience as you move along your path to becoming a vicar.[7]
    • Ask your priest if there are any public speaking opportunities within your church. Your priest may, for example, allow you to give a lecture or brief sermon on special occasions.
    • If you're still in high school, join the debate club. This will provide you with invaluable public speaking experience.
    • You can also attend open mic nights if you're a creative type. If you, say, write poetry, you may be able to read your poetry at various events. This can help you hone your public speaking skills.
  3. 3
    Contact a local vicar to discuss your calling. Once you're ready to move forward with more official studies, contact your local vicar or Bishop. Which religious figure you ask depends on your church, so make sure you review your church's specific rules regarding vicar training. Talk to him or her about your desire to become a vicar, and your commitment to the church. If your vicar believes you're ready, he or she will help you start on the path to officially becoming a vicar.[8]
    • Make sure to prepare before speaking to the vicar. You want to make it clear that you're sincere in your intent and your commitment is strong. Review the Bible and spend some time thinking about how to articulate your beliefs about God, community, and religious duty.
    • When you talk to your bishop or vicar, mention any experience you have. Talk about past volunteer work with the church, and the relationships you've fostered in your current religious community. You want to make sure the bishop think that you're ready to start on the official path to become a vicar.
  4. 4
    Interview with an advisory panel about your goals. If your local vicar thinks you have what it takes to become a vicar, you will go through a round of interviews with an advisory panel from the church. For around three days, you will be interviewed various times about your career plans, beliefs, and commitment to the church.[9]
    • You may also have written work to complete during these interviews, as well as activities to engage in before the panel.
    • You can prepare by studying your Bible, reviewing your beliefs and goals, and talking to your local priest and parish.
  5. 5
    Attend a theological college. Once you have been approved by an advisory committee, you will attend a four year theological college. At a theological college, you will study the works of the Bible in depth so you'll be fully equipped to guide members of your parish on their spiritual journeys.[10] [11]
    • Your church may select a seminary for you, or offer a recommendation. If you have to decide on a seminary on your own, think about what you want in a community. Make sure any seminary you choose is rooted in the right denomination for your goals. If you want to become a vicar, you want a school that is committed to the Bible and scripture. You'll want to avoid secular colleges when obtaining a theological degree to become a vicar.
    • The duration of your studies varies depending on your current knowledge of the Bible, and any previous theological training you've had. In general, training lasts two to three years. As your job is to be a spiritual guide for your parish, you'll need an incredibly detailed and informed view of the Bible, its history, and its teachings. Your studies will be long and, at times, difficult, but try to stay committed and keep your faith strong.
  6. 6
    Commit to a four year period as a curate. After you complete your theological studies, you'll need to become a curate. A curate is a lower position in the church's hierarchy, and you'll do some work like conducing funerals and giving some sermons. This is sort of like a practice/apprenticeship to becoming a vicar.[12]
    • During this period, you will be supervised by a priest. During your first year, you will primarily conduct funerals and baptisms while learning more about the church's workings.
    • During your second year, you will begin to take on more duties. You will be promoted to the position of priesthood, allowing you to perform marriages.
    • By the end of the four years, you should be familiar with a wide variety of duties of the parish. At this point, you can begin to apply to various parishes to become a vicar.
  7. 7
    Apply to a parish to become a vicar. The application process varies by denomination and church. You usually apply to the head of a local branch or division of your church, after which you will be assigned a parish based on your specific skills and qualifications. You may not have a lot of choice in where you are assigned to serve, so be prepared to move if necessary.[13]
  8. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Continuing Your Career

  1. 1
    Perform all expected duties. Once you are assigned a parish, you can begin fulfilling your duties as a vicar. A vicar is not a job confined to Sunday services. Your duties will be diverse, and you may have little downtime some weeks.[14]
    • You will be responsible for a variety of ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, and so on. This involves talking to families to make sure such ceremonies are conducted with respect and regard for everyone's wishes, so make sure to listen to the requests of your parish.
    • You also have certain administrative tasks you must do. You must keep track of church's bank accounts, fundraising campaigns, and run church meetings.
  2. 2
    Be available to your ministry at all times. As a vicar, people rely on you to guide them in their own spiritual journey. This is an incredibly important task that you need to take seriously. Be available for your parish as much as you can, offering support and guidance to those suffering from crises or spiritual doubt.[15]
    • You may have to make house calls for elderly or housebound members of your parish.
    • You will have to be open to one-on-one discussions with members of your parish in need of personal guidance. You may also have to guide young church members who want to become vicars themselves someday.
  3. 3
    Get comfortable speaking in public. As a vicar, public speaking will be part of your job. You'll be asked to hold morning prayer meetings and other services for your church. Try to get comfortable speaking in front of a group of people and work on keeping your voice clear and audible.[16]
    • It will get easier with time to speak publicly. As you'll be conducting multiple services a week, you'll find yourself gaining confidence as time goes by.
    • Make sure you work on enunciation. You can record yourself speaking and play it back to yourself. Listen for words you commonly fumble over and mispronounce.
  4. 4
    Stay involved with your local community. As a vicar, community outreach will be a key part of your job. In addition to working with your own church, you'll frequently have to work with local hospitals, other churches, and community centers. Make sure you're willing to work weeknights and weekends if you're needed outside your church. Remain and open an accessible member of your community throughout your time as a vicar.[17]
  5. 5
    Keep your faith strong through daily prayer. The job of a vicar can be taxing. You'll be dealing with people going through a host of personal struggles. Keep daily prayer, as well as meditation, a part of your regular routine. This will help you maintain a solid relationship with God, keeping your faith strong for the long hall.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What academic qualifications are required to become a vicar?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You need to attend a theological college and obtain a degree.
  • Question
    If the Lord is everywhere, why do we need pastors?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Pastors help spread the word of God to those who are not aware of it. They are messengers of God. They also help lay people interpret the scripture (which is not always easy to understand) and provide guidance and assistance to the congregation.
  • Question
    What exams do you have to take?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There are no exams officially given out by your church, but there may be exams for the theological program you attend. The exams vary by college, but written and multiple choice exams testing your knowledge will likely be part of the curriculum.

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Updated: January 1, 2023
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