Polarized glasses can help reduce glare and improve your sharpness of vision, especially in bright conditions; however, they have been specially treated to achieve this effect, and require special care to maintain their effectiveness and appearance. Not all polarized lenses are the same, and you should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions first. Some general guidelines can help you keep your glasses clean and useful.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Cleaning the Glasses

  1. 1
    Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. There is no universal type of polarized eyewear, and no universal way to keep them all clean. Different manufacturers rely on different techniques and materials to achieve polarization, so the specific care instructions for your eyewear should always be followed.
    • Check your brand’s website or go to a retailer if you need specific advice for your eyewear.
    • Regardless of your brand, however, it is safe to assume that the next several steps will be applicable.
    • If you're unsure whether or not your sunglasses are polarized, check out How to Tell if Your Sunglasses Are Polarized.
  2. 2
    Invest in a microfiber cloth. Who hasn’t rubbed a smudge off their glasses with a shirt tail, sleeve, or tissue? Such materials can be too rough and/or be embedded with dust particles or debris that may scratch the coating on polarized lenses.
    • Many polarized glasses will come with a small microfiber cleaning cloth. If not, they are easy to find in eyewear stores or in the eye care departments of larger retailers.
    • A soft, clean cotton cloth can also be used, but is not as highly recommended by manufacturers.
    • Whatever cloth you use, make sure it is clean. Microfiber cloths can be laundered, but avoid using fabric softeners on them. They can embed undesirable chemicals and oils.
  3. 3
    Use water first. Clean, warm water is the easiest, cheapest, safest, and often most effective way to remove smudges, dirt, oil, etc. from polarized glasses.
    • Before doing any other cleaning, remove surface dust and debris by blowing on your glasses, then (if necessary) running them under warm water.
    • If there is salt residue (from seawater) or any other type of abrasive material on your glasses, be sure to rinse them thoroughly with water before doing any type of rubbing.
    • Rub the lenses with your microfiber cloth while they are still wet from the rinsing, or while still under the running water. Use only as much pressure as needed to remove dirt and smudges.
    • The old-time method of breathing warm, damp air on your lenses and gently wiping them clean is acceptable for quick, minor cleanings. Make sure the lens is moistened all over, however.
  4. 4
    Use lens cleaner only as recommended and needed. Polarized glasses are often expensive, so you may be tempted to skip paying for the lens cleaner. After all, can’t you just use dish soap or window cleaner? Especially when dealing with polarized lenses, the answer is no.
    • Commercial soaps, household cleaners, and especially window cleaners can contain chemicals that will slowly but surely dissolve the coating on your glasses. This will leave them cloudy and less effective at reducing glare.
    • Manufacturers of several popular brands of polarized glasses have specific recommendations for the use of lens cleaners. These include:
      • Buying their own branded cleaner or choosing one with a pH level between 5.5 and 8.[1]
      • Buying a (different company’s) branded cleaner or using another with less than five percent alcohol content.
      • Avoiding the use of cleaners entirely in favor of plain old warm water.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Prolonging Cleanliness and Functionality

  1. 1
    Understand polarization basics. Without going into great detail, polarization works by filtering out horizontal glare — that is, light reflecting off of water, fallen snow, car hoods, etc.
    • The substantial reduction in glare they can achieve helps explain why polarized eyewear is a favorite among skiers, fishermen, and professional drivers.
    • The effect is achieved by applying a thin coating to each surface of the lens. This coating is susceptible to scratching or dissolving without proper care.
  2. 2
    Protect your eyewear. Although there are budget-friendly polarized glasses out there, odds are good that you spent a decent chunk of change on your pair. So always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper care, along with these tips:
    • Always keep your glasses in the provided protective case when not in use. This is one of the easiest ways to prevent scratches and the accumulation of dust and dirt.
    • Don’t leave your glasses exposed to extreme temperatures, which can deform the polarized coating. Avoid, for example, leaving the glasses under the front windshield, where they can bake under the blazing sun.[2]
    • Never “dry rub” your polarized lenses, even with a clean microfiber cloth. The friction caused by even tiny bits of dust or debris can cause damage if not lubricated with water or an approved cleaner.
  3. 3
    Get professional cleanings and repairs. You may receive a cleaning and repair kit with your polarized glasses. Use these as recommended for regular cleanings and minor repairs. However, going back to the retailer or another eyewear store that will do cleanings, inspections, and repairs can really pay off.
    • High quality polarized lenses can be quite expensive, and it is likely worth your investment to have occasional professional care done on them. Go in when something is obviously wrong or the glasses are too caked with oils, residue, etc. for you to clean yourself. Also consider going in for check-ups once or twice a year as well.
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About This Article

Shaune Wallace, OD
Medically reviewed by:
Doctor of Optometry, Southern California College of Optometry
This article was medically reviewed by Shaune Wallace, OD and by wikiHow staff writer, Christopher M. Osborne, PhD. Dr. Wallace is an Optometrist in Nevada with over 14 years of optometry experience. He received his OD from the Southern California College of Optometry in 2006 and is a member of the American Optometric Association. This article has been viewed 163,634 times.
18 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: September 6, 2020
Views: 163,634
Categories: Cleaning Eyeglasses
Article SummaryX

To clean polarized glasses, start by rinsing them off with clean, warm water. Then, use a microfiber cloth to wipe off the lenses while they're still wet. Avoid using other cloths or fabrics to wipe off your lenses since they can scratch the polarized coating. If warm water and a microfiber cloth aren't enough, use a lens cleaner to clean off your glasses, but never use soap or any other household cleaners since they can dissolve the polarized coating. For more advice from our Optomology co-author, like how to keep your polarized glasses in good condition, scroll down!

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