Spending time with your pet chinchilla is a great way for you to bond. Even though you need to give your chinchilla time outside of its cage, it might get loose and cause damage to furniture or electronics. We know that it’s scary when your pet escapes, but stay calm since there are a few ways you can find it and lure it back to its cage. When you do find your chinchilla, just make sure you pick it up safely so you don’t stress it out more.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Finding a Lost Chinchilla

  1. 1
    Stay calm and move slowly. Chinchillas get scared and stressed if you try chasing them since they think you’re a predator hunting them. Instead of running after your chinchilla or corralling it toward the cage, get down on the floor so you’re closer to its level and move around slowly so you don’t startle it.[1]
    • As you search or wait for your chinchilla, don’t make any sudden movements that could make it run away from you.
  2. 2
    Clean up your chinchilla’s cage so it comes back to investigate. Chinchillas are naturally curious, so they might come out of hiding if they hear you in their home. Open your chinchilla’s cage and start moving its toys or bowls around. Keep your eye out for your chinchilla to see if it comes any closer to you. Once you see it, let it approach you and pick it up slowly so you don’t scare it away.[2]
    • This is a great way to lure your chinchilla back since it won’t feel as stressed.
  3. 3
    Set your chinchilla’s dust bath near its cage to coax it out of hiding. Chinchillas love their dust baths, so they’ll usually come running back as soon as they hear it. Set the dust bath near the cage and give it a shake to let your chinchilla know it's there. Wait for your chinchilla to climb inside and quickly put your hand over the opening. Carry the dust bath back to its cage and let the chinchilla climb back out.[3]
    • Train your chinchilla to the “bath” command so it comes as soon as you say it. Bring out the dust bath and put a raisin or treat next to it. Say the word “bath” and reward your chinchilla as soon as it gets in the dust bath.
  4. 4
    Use treats to lure your chinchilla back. The smell of something delicious might encourage your chinchilla to come back. Try putting something small, like a raisin, an apple cube, a baby carrot, or sunflower seeds, into a bowl near or inside the cage. Shake the bowl to let your chinchilla know where it is. Your chinchilla will usually come out and enjoy the treat so you can put it back in its cage.[4]
    • Chinchillas may just take the treat from you before running away again, so it might not be the most effective solution.
    • You can try cutting a raisin in half and holding it near the cage. Don’t let your chinchilla have it until it’s back inside.[5]
  5. 5
    Give your chinchilla a treat when it comes back. No matter how you got your chinchilla back to its cage, give it a small treat like a raisin, celery, carrots, or apples.[6] Over time, your chinchilla will learn that it might get a reward for coming back so it’s not as likely to run away.[7]
    • Only give your chinchilla a teaspoon of treats each day, or else it could gain weight and get sick.
  6. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Picking up Your Chinchilla

  1. 1
    Approach your chinchilla slowly at its level. Avoid picking up your chinchilla from above since it could get easily startled. Whenever you want to hold your chinchilla, kneel down to its level so your hands are underneath it. Stay calm so your chinchilla doesn’t run away as you’re moving toward it.[8]
    • Speak softly when you’re around your chinchillas so it gets used to your voice.
    • If you just got a chinchilla, it will take a few days or weeks for it to get used to you. Try bonding by giving it treats and letting it sniff you through the cage.[9]
  2. 2
    Scoop your hand underneath the base of its tail and back feet. Put your hand out flat with your palm facing up and slowly slide it underneath your chinchilla’s back legs. Gently squeeze your chinchilla’s back end and hind legs so you’re supporting its weight.
    • Never pick your chinchilla up just by its tail since you could break its bones.
  3. 3
    Support its front legs and upper body in your other hand. Position your other hand underneath your chinchilla’s body so your thumb hooks around its front leg. Carefully lift your chinchilla up without squeezing it tightly.
    • Chinchillas will struggle more if you hold them tightly.[10]
  4. 4
    Hold your chinchilla close to your body. Cradle your chinchilla next to your chest or on your lap so you can bond with it. Pet it, feed it treats, and talk softly to it so your chinchilla gets used to interacting with you. Make you support your chinchilla the whole time so it doesn’t get hurt or stressed out.[11]
    • You can also bond by letting it roam free in a pen or gated-off area.
    • Handle your chinchilla daily so it gets friendlier.[12]
  5. 5
    Wrap a towel around your chinchilla to keep it calm. Set your chinchilla on a thin towel and start loosely wrapping it around your chinchilla’s body. Keep its legs pressed close to its body and support its weight underneath its hind end.[13]
    • Chinchillas are prone to overheating, so only keep them wrapped up for a few minutes at a time.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    New chin new cage. Carrier sticking half out of cage. Treats everywhere. Came out twice but ran back in. Barks. Cannot leave cage door open all night. Can I just slide her and blanket out? Ideas?
    Community Answer
    Your chinchilla was most likely stressed due to the new environment. It’s best to leave a chinchilla alone for the first week of its arrival, so as to reduce stress and to make a future bond more likely. Leave the blanket for now.



Things You’ll Need

  • Dust bath
  • Raisins or apples
  • Towel

About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 11,525 times.
6 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: January 11, 2023
Views: 11,525
Categories: Chinchillas