Cleaning a silver necklace at home is as simple as gathering a few simple items, such as a microfiber cloth and some dish soap or baking soda. However, while some jewelry can be easily cleaned at home, you should leave other pieces up to the professionals, such as antique silver, fragile necklaces, and necklaces with precious stones in them. When cleaning at home, you can start with the soap and baking soda to methods, then try other methods like the toothpaste method and the aluminum bath.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using Soap and Water

  1. 1
    Use a cloth that doesn't scratch. A microfiber cloth or a jewelry-polishing cloth are ideal for polishing your necklace. These cloths won't scratch your jewelry like paper towels or even tissues can. You want something soft and lint-free for polishing.[1]
    • If you need to get into small areas, try a cotton swab.
  2. 2
    Start with a bit of soap. If your silver necklace is only mildly tarnished, you can start by using a bit of dish soap. In a cup of warm water, add a few drops of the soap. Stir it up, then wet your cloth with the solution to start polishing your necklace.[2]
  3. 3
    Rub along the grain. You may think the ideal polishing motion is circular. However, that can actually scratch up your silver. A better idea is to rub back and forth, making sure to go along the grain of the metal, which is less likely to scratch it.[3]
    • With the chain, you may need to gently rub it between two fingers, using the cloth.
    • Continue to move to clean sections of the cloth, so you're not adding tarnish back on to the necklace.
    • You can also use a clean soft-bristled toothbrush for detailed areas, though try not to brush too hard.
  4. 4
    Avoid intentionally oxidized details. In some cases, the person who made the necklace may have let certain parts of the jewelry darken to highlight details. If you have a piece like that, you need to avoid polishing those areas so you don't lose some of the beauty of your piece.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Other Polishes

  1. 1
    Try other polishes. If your jewelry is more tarnished, you may need to get actual jewelry polish to clean the necklace. Alternatively, you can make a paste of baking soda and water and rub it into the necklace as a polish.[5]
    • Another option is half a cup of lemon juice with a tablespoon of olive oil.[6]
    • You can also use toothpaste. The ingredient in the toothpaste that polishes the silver is hydrated silica, so look for that ingredient; tartar control toothpastes will have more of this ingredient. However, whatever you use on your teeth is likely fine for silver,[7] though gel varieties likely won't work as well.[8]
    Kennon Young

    Kennon Young

    Master Gemologist Appraiser
    Kennon Young is a Master Gemologist Appraiser and the Owner of Vermont Gemological Laboratory in Burlington, Vermont. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Kennon and his team specialize in handmade engagement rings, wedding bands, and custom jewelry. He attended the Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, the Gemological Institute of America, and the Rhode Island School of Design Extension. He is a Jewelers of America (JA) Certified Bench Jeweler Technician and received the highest credential in the jewelry appraisal industry, the ASA Master Gemologist Appraiser, in 2016.
    Kennon Young
    Kennon Young
    Master Gemologist Appraiser

    Use a commercial silver cleaner for the best results. Over time, silver oxidizes, so you really need to clean it with a light acid in order to deoxidize that. Silver cleaners often contain a light sulfuric acid, which is very effective. However, those acids can be damaging to organic materials like bone or ivory that are often found in silver jewelry and flatware, so those pieces should probably be cleaned by a professional.

  2. 2
    Apply the paste. Put a small dab of the paste on the necklace. If you have precious or semi-precious stones on your necklace, this method may not be the best one, though you can try to avoid the stone. Just a pea-sized dab should be enough, and you can always add more later.[9]
  3. 3
    Scrub the silver. For this part, you can start out just using your fingers, if you'd like, though only do so if you're using a natural paste; grab a microfiber cloth if you're using professional silver polish. Rub the paste into the silver, including the chain if it's also tarnished. Basically, it's like your rubbing soap into the silver, but you're using a paste instead.[10] You can also use a soft-bristled toothbrush (one you're not going to brush with!), but you can end up scratching it if you try to brush too hard.[11]
  4. 4
    Rinse the silver. Once the tarnish is mostly gone, run the necklace under water. Carefully wash off all the paste, as any left on will look funny. You can repeat the process, as well, if you didn't manage to get all the tarnish off.[12]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Trying the Aluminum Bath Method

  1. 1
    Set up the bath. Start with an aluminum pie plate or a bowl with aluminum foil covering the inside. Add a tablespoon (15 milliliters) of salt to the plate. Next, add a tablespoon of either water softener powder OR baking soda.[13]
    • While some people use this method on necklaces with precious or semi-precious stones, it could cause damage, so it's better not to risk it if it is valuable. Similarly, it's best not to try this method on antique or fragile silver.
    • This process will remove all the tarnish, including decorative oxidized areas (black areas put in place to create a design).
    • You can also add 1/2 a cup (118 milliliters) of white vinegar at this point. Keep in mind, vinegar will cause the baking soda to react, so watch for overflow.[14]
  2. 2
    Create the solution. Next, pour in hot water. A cup (237 milliliters) or so will be enough. It should be close to boiling, but it doesn't need to be boiling. Stir the water, making sure the salt and baking soda are fully dissolved into it.[15]
  3. 3
    Let the necklace soak in the solution. Once the solution is ready, put the necklace in the solution. It should be touching the aluminum, so that the tarnish will move from the silver to the aluminum. Let it soak for a couple of minutes. You can do a bit more if the necklace is especially tarnished.[16]
  4. 4
    Remove the necklace. Use tongs or a fork to take the necklace out. With a microfiber, polish any areas on the necklace that need a bit more work. Be gentle with more fragile areas. Dry the piece off, and put it away.[17]
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  • Consider taking antique or fragile pieces to a professional cleaner who will be more experienced in the cleaning process.[19]

About This Article

Kennon Young
Co-authored by:
Master Gemologist Appraiser
This article was co-authored by Kennon Young. Kennon Young is a Master Gemologist Appraiser and the Owner of Vermont Gemological Laboratory in Burlington, Vermont. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Kennon and his team specialize in handmade engagement rings, wedding bands, and custom jewelry. He attended the Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, the Gemological Institute of America, and the Rhode Island School of Design Extension. He is a Jewelers of America (JA) Certified Bench Jeweler Technician and received the highest credential in the jewelry appraisal industry, the ASA Master Gemologist Appraiser, in 2016. This article has been viewed 289,931 times.
14 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: November 17, 2022
Views: 289,931
Article SummaryX

To clean your silver necklace, put a few drops of dish soap into a cup of warm water and wet a microfiber cloth with the solution. When you start cleaning, rub back and forth along the grain rather than using a circular motion to avoid scratching your jewelry. As you work, clean the cloth regularly so you don’t return tarnish to the necklace. If soap doesn’t remove the tarnish, try applying a paste made out of water and baking soda to the necklace, or use some toothpaste. Once most of the tarnish is gone, wash the silver under cold water to remove the paste. If you want to learn how to clean your silver necklace in an aluminum bath, keep reading the article!

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