Guinea pigs have a nasty habit of escaping from their cage and hiding out of sight. A guinea pig is a nervous creature and is easily intimidated, so be slow and patient when trying to catch one. It's easiest to recapture a pet guinea pig by luring it towards you with a treat in your hand, but if you are trying to capture a wild or lost guinea pig, keep your distance, and opt for a stick and string trap or a net and fishing line. If you're having trouble catching your guinea pig to take it out of its cage, there are some tricks you can use to lure it out of hiding.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Catching Your Guinea Pig in their Cage

  1. 1
    Place some food inside your guinea pig's cage to establish a bond. The most effective way to build a bond with your guinea pig is to place some food in the middle of their cage and allow them to explore without interference. Your guinea pig will learn to associate you with food each time you place some inside of their cage. Don't put your hand in or try to grab your guinea pig — getting your guinea pig to stop hiding from you is all about building trust slowly.[1]
    • Some good vegetables to choose from include bell peppers, carrots, broccoli, kale, spinach, cucumber, and/or tomatoes.
  2. 2
    Attempt to hand-feed your guinea pig. After a few days of encouragement, place food on your hand to entice your guinea pig towards you and allow them to investigate the offering. While your guinea pig may be fearful at first, eventually they will overcome their fear for a tasty reward.[2]
    • Continue hand-feeding your guinea pig every day until they no longer hesitate to approach you.
  3. 3
    Hold your guinea pig. After a few days of establishing a trusting bond with your guinea pig, attempt to hold them by picking them up from the front with one hand under their chest and another under their rump. Hold your guinea pig close to your chest.[3] Moving slowly and in front of the guinea pig stops it from being surprised when you hold its chest, and holding its rump makes it feel more comfortable.
    • Never grab, squeeze, toss, or mishandle your guinea pig. This is a sure-fire way to make them distrust you.
  4. 4
    Monitor your guinea pig for health problems if they frequently hide. If you notice that your guinea pig is reluctant to come out of hiding, even when tasty treats are available, it could be a sign that they are sick, especially if they are normally sociable. Rodents and small animals tend to hide or remain quiet if they are sick or injured.
    • Examine your guinea pig for abnormal symptoms, such as scratches, broken limbs, puffed-up fur, weight loss, frequent coughing/sneezing, and irregular breathing.[4] Bring your guinea pig to a vet if you believe they're hurt or sick.
  5. 5
    Cover the guinea pig in a towel before trying to grab them. Guinea pigs are prey animals and can become scared when they are suddenly grabbed from their cage. Herd your guinea pig into the corner of its cage and drape a towel over them. The darkness under the towel will help your guinea pig calm down so you can easily grab them.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Luring Your Guinea Pig with Food

  1. 1
    Locate your pet guinea pig in your home by listening for them carefully. If your guinea pig has escaped into the house, it's usually easiest to find them and lure them out with their favorite foods. Turn off any distracting noises and listen carefully for anxious teeth grinding and the pitter-patter of your pet's feet.[5] Once you're pretty sure you know where it is, you can start luring it out of it's hiding spot.
    • If your guinea pig has somehow ended up in the wall or a place you can't reach, try luring them out with food before you start moving furniture and tearing up the home — they are easily scared by loud noises and they may go even deeper into their hiding place.
  2. 2
    Cut up your guinea pig's favorite foods nearby to release the scent. Guinea pigs, like many animals, navigate the world mainly through smells.[6] If you cut up your pet guinea pig's favorite foods into chunks near where they are hiding, they may smell the food and be enticed by the aroma.
    • If your guinea pig doesn't have any particular favorite foods, opt for pellets and leafy greens such as lettuce, kale, and spinach. Unlike picky humans, guinea pigs love veggies.[7]
    • If vegetables don't seem to entice your guinea pig, try chopping up some fruits instead, such as strawberries, apple, and banana.
  3. 3
    Hold some food in your hand to encourage your guinea pig to approach you. Place some food in the palm of your hand with your fingers flat against the ground.[8] If your guinea pig can smell and see the food, they should come running up and take some out of your hand — this is your opportunity to catch it.
    • This is especially effective if you can see your guinea pig. If you can't, leave the food near where you last heard them and stay at a distance so that your guinea pig doesn't get scared by you. Calmly walk up to your guinea pig once they start snacking and gently pick them up with the palm of your hand.
  4. 4
    Pick up your guinea pig gently so you don't scare them away again. Avoid any sudden movements that could spook your pet and send them running away. Slowly and gently pick up your guinea pig under their belly and rump with the palms of your hands, then soothe them as you put them back in their cage.[9]
    • Your guinea pig will probably be anxious and scared from their big adventure, so be sure to give them plenty of treats and affection.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Using a Net and Fishing Line

  1. 1
    Tie a piece of carrot, or another guinea pig favorite, to the end of a fishing line. To catch a lost guinea pig out in the world or one that is cautious around people, you won't be able to entice it with food in your hand. Tie a piece of carrot or another favorite treat, to the end of a fishing line at least 10 ft (3.0 m) long.
    • Later on, you'll slowly pull the treat closer to you so you can catch the guinea pig in a net.
    • While carrots are generally loved by guinea pigs, feel free to use any other veggie or snack if they don't take to it. Broccoli is a good alternative as it is very easy to tie a string around the head.[10]
  2. 2
    Place the food end of the string near the guinea pig and grab a net. Slowly and calmly walk up to the guinea pig's general location and place the food end of the string on the ground. Walk back to the length of the string and pull it just enough to make the string slightly taut without moving the food.[11] Grab a net at least 5 ft (1.5 m) across and wait.
    • Get a net that has holes small enough that a guinea pig can't escape, such as a mesh net.
    • If you can't see the guinea pig or the end of the string from your hiding spot, it's essential that you tighten the string, as this allows you to feel when the string is being pulled from the other end. If the string is loose, you won't know when the guinea pig takes the bait.
  3. 3
    Pull the string slowly towards you once you see or feel the guinea pig. Stay very still and slowly pull the string towards you as soon as you feel the guinea pig pull the string or when you see them munching. This entices them to keep following the food towards you. Stay still and don't make any noise so that the guinea pig doesn't get spooked as they get closer.[12]
    • Pull the food towards you in tiny increments, maybe 1 in (2.5 cm) at a time. Any sudden movements could startle the guinea pig.[13]
  4. 4
    Drop the net on the guinea pig when they get very close to you. When the guinea pig is within 2 ft (0.61 m), drop your net on top of them. Don't throw the net or make sudden movements, instead raise the net slowly above the guinea pig as they eats the snack, and drop it from above. The guinea pig may freak out for a second, but this gives you a second or two to pick it up and carry it with you.
    • If you find a lost guinea pig out in the wild, give them a little cage or box with bedding, water, and some food while you look for their rightful owner. Your local shelter can help you if you are not able to take care of them.
    • Bring a pet guinea pig straight back to their cage and comfort them — they were probably pretty stressed and frightened being in a strange place.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Building a Stick and String Trap

  1. 1
    Tie a long piece of string around a stick and cut it to the size of a box. Grab a string or fishing line at least 20 ft (6.1 m) long and tie one end tightly around a tall stick. Then, place the stick under one edge of a box with the bottom cut off — if the box balances, you don't need to cut the stick shorter.[14] If the box tips over and doesn't balance on the stick, cut 1 in (2.5 cm) away until it stays on its own.
    • The box should be tipped to the side with a large opening for the guinea pig to crawl into. The bottom should be cut away so you can trap the guinea pig.
    • Opt for a box at least 2 ft (0.61 m) wide and .75 ft (0.23 m) tall, or two times as large as your target guinea pig.
  2. 2
    Set up the box with bait near the guinea pig, raising one edge with the stick. Once you've made sure the box stands on its own with an edge raised by the stick, bring it out to where you think the guinea pig is. Place it on the ground and set up the stick once again. Then, place a few different offerings at the end of the box touching the ground.[15]
    • While one piece of fruit or vegetable is usually enough to entice a guinea pig, it's best to make a mix of different foods to better lure it into the trap. Use a mix of leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes for an easy and effective option.[16]
  3. 3
    Find an obscured hiding spot nearby to watch the box. Walk away from the trap, keeping the string or fishing line loose so you don't accidentally spring the trap too early. Find a spot where you are obscured from sight but you can still see the box. It may take a short while for the guinea pig to come out of their hiding spot, so be patient but don't make too much noise.[17]
    • If you can, set up a remote camera pointed towards the box and step away to an even further distance. You will still be able to see the box and know when to pull the string, and the guinea pig may come out quickly as it won't be able to sense you nearby.
  4. 4
    Pull the string as soon as you see the guinea pig go for the food. When the guinea pig is tucked away in the trap munching on the bait, pull the string sharply to yank the stick away from the box.[18] The box will fall flat against the ground, trapping the guinea pig. Move quickly towards the box so that the guinea pig doesn't burrow or chew their way out.
    • It's best to wait until the guinea pig is towards the end of the box touching the ground. If you pull the stick while they're just barely under the trap, they're more likely to escape.
    • If the guinea pig manages to get out of the trap, wait for a few minutes before you attempt to trap them again.
    • It may take several attempts, but if you pull the string as the guinea pig is eating they'll have less time to react.
  5. 5
    Place a piece of cardboard under the box and pick it up. If you pick up the box by the sides, the guinea pig will simply run away as soon as they see an exit. Slide a piece of cardboard larger than the bottom of the box underneath and lift it by this piece. The guinea pig will have no means of escape, and you can bring them back home or start looking for their owner.
    • If you are catching a lost guinea pig, look for their owner before you take them home for yourself, or take them to your local shelter.
  6. Advertisement


  • Do not allow guinea pigs to roam free outside without any kind of enclosure. They could easily be attacked by animals or escape your entire yard and be gone forever.

Things You'll Need

Luring Guinea Pigs with Food

  • Various snacks (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli)

Using a Net and Fishing Line

  • At least 10 ft (3.0 m) of fishing line
  • 5 ft (1.5 m) by 5 ft (1.5 m) mesh net
  • Various snacks (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli)

Building a Stick and String Trap

  • Medium box, with bottom cut away
  • Piece of cardboard larger than the bottom of the box
  • At least 20 ft (6.1 m) string or fishing line
  • Stick
  • Various snacks (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli)

About This Article

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 53,069 times.
12 votes - 52%
Co-authors: 21
Updated: August 21, 2021
Views: 53,069
Categories: Guinea Pigs
Article SummaryX

To catch a guinea pig in its cage, start by herding it into a corner of the cage. Then, drape a towel over it to calm it down, and try picking it up. You can also place some food in the middle of its cage to help lure it out of hiding so you can pick it up. Or, you can hold a treat in your hand and wait for your guinea pig to come and eat it. To learn how to catch a guinea pig that's escaped from its cage, scroll down!

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