"Om" or "Aum" is considered to be a universal sound that exists within every word, being and thing. Its origins are in Hinduism and Buddhism, and the chant is also used in yoga.[1] Chanting this sound can help to bring peace and calm to the body, mind and soul. Consider setting aside a time each day to meditate. Chant Om aloud or silently. Silent chanting is viewed as the most effective method because it does not rely on the external (voicebox, facial muscles or lips).[2]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Meditating Aloud

  1. 1
    Set a time of day for chanting. The ideal time to chant Om is first thing in the morning. However, you should choose a time when you believe you’ll be the most relaxed and not in a hurry. Sunrise and sunset are great times for deep meditation.[3]
    • Avoid chanting right after a meal.
  2. 2
    Decide how long you will chant. How long you choose to chant is up to you. Set a timer so that you are not focusing on the clock. Be determined to continue chanting until the timer goes off.[4]
    • For example, you may choose to chant for five minutes, ten minutes, or half an hour.
  3. 3
    Find a calm place to sit in a comfortable position. Make sure the place will be free from distractions. A good position would be to sit on the ground cross-legged, or on your bed. Hold your back straight throughout. Close your eyes and keep them shut.[5]
    • Consider arranging an area specifically for meditating, such as a corner of your bedroom or a separate room.
  4. 4
    Think about what Om represents before chanting. Om is said to represent the whole universe. It’s considered to be the source of all creation. Om encompasses all time periods, from the past through to the present and into the future. Om is eternal oneness of mind, body and spirit with the universe.[6]
  5. 5
    Relax. Don’t worry about chanting perfectly. Om is considered to be the vibration of the universe that no human voice can replicate exactly. The most important consideration is to chant in a relaxed way. Try to do this effortlessly; the more you focus on your effort and technique, the less effective it will be.[7]
    • You may need to exert effort at first to clear your mind of thoughts until you master effortless Om chanting.
  6. 6
    Breathe normally. Repeat Om in a slow, rhythmic way when you exhale. You don’t have to chant with every exhale. Match the length of each chant to the duration of your natural exhale.[8]
    • For instance, you may chant Om, take a breath or two, and then chant again.
  7. 7
    Pronounce Om. The “O” sounds like the “a” sound in the word “saw,” combined with the “u” sound in the word “put.” Blend the “m” into the end. These sounds should all merge together into a single sound similar to the “ome” in “home.”[9]
    • Om is composed of four sounds: “a,” “u,” “m,” and the silence that follows.
    • Give equal measure to each sound. For example, “Ooommm” rather than “ommm” or “ooom.”
  8. 8
    Draw the sound from your navel. Allow the vibration to rise upward gradually until it rings in your nostrils. Try to do this easily and naturally.[10]
  9. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Chanting Om Silently

  1. 1
    Meditate anytime, anywhere. Safety permitting, you can chant Om silently in just about any situation. For example, outside or at work. Sit comfortably and keep your body still. Relax your mind before you begin.[11]
  2. 2
    Chant as long as you feel like chanting. Whereas chanting aloud is usually a long and premeditated practice, chanting mentally is typically short.[12] For instance, you may chant Om for just two minutes while sitting inside your car in a parking space.[13]
    • Silently chant Om whenever you feel like you need peace and centering.
  3. 3
    Chant with or without moving your lips. Consider the situation you are in. For instance, if you are in a movie theater, you can move your mouth with the silent chant. If you’re in a board meeting, it’s advisable not to indicate with your facial expressions that you’re meditating.[14]
    • If you’re going to move your lips, open your mouth wide for the first two syllables. Then purse your lips together for the rest.[15]
    • To chant without physically forming the word, repeat the mantra silently to yourself. Don’t move your lips or tongue.
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Chanting as a Group

  1. 1
    Find a group to chant with. There are over 500 Om chanting groups around the world. Look for a group by searching online for “find an Om chanting group.” Or, enter your city or state and add the keywords “Om chanting group.” Facebook and Meetup are a couple of places you can find such groups locally.
    • Look for Om chanting workshops where attendees sit in a circle and meditate together.
    • Look for yoga classes near you. Some yoga classes chant Om before and/or after each yoga session and some don’t, so call or email either the organization or the instructor, and ask if the group chants Om during class.
  2. 2
    Join your voice with the others. Try to feel relaxed but confident so your voice doesn’t waver. Blend your voice with the chant of everyone so that it is one collective chant.[16]
    • Have an open mind about pronunciation. If the group pronounces “Om” in a different way than you’re used to, go with it. There is no incorrect way to pronounce “Om,” as it differs based on factors like dialect and location. The aim is for everyone to match in tone for a group chant.[17]
    • Approach the chant with a sense of reverence and surrender. This will help you to merge into the vibration of the group chant.[18]
  3. 3
    Lead a chant. Tell the participants that if they aren’t comfortable chanting, they can meditate silently during the chant, or simply listen. View chanting as a connection to the meaning of the chant, rather than a performance. Take a few breaths before chanting and summon the positive feeling of the chant.[19]
    • Try practicing alone before leading group chants.
    • Add instrumental background music for the group chant if desired. Alternately, you can bring a recorded group chant to play in the background.
  4. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Is chanting om dangerous?
    Soken Graf
    Soken Graf
    Certified Meditation Coach
    Soken Graf is a Meditation Coach, Buddhist Priest, Certified Advanced Rolfer, and a Published Author who runs Bodhi Heart Rolfing and Meditation, a spiritual life coaching business based in New York City, New York. Soken has over 25 years of Buddhist training experience and advises entrepreneurs, business owners, designers, and professionals. He has worked with organizations such as the American Management Association as a consultant for training courses on such topics as Mindful Leadership, Cultivating Awareness, and Understanding Wisdom: The Compassionate Principles of Work-Life Balance. In addition to his work as a priest, Soken has certifications in Advanced Rolfing from the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral Therapy, SourcePoint Therapy®, and Cold-Laser Therapy.
    Soken Graf
    Certified Meditation Coach
    Expert Answer
    Not at all! Chanting and breathing during meditation has physiological benefits, and it can help you release negative energy and increase your awareness. Om is about feeling rather than thinking. As you chant, feel like peace, bliss and happiness are enveloping your whole body.
  • Question
    Is it true that I have to sit in the lotus position to meditate?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, that is not true. There are many postures for meditation. You should choose the one that is the most comfortable for you.
  • Question
    Why is early morning considered the best time for meditation?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    At this hour there is not much activity all around and the nature is getting prepared for the day to come with fresh energy all around.

About This Article

Soken Graf
Co-authored by:
Certified Meditation Coach
This article was co-authored by Soken Graf. Soken Graf is a Meditation Coach, Buddhist Priest, Certified Advanced Rolfer, and a Published Author who runs Bodhi Heart Rolfing and Meditation, a spiritual life coaching business based in New York City, New York. Soken has over 25 years of Buddhist training experience and advises entrepreneurs, business owners, designers, and professionals. He has worked with organizations such as the American Management Association as a consultant for training courses on such topics as Mindful Leadership, Cultivating Awareness, and Understanding Wisdom: The Compassionate Principles of Work-Life Balance. In addition to his work as a priest, Soken has certifications in Advanced Rolfing from the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral Therapy, SourcePoint Therapy®, and Cold-Laser Therapy. This article has been viewed 184,457 times.
14 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: March 25, 2023
Views: 184,457
Categories: Hinduism
Article SummaryX

“Om” is a sound commonly chanted in Eastern spiritual practices and represents the universal nature of existence. Chanting it can help to bring peace to your body, mind, and soul. It’s best to chant at a time when you can relax without distraction. Set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes, close your eyes and breathe through your nose. Chant “Om” when you exhale. However, you don’t need to say or think it every time you exhale. You can try every 2 or 3 exhales if it’s more comfortable for you. Although chanting “Om” is a great method of formal meditation, you can also chant it in your head or aloud as you’re going about your day to help you focus or relax. For more tips, including how to chant in a group, read on!

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