Dog parks are a great place for your dog to socialize with others and exercise while it’s off its leash. If your community doesn’t already have a dog park, you can propose building one to your city officials to make a public space for all dog owners to use. If you want a private area for your dog, you can even make a small park in your own yard where you can bond together. When your dog park is finished, you can enjoy the time outdoors with your pet!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Proposing a Community Dog Park to the City

  1. 1
    Meet up with other dog owners to gain support for building a dog park. It’s likely that other people in your area want a dog park as well. Reach out to other dog owners you know to discuss the ideas of building a park. Make a page or group on Facebook so you can easily communicate with one another and invite people from your community. Together, you can meet with city officials, make presentations, and help maintain the park. [1]
    • Ask the members of your group to reach out to other dog owners they know.
  2. 2
    Talk with veterinarians and pet supply stores for local support. As you solidify the idea of building a park, continue expanding and communicating with local pet stores and veterinarians. Tell them your ideas and plans for a dog park to see if it would work well in your area. Ask for their input and support so city officials know you have backing for your cause.[2]
    • Some stores and vets may have public bulletin boards where you can post about building a dog park to gain more support.
  3. 3
    Look for an accessible site that’s at least 1 acre (4,000 m2). Search for open property that’s available near your community. Make sure that it’s mostly grassy so the dogs are can walk and run comfortably. The property should be 1 acre (4,000 m2) at the minimum so multiple dogs can be there at a time.[3]
    • Look for open spaces in public parks to see if you can use that space.

    Tip: Keep the neighboring properties in mind since lots of traffic and noise will come to the area once the dog park is open. Get their approval before settling on a property.

  4. 4
    Make a budget for fencing, materials, and maintenance of the dog park. A 1 acre (4,000 m2) dog park can cost around $30,000 for fences, construction work, and amenities. Some cities may help with the financing, but others may want to share the cost with your group. Plan out all of the materials you need for your dog park so you can get a rough estimate of the costs.[4]
    • Budgets can vary on the amount of work that needs to be done on the land.
  5. 5
    Generate money with fundraisers or donations. City officials may ask how you and your committee can help with funding and upkeep of the dog park. Hold fundraisers, such as a dog bath or a dog costume contest, to help raise money through fun events. You may also choose to ask for community donations and sponsorships from local pet stores.[5]
    • Ask the city officials if they can make a gift fund for your dog park so others can donate money directly to it.
  6. 6
    Create a proposal presentation for your dog park. Your proposal should include what your goals for the property are and address any issues with the property, funding, or maintenance. Talk about the support you’ve gained from other dog owners and local businesses to help convince others that a dog park is necessary. Conclude your proposal by summarizing why a dog park is necessary for your community.[6]
  7. 7
    Present your proposal to your city’s government. Request a hearing with your local government so you can go over your proposal document. Bring 2-3 members of your group that are knowledgable and articulate to help you present. Address the benefits of the dog park in your area and calmly talk through any concerns they may have. Field any questions they have for you as best as you can.[7]
    • Common concerns that may come up include dog bites, noise level, parking, maintenance, and traffic. Prepare answers to these concerns ahead of time so you’re able to clarify them later.
  8. 8
    Follow up over email and over the phone after your presentation. You may not get immediately approved for the dog park right after your proposal. Reach out to the city officials you met with by sending them an email so you can continue discussions. Be willing to make compromises with the officials so you have the most chance at success.[8]
  9. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Designing and Maintaining the Park

  1. 1
    Build a 4–6 ft (1.2–1.8 m) fence around the area. Large dogs can jump over fences that are any shorter than 4 ft (1.2 m) tall. Choose a chainlink fence for the cheapest and safest option. Make sure the entrance to your dog park has a double-gated entrance so there’s a space where dog owners can take off their dogs’ leashes.[9]
    • If you have room in your park, provide different areas for large and small dogs. This can reduce the risk of any fighting between dogs of different sizes.
  2. 2
    Display the rules and regulations of the park near the entrance. Make sure the sign is visible and easy to read. Provide helpful information, such as the hours that the park is open and any rules and restrictions. Place one of the signs right at the entrance and 2-3 more signs around your park.[10]

    Common Dog Park Rules

    Dogs must have a collar on at all times.

    Dogs must be spayed or neutered to enter the park.

    All dogs need to be healthy and have current vaccinations.

    Owners must clean up after their dog.

    Owners cannot leave dogs unattended.

  3. 3
    Place benches or tables throughout the park so dog owners can relax. Owners need a place to relax and socialize too. Set up a few areas throughout the dog park where owners can sit in the shade and enjoy the park. Aim to have at least 2 benches and 2 tables in a park that’s 1 acre (4,000 m2).[11]
  4. 4
    Make areas for shade and water. If there aren’t any trees, plant a few around the park or build pavilion areas so dogs and owners can sit in the shade. Install at least 1 or 2 drinking fountains in the dog park so owners and dogs can have a drink if they get exhausted.[12]
    • Call a plumbing specialist to help place water lines and install drinking fountains.
  5. 5
    Provide covered garbage cans, waste bags, and pooper scoopers. Create multiple stations in the park that carry waste bags and scoopers so owners can go clean up after their dog. Make sure they’re always stocked so the dog park stays clean.[13]
  6. 6
    Volunteer to help with maintenance and clean-up. Volunteering can help cut costs and shows city officials that people are using the space. Along with the rest of your group, choose a time every week to visit the park to take care of it. Cut the grass, change the garbages, and restock any supplies that are out in the clean-up stations.[14]
    • Talk to local kennel clubs and the parks department to help organize cleanup days.
  7. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Making a Personal Dog Park in Your Yard

  1. 1
    Fence in an area large enough to play fetch in. Make sure there’s enough space for you and your dogs to play together. Choose an area where you can still see your dog while you’re indoors. Use a chainlink fence that’s at least 4 ft (1.2 m) tall so your dog doesn’t jump over it.[15]
    • If you already have a fenced-in yard, you may split it so one side is the dog park and the other is a social area you can use.
    • Consider using the yard on the side of your home if you have the space.
  2. 2
    Give your dog a bowl of water so it can stay hydrated. While your dog is playing, it may tire out and get thirsty. Keep a water dish somewhere nearby so your dog can get a drink when it needs one. If you notice that it’s empty throughout the day, refill it.[16]
    • Change the water daily so it stays fresh.
  3. 3
    Set up an obstacle course for your dog so it stays entertained. An obstacle course can consist of ramps, small jumps, or climbing rocks. Place the obstacles so your dog can easily run between them. Make sure you leave enough space so you can walk around them if you need to.[17]
    • You can find dog obstacle courses online or at pet stores.
  4. 4
    Make an outdoor dog bed or shelter so it stays comfortable. Build a doghouse or buy a prebuilt shelter so your dog can rest in the shade when it gets too hot. If you want a more comfortable area for your dog in the sun, look for an outdoor bed.[18]
  5. 5
    Provide your dog with a sandbox so it can dig. Fill a kid’s swimming pool with sand and dirt, and hide some dog toys underneath. This way, your dog can dig without damaging your lawn and gives it a new toy to play with.[19]

    Warning: Cover the sandbox at night so stray animals, like raccoons or cats, don’t make a mess of it.

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Community Q&A

  • Question
    My location is a golf course that is not being used, and is owned by an American Indian tribe. Should I address them before addressing the public as to whether or not they would allow the use of it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Ask the tribe first, especially since it owns the land. They have the right to disagree, so you need to be respectful.
  • Question
    I want to make a camp ground for dogs in my backyard. I'm only 11, so what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Create a huge pen and decorate it. And age doesn't matter, just ask your parents for help.
  • Question
    What items would I put in a dog obstacle course?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could have agility equipment like A-frames, dog-walks, teeters, jumps and tunnels. These items can be expensive, though.


  • Always watch your dog while its off its leash in the dog park so it doesn't get into any trouble.

About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 47,841 times.
25 votes - 93%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: September 3, 2021
Views: 47,841
Categories: Exercising Dogs