Vinyl furniture requires regular upkeep to remain clean. For routine cleaning, use only mild soap and warm water to gently rub down your vinyl furniture. For stains, use cleaners like bleach and hydrogen peroxide. After cleaning your furniture, take steps to keep it clean. Cover vinyl furniture when it's not in use and wipe up spills promptly to keep them from becoming set.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Doing Routine Cleaning

  1. 1
    Mix warm water and soap. Use a mild soap to clean vinyl furniture. Harsh chemical cleaners are not necessary for a routine cleaning where you're not trying to remove set in stains. In a bucket or bowl, mix a small amount of mild soap with warm water.[1]
    • A mild dish soap is a good option for vinyl furniture.
    • The precise amount of soap and water you need depends on how much vinyl you're cleaning. Larger pieces of vinyl furniture will need more soap and water than smaller furniture.
  2. 2
    Scrub down your vinyl furniture with a soft bristle brush. Opt for a soft, plastic bristle brush. Use this to scrub down the vinyl furniture on all sides. You can use a decent amount of pressure, as vinyl furniture is fairly strong. Scrub as hard as necessary to remove dirt, debris, and any discoloration.
  3. 3
    Rinse your vinyl furniture with clean water. For outdoor vinyl furniture, it's easiest to use a hose to rinse any soap residue from furniture after cleaning it. For indoor furniture, use a rag or towel dipped in clean water.
    • Make sure to hose or wipe down the furniture until water runs clear. Leaving soap residue on your vinyl furniture can cause damage.
  4. 4
    Dry your vinyl furniture. Vinyl furniture should not be left to air dry. After cleaning and rinsing your furniture, pat it dry with a clean towel. Make sure to remove all moisture from your furniture after cleaning it.[2]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Treating Stains

  1. 1
    Use bleach and water on mild stains. If you notice any mild stains on your vinyl furniture during a routine cleaning, a small amount of bleach diluted with water can be used to remove them. Make a mixture of about six percent bleach in water. Dab this onto the vinyl furniture and then rinse it completely with water.[3]
    • Make sure to wear gloves when handling bleach.
    • Never put pure bleach onto vinyl furniture. This can cause damage.
  2. 2
    Remove mildew with ammonium and hydrogen peroxide. To treat built up mildew, mix one tablespoon of ammonium, peroxide, and three fourths a cup of water together. Scrub this into the vinyl furniture until the mildew lifts. Then, rinse the vinyl furniture using a hose or towel. After rinsing, dab the vinyl furniture dry using a clean cloth.
    • Never use ammonium on furniture before or after removing stains with bleach. This can create a deadly gas.
  3. 3
    Make sure to rinse off your stain remover completely. Every time you use a stain remover on vinyl furniture, make sure to rinse it off completely. Stain removers are harsher than regular cleaners and can cause damage and discoloration if left on. Make sure to rinse the vinyl furniture until the water runs clear after treating vinyl furniture for stains.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Maintaining Your Furniture

  1. 1
    Cover your furniture when it's not in use. Use a clean sheet or outdoor covering to cover your vinyl furniture when it's not in use. This will protect your vinyl furniture from dirt and debris, preserving it over time. This is also helpful for vinyl furniture that is stored outside, as it helps protect vinyl furniture from sun damage.
  2. 2
    Wipe away small stains as they occur. If you act fast, you can wipe up stains before they become set. If anything spills on your vinyl furniture, use a rag or paper towel to wipe it up in the moment. This will limit the need to use bleach and other chemicals on vinyl furniture, preserving it over time.
  3. 3
    Clean your vinyl furniture regularly. If you clean your vinyl furniture on a regular basis, this will prevent stains over time. Aim to clean your vinyl furniture every six weeks to maintain it.
    • To keep on track with cleaning, mark when your vinyl furniture is due for cleaning in a calendar.
  4. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Will baking soda clean vinyl furniture?
    Guy Peters
    Guy Peters
    House Cleaning Professional
    Guy Peters is the Owner of MOP STARS Cleaning Service, a complete house cleaning service for residential and commercial clients, based in Denver, Colorado. Founded in 2014, MOP STARS provides regular, move in/out, deep, and commercial cleaning services. Guy has a BA in Finance from the California State University - Sacramento and an MBA from Cornell University.
    Guy Peters
    House Cleaning Professional
    Expert Answer
    Vinyl furniture can be sensitive, so it’s important to not use anything too abrasive for cleaning. Dish soap and water is your best option, but always use the soft side of a sponge or rag to apply the solution.
  • Question
    How do you get tough stains out of vinyl seats?
    Guy Peters
    Guy Peters
    House Cleaning Professional
    Guy Peters is the Owner of MOP STARS Cleaning Service, a complete house cleaning service for residential and commercial clients, based in Denver, Colorado. Founded in 2014, MOP STARS provides regular, move in/out, deep, and commercial cleaning services. Guy has a BA in Finance from the California State University - Sacramento and an MBA from Cornell University.
    Guy Peters
    House Cleaning Professional
    Expert Answer
    Tough stains can be removed with rubbing alcohol, but use a cotton ball to apply and always test on a hidden area first.
  • Question
    My old 1960 Vinyl chairs are now very sticky. Is there a cleaner that is safe to use?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Mix 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 3 cups of water, then scrub with the solution.


  • Before using a new cleaner on vinyl furniture, test it out on a small, unnoticeable patch of the furniture to make sure it does not cause discoloration or damage.
  • Do not mix ammonia and household bleach, since it causes toxic fumes.


  1. Guy Peters. House Cleaning Professional. Expert Interview. 12 July 2021.
  2. Guy Peters. House Cleaning Professional. Expert Interview. 12 July 2021.

About This Article

Guy Peters
Co-authored by:
House Cleaning Professional
This article was co-authored by Guy Peters. Guy Peters is the Owner of MOP STARS Cleaning Service, a complete house cleaning service for residential and commercial clients, based in Denver, Colorado. Founded in 2014, MOP STARS provides regular, move in/out, deep, and commercial cleaning services. Guy has a BA in Finance from the California State University - Sacramento and an MBA from Cornell University. This article has been viewed 65,680 times.
13 votes - 92%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: November 24, 2022
Views: 65,680
Categories: Cleaning Furniture
Article SummaryX

To clean vinyl furniture, start by mixing a few drops of dish soap with warm water. Then, use a soft bristle brush to scrub any dirt and debris from the furniture. Next, remove any stains by dabbing them with a solution of bleach diluted with water. After that, use a rag or towel dipped in clean water to rinse off the bleach and soap. Finally, pat your furniture completely dry with a clean towel. For more tips, including how to clean mildew from your vinyl furniture, scroll down!

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