Using an electric smoker makes it possible to truly enjoy delicious smoked foods year-round. But just like any other type of oven, an electric smoker can get dirty quickly when you use it a lot, which can cause it to malfunction. Cleaning your smoker regularly, after every three to five uses, ensures that it will work well and create the great-tasting dishes you’ve grown to love each time you use it[1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Cleaning Your Smoker's Removable Components

  1. 1
    Let your electric smoker cool down if you just finished using it. Cleaning an electric smoker is much easier when it has just been used. Any debris and buildup will be warm and easier to remove than debris and buildup that has been hardening in an unused unit.
    • If you haven't used your smoker in a while, you can also heat it to its maximum temperature for about one hour, and then let it cool down. [2]
    • Though electric smoker models vary, the maximum temperature for your average model is 275 °F (135 °C).[3]
    • Once your smoker cools down, you should be able to touch all the surfaces and components inside without any pain or discomfort to your hands.
  2. 2
    Take out your smoker’s removable components. Most electric smokers come with a water pan, a drip tray, and racks that collect grease and debris from use. Soak the removable components in your kitchen or workroom sink in hot, soapy water. Soaking loosens grease and debris for a quick and easy wash.[4]
  3. 3
    Wash the racks, water pan and drip tray by hand with hot soapy water. You may need to use your scouring sponge and scraper to remove stubborn debris. Overall, though, these components should be easy to clean once soaked.
    • Depending on the size of your smoker, your drip tray, water pan and racks might be small enough to place in the dishwasher.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Cleaning the Inside of Your Smoker

  1. 1
    Dump the ash out of the smoker box. The smoker box is where you put the wood chips during the smoking process for flavor. If the ash is still warm, dump it in a non-combustible container to prevent fire. If it's cold, you can dump it in a regular trash can. Wipe the smoker box clean with a damp cloth.
  2. 2
    Place a tarp under your smoker to catch debris. Then, scrape the debris out of your smoker. You should use your plastic scraper and soft-bristle brush to remove big chunks of debris from the walls and floor of your smoker. Brush the debris into a small pile at the edge of the smoker's floor, and then brush it onto the tarp.
    • You want to scrape the inside of your smoker gently. The point of cleaning your smoker is to remove the big chunks of debris only.[5]
    • Be sure to clean the far corners inside the smoking chamber as they often get overlooked.
  3. 3
    Wipe down the walls and surfaces inside your smoker. Start by squeezing most of the water out of your sponge. Then, wipe the inside of your smoker to remove grease buildup only.
    • Remember, the walls of your smoker get darker with each use, so avoid trying to scrub them clean.
    • The darkening, called seasoning, prevents rust and makes your smoker work better.
  4. 4
    Clean the smoker’s glass door. Grease builds up quickly on an electric smoker’s glass door, which prevents you from seeing your food as it smokes. You can remove the grease by scrubbing the door with the scouring pad side of your sponge and warm, soapy water. Rinse your smoker door after removing the grease.
    • Alternatively, spray grill cleaner on the door to loosen the grease and wipe the glass clean with a damp sponge.[6]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Cleaning the Outside of Your Smoker

  1. 1
    Wipe the outside of your smoker with a damp cloth. Dust collects on a smoker whether you use it indoors or outdoors. To keep your smoker looking its best, wipe the top and the sides. You should also check the back and gently wipe away any cobwebs and dust that might have collected if you haven’t used your smoker in a while.
    • Don’t forget to wipe the door seal. Grease buildup on the door seal may cause your electric smoker to stop working properly.
  2. 2
    Dry your smoker inside and out using a big wad of paper towels. You can also use old newspapers to dry your smoker if you run out of paper towels. Then let the unit sit with the door open to air dry for at least one hour, while you are close by. You should also dry the racks, drip tray and water pan with paper towels to absorb any residual moisture.
    • You want to avoid putting your smoker away while it’s still damp from cleaning to prevent rust and mold. [7]
  3. 3
    Put the removable components back inside your smoker. Though smoker models vary, it's best to put the components back from bottom to top. This means the smokebox, water pain and drip tray should go in first, followed by the racks. You can store your smoker in its place once it has dried completely.
  4. Advertisement


  • Caustic cleaners can ruin the taste of smoked food, so avoid using them inside your electric smoker.[8]
  • Wipe your smoker's temperature probe with a damp cloth instead of immersing it in water to prevent damage.
  • After cleaning, check your smoker for plastic bristles that may have dislodged from the soft-bristle brush. These can make your food taste bad, too.

Things You'll Need

  • A plastic scraper
  • A plastic, soft bristle brush
  • A kitchen sponge with scouring pad
  • An absorbent cloth
  • Paper towels
  • A bucket
  • A tarp or old piece of vinyl
  • Dark-colored apron or old clothing
  • Heavy-duty rubber gloves
  • Dish detergent
  • Grill cleaner, optional

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8 votes - 63%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: September 28, 2022
Views: 21,659
Categories: Cleaning