Building an Elemental Hero deck in Yu-Gi-Oh! can be a great way to strike your opponents quickly with powerful monsters. This article will teach you how to successfully build this awesome type of deck.


  1. 1
    Decide what kind of deck you want to build. There are many different variants of Elemental HEROs. Currently, the best build is Masked Heroes, which use Mask Change and Shadow Mist to bring out Dark Law. However, there are many other options, so feel free to just experiment with the cards until you figure out what works for you.
  2. 2
    Get the monsters. The best HERO monsters are Shadow Mist, Bubbleman, Neos Alius, Blazeman, and Prisma (for fusion decks). None of the others are really worth using, except for fusing with. Masked HERO decks also use a few copies of Summoner Monk and Goblindbergh to special summon Shadow Mist and trigger its effects. Typically, HERO decks use few monsters and many cards to search them.
  3. 3
    Put in draw and search cards to help you gain advantage and get to your combo pieces faster. HEROs have access to some great searchers in Reinforcement of the Army, E - Emergency Call, and A Hero Lives. The first two cards are great for searching out all of your HEROs, but A Hero Lives has a rather steep cost and is best for an early game Dark Law in meta decks.
  4. 4
    If you are playing fusions, add some fusion spells and support. Miracle Fusion is the best fusion spell they have access to, and is good in nearly any HERO deck. If you are using Blazeman, add Polymerization since he can search it out. Fusion Reserve and Fusion Conscription can be used if you use fusions with specific materials, and Fusion Recovery can recover your materials. If using specific materials, it can be a good idea to use fusion substitutes like King of the Swamp and Prisma.
  5. 5
    If you play Masked HEROs, add 3 copies of Mask Change. You can also use a few copies of Mask Charge to recycle Mask Change and Form Change to switch around your HEROs. Also, use cards like Call of the Haunted or Oasis of Dragon Souls to special summon Shadow Mist.
  6. 6
    Put in staple cards. These are powerful cards which can disrupt your opponent or get you out of a tough situation, and so are used in almost every deck. Add cards like Twin Twisters/Mystical Space Typhoon, Raigeki, Soul Charge, Solemn Warning, Solemn Strike, etc.
  7. 7
    Build an Extra deck. Add the Masked HERO monsters if using Mask Change, and the generic HERO fusions if you have a fusion spell. Good Masked HEROs are Dark Law, Acid, Anki, and Koga, Dian and Divine Wind if using Form Change, and Contrast HERO Chaos if using Miracle Fusion. The best fusion monsters are the ones who only require a HERO monster and a certain attribute as their materials, like Absolute Zero, The Shining, Escuridao, and Nova Master. Also, include some Rank 4 Xyz monsters like Castel, Abyss Dweller, and Utopia and Utopia the Lightning, and Rank 8s like Hope Harbinger and Felgrand.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    I want to build a more Elemental Heroes-focused deck (i.e. not relying on Masked or evil heroes) just for fun. I've thought of using Neos and Neos Knight. Should I use him, or would it be better to just focus on other fusions?
    Josh Cugno
    Josh Cugno
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, Neos/Neospace/Neospacian monsters (with very few exceptions) have an automatic return to deck on the end phase. To bypass this effect, you can use a field spell card - but why waste that spot when you can just run normal E-HEROs?
  • Question
    What is the best number of cards in the main deck?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I usually do 45. Have less if you get to certain cards fast, and more if you have tons of options.
  • Question
    How are Oversoul, Heated Heart and Righteous Justice not considered good cards while Emergency Call is?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Oversoul: you don't use normal monsters. Heated Heart: 500 ATK is pathetic; a normal spell that only increases attack is not useful in the current meta. Righteous Justice: Twin Twisters and MST offer better spell/trap destruction since they are quick-plays and don't require you to have an established field.



Things You'll Need

  • 3 Elemental HERO Shadow Mist
  • 2-3 Elemental HERO Bubbleman
  • 1-2 Elemental HERO Neos Alius
  • 3 Reinforcement of the Army
  • 1-3 E - Emergency Call
  • 0-2 Polymerization
  • 2-3 Miracle Fusion
  • 1-3 A Hero Lives
  • 2-3 Mask Change
  • 2-3 Masked HERO Dark Law
  • 2 Masked HERO Acid
  • 1 Elemental HERO Absolute Zero

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 60 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 228,670 times.
47 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 60
Updated: May 18, 2022
Views: 228,670
Categories: Yu Gi Oh!