If you want to be a warrior, read on. Remember that this a way of life and you cannot do this overnight.


  1. 1
    Learn. You have to learn about a lot of different subjects and skills to do this. Here are some of them:
    • Combat: You should know either a basic martial art or a way to defend yourself. Consider taking a self-defense class. A warrior always knows hand-to-hand combat. Try thinking about taking a Krav Maga Class. Krav Maga is an Israeli Martial Art that incorporates tons of stuff in. You can learn more by doing a search on Google or Yahoo.
    • Disguise: Sure, warriors charge all the time, but sometimes, warriors also know stealth & disguise. We will talk about stealth later. For basic camouflage, try to blend in either with the crowd or with the environment. Wear what everybody else is wearing.
    • Stealth: Learn how to walk silently by having a friend help you. Have him stand in the middle of the room with his eyes closed as you try to sneak by him. As soon as you become proficient at this, try to sneak up on animals that have more sensitive hearing.
  2. 2
    Train. You have to be physically fit and healthy at the same time. To get that impression of a warrior, weight-lift. A lot. Also be sure to run at least 3–5 miles (4.8–8.0 km) a day. You never know when you'll have to chase somebody through a crowded city street. And on that note try to learn basic parkour, and always remember to start out slow and work your way up.
  3. 3
    Practice and work hard on your strategies. If you want to be a warrior you'll have practice hard and plan on improving your strategies. Learn new techniques to develop your combating skills.
  4. 4
    Train like a warrior. Look at workouts online and a 7 minute workout app is brill. Press-ups and sit ups will do though
  5. 5
    Do not give up, ever. Giving up is not the way of a warrior. You'll have to last till the end even if you are not strong. You should concentrate only on your training and thus only can you improve.
  6. 6
    Live your life as a warrior from the crack of dawn to midnight. Eat a Warrior Breakfast including, eggs, ham, vegetables, milk or orange juice, and any other healthy stuff you can find around your kitchen. For lunch, eat some grilled meat or a deli sandwich with some potatoes and an apple or banana for desert. The key here is to eat healthy.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Once I am a warrior, where can I use my newfound skills?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could use them for fun or exercise primarily, but they might also come in handy for self-defense.
  • Question
    Is it worth it to be a warrior without a war?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. It shows you have discipline, pride, and most importantly honor. Make sure not to let the last two take over, they're nothing without the discipline.
  • Question
    What weapon do I need?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The weapon you are will use must be to your liking and be easy for you to use. Consider your height and weight when choosing a weapon.


  • You can customize the physical program to your own level, but remember, doing the same thing all the time won't do you any good.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 40 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 155,046 times.
100 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 40
Updated: August 6, 2021
Views: 155,046
Categories: Combat Sports