While wrestling shoes can be cleaned with techniques and tools similar to those used for sneakers, basketball shoes, and other athletic footwear, you should keep some special considerations in mind. For instance, since good wrestling shoes are made to take a beating, soak up sweat, and dry out quickly, a well-made pair should be able to survive regular cleanings in the washing machine. More importantly, because of the ease by which skin conditions and other illnesses can be spread via wrestlers and their equipment and mats, it is very important to frequently disinfect wrestling shoes.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Disinfecting the Shoes Regularly

  1. 1
    Prohibit dirty shoes from touching the wrestling mat. For as long as there have been wrestlers, they have had to deal with various communicable skin conditions like ringworm and impetigo, as well as other viral, fungal, and bacterial illnesses. Unfortunately, contaminated shoe bottoms are one of the major culprits for spreading germs and disease.[1]
    • Whether you're a wrestler, coach, official, or parent, make it the rule that wrestling shoes must be disinfected properly before a wrestler can set foot on the mat.
  2. 2
    Use the proper kind of disinfectant in the proper manner. To disinfect wrestling shoes, use a low level disinfectant spray or cleaner with virucidal, fungicidal, and bactericidal properties. Lysol Brand IC is a popular choice, but brand names are less important than the ingredients and disinfecting properties.[2]
    • Follow the product instructions precisely for mixing and using the solution, and regarding how much and how long it takes to properly disinfect a surface.
  3. 3
    Focus on the soles of the shoes. While you can wipe down the entire pair of shoes, the main problem area tends to be the soles on the bottom. Wrestling shoes that are regularly washed and properly maintained don't necessarily need to be disinfected from top to bottom every time. But treat the soles of even the cleanest, newest shoes as contaminated until they have been properly disinfected on the spot.
  4. 4
    Give wrestlers a convenient place to wipe their shoe bottoms. While spraying or wiping down the shoes at the mat's edge and then putting them on will work, it's not always the most convenient option. Instead, place towels that have been saturated in the disinfecting solution at the edge of the mat, and have each wrestler thoroughly clean their shoe soles on this makeshift doormat.
    • You can also purchase doormat-type products made to clean the bottoms of wrestling shoes and apply disinfectant.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Washing Them Inside and Out

  1. 1
    Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning the shoes. Shoemakers often recommend that you not put basketball or tennis shoes in a washing machine (or especially a clothes dryer), although most shoes will probably survive the process just fine. Because of their ruggedness and quick-dry construction, though, you'll usually find a recommendation that wrestling shoes can be put in the wash.[3]
  2. 2
    Set the washer to cold water, and try a gentle wash and spin. Unless otherwise recommended by the shoemaker, start with the least aggressive wash settings. Add a few old towels to limit the shoes' banging against the wash drum, or put them in a pillowcase. Add a normal or perhaps slightly lesser amount of detergent.
    • Take out any removable insoles and shoestrings before starting the wash. You can wash them along with the shoes.
  3. 3
    Air dry the shoes. If you have the time, it's easier on the shoes to skip the clothes dryer. Place some newspaper inside the shoes and stick them in an airy, sunny spot if possible.
    • Remember, most wrestling shoes are made to dry quickly, so they may be completely dry within several hours, if not certainly overnight.
  4. 4
    Get more aggressive with beat-up or really stinky shoes. If your shoes are well-worn, filthy, and nearing the end of their useful lives, you don't have much to lose by adjusting the washing machine to the warm or hot water settings.[5] Set it to a regular wash cycle, but keep it on a low spin setting. Use towels or a pillowcase to reduce clanging and possible impact damage.[6]
    • If you're in a rush or aren't overly worried about the minor risk to your shoes, go ahead and put them in the dryer as well. But don't get too daring — put the dryer on its low heat setting. And throw the old towels from the wash in as well.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Dealing with Scuffs and Smells

  1. 1
    Wipe the shoes with warm water and dish soap. Lightly moisten the shoes' exteriors with a clean cloth dipped in plain, warm water. Add a few drops of dish soap to the water and swish it around. Dip another clean cloth, or a soft-bristled brush (like a shoe brush or toothbrush) into the solution and wipe the shoe down. Wipe away soap residue with a final clean cloth dampened with just water.[7]
    • Most wrestling aficionados recommend using your shoes only on the mat, so they probably won't have caked-on dirt on them. If they do, though, wipe that away with a clean, dry brush or cloth before proceeding.
  2. 2
    Try toothpaste for stubborn stains or scuffs. Add a small dab of plain, white toothpaste to either your first two fingers, a clean cloth, or a soft brush that has been dipped in the dish soap solution. Scrub the stain or scuff in a circular motion. Wipe away the toothpaste with a clean, damp cloth. Repeat as needed.
    • A toothpaste scrub can be particularly helpful for scuffs on the rubberized areas on the soles or toes of the shoes.
    • Instead of toothpaste, you can also make a paste with baking soda and water. Use a few spoonfuls of baking soda, and stir in small amounts of water until you achieve a toothpaste consistency.
  3. 3
    Clean shoelaces and any inserts separately. Whether you're washing your wrestling shoes by machine, by hand, or both, it's most effective to remove the laces and any inserts. You can use the same hand soap cleaning solution, or just machine wash them.[8]
    • Cleaning insoles or inserts with the baking soda paste may help with odor control as well.
    • Make sure the laces and inserts are fully dry before re-inserting them.
    • It's best to replace worn or frayed laces — you don't want them to snap in the middle of a match!
  4. 4
    Deodorize the shoes often. Wrestling shoes can get very stinky very quickly, especially after a few sweaty practices or meets. Regular washing will help, but you should also regularly deodorize the insides as well. Commercial shoe deodorizers are a solid option, but you can also try some DIY solutions.
    • Try, for instance, sprinkling baking soda into the shoes overnight. This works best if the shoes are already completely dry.[9]
    • Or, try placing a dryer sheet into each shoe overnight.[10]
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What is the best way to clean insoles?
    Moe Draper
    Moe Draper
    Shoe Care & Repair Specialist
    Moe Draper is a Shoe Care and Repair Specialist and the Owner of Detroit Shoe Shine and Shoe Repair. With over 20 years of personal experience, Moe specializes in shoe shining, cosmetic restorations for quality leather goods, and minor/major shoe repair services. Moe and his staff at Detroit Shoe Shine and Repair have over 30 years of combined experience and knowledge.
    Moe Draper
    Shoe Care & Repair Specialist
    Expert Answer
    If the insoles of your shoes are removable, place them in a laundry bag and wash them on a delicate cycle. You can also remove old insoles and replace them with new ones. If you can't remove the insoles, you should take them to a shoe repair shop to have them professionally removed and replaced.


About This Article

Moe Draper
Co-authored by:
Shoe Care & Repair Specialist
This article was co-authored by Moe Draper and by wikiHow staff writer, Christopher M. Osborne, PhD. Moe Draper is a Shoe Care and Repair Specialist and the Owner of Detroit Shoe Shine and Shoe Repair. With over 20 years of personal experience, Moe specializes in shoe shining, cosmetic restorations for quality leather goods, and minor/major shoe repair services. Moe and his staff at Detroit Shoe Shine and Repair have over 30 years of combined experience and knowledge. This article has been viewed 27,131 times.
4 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: November 14, 2022
Views: 27,131
Categories: Wrestling | Cleaning Shoes