The Battle Frontier is a special battle area in Pokémon Emerald Version that is an expansion of the singular Battle Tower that existed in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. In addition to the Battle Tower, there are 6 new facilities: the Battle Arena, Battle Factory, Battle Palace, Battle Dome, Battle Pike and the Battle Pyramid. Each of these areas will have an ultimate Trainer called a Frontier Brain. In order to completely conquer the Battle Frontier, each Brain must be defeated twice.

Method 1
Method 1 of 8:

Preparing for Battle

  1. 1
    Know the Rules. Although each battle facility has its own set of rules, the following rules apply to all facilities:
    • Eggs are not allowed. In addition, the following Legendary Pokémon are ineligible to participate – Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi and Deoxys.
    • No duplicate items: Pokémon registered for a challenge cannot be holding two of the same item. For example, if you have a Pikachu and Electrike in your team, they both cannot be holding a Magnet. As long as this rule is observed, all items are allowed.
    • No money or experience (Exp.) points will be awarded after a battle. Also, any Pokémon encountered in a facility will not be recorded in the Pokédex, even if you have never seen it before.
    • The use of your Bag and any items included are prohibited during battle. Give your Pokémon any necessary items before beginning a challenge.
  2. 2
    Make sure your Pokémon are sufficiently prepared and trained. Because the Battle Frontier is a dynamic area with different facilities and battling rules, you need to ensure that you have Pokémon specially trained for each facility. They need to have the proper Natures and moves, as well as any helpful Abilities. It is also advantageous to have your Pokémon EV trained. Find out more about EV training here: How to EV Train your Pokémon
  3. 3
    Persevere. In order to face the Frontier Brain of a facility, you will need to achieve certain winning streaks. Depending on the facility, this may entail winning battles consecutively, or clearing a set amount of rooms or floors for each challenge. Because keeping a winning streak alive is a daunting task, it may take a while before you can encounter a Frontier Brain for either the Silver or Gold Symbol challenge. Don’t give up! Should you earn all 7 Gold Symbols, your Trainer card will go up in rank.
  4. 4
    Use your Battle Points (BP) wisely. BP are awarded after each challenge, and the amount awarded will depend on the facility and how well you battle. These BP can be exchanged at the Exchange Service Corner for items, vitamins, or Secret Base decorations. Use your BP to purchase helpful items that will aid you in your challenges.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 8:

Defeating the Battle Factory

  1. 1
    Know the arena well. In this facility, you are not allowed to use your own Pokémon. Instead, you are provided with rental Pokémon. This facility tests how knowledgeable you are about battling, as well as type matchups. If you win all 7 battles, you will have cleared a set.
  2. 2
    Choose your Pokémon and plan a strategy. Before the challenge begins, a scientist on behalf of the facility will take your Pokémon and give you 6 to choose between. From these 6, you may rent 3. Be sure to go through each of the Pokémon’s summaries in order to formulate the most effective team possible. Consider the types, Abilities, movesets and held items.
  3. 3
    Pay attention to any advice given. Before a battle (excluding the one with the Frontier Brain), a scientist will inform you of the upcoming opponent’s battling style. Based on what is said, the opponent will have Pokémon that knows certain moves.
    • For example, an opponent that "appears to be high risk, high return" will most likely have Pokémon with moves that are powerful, but either have poor accuracy or high recoil damage.
    • Be flexible. After you defeat a Trainer, you are given the option of switching one of your Pokémon with that of your defeated opponent before proceeding to the next battle. Again, consider your Pokémon strategy and decide accordingly. This can determine how the following battle will turn out.
  4. 4
    Defeat Noland. The Frontier Brain of the Battle Factory is known as Noland, the Factory Head. He is challenged at the 21st and 42nd battle in a streak (Silver and Gold Symbol, respectively). This means that for the Silver challenge, Noland will be the final Trainer of the 3rd consecutive set. For the Gold challenge, he will be the final Trainer of the 7th consecutive set. Like you, he will also use random Pokémon. Once he is defeated, he will award the respective Knowledge Symbol.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 8:

Defeating the Battle Arena

  1. 1
    Know your facility. The Battle Arena is located east of the Battle Tower and north of the Battle Palace. Sparring matches between Trainers and Pokémon are often held here. In this facility, you will fight with 3 of your own Pokémon against a series of Trainers. The only limitation: you only have three turns to defeat each of your opponent’s Pokémon. If you fail to defeat a Pokémon in the given turn limit, the match will go to judging. Again, if you win all 7 battles, you clear a round. This facility tests the power and will of you and your Pokémon. At the end of 3 turns in a battle, both combatants are judged on the following traits:
    • Mind. For every effective attack, a Pokémon is awarded 1 point in this category. However, no points are awarded. move used requires that the user be hit first (such as with Counter or Mirror Coat). A maximum of 2 points can be awarded in this category.
    • Skill. This category assesses a Pokémon’s accuracy. One point is awarded for every successful move. A maximum of 2 points can be awarded.
    • Body. This category measures a Pokémon’s vitality. The Pokémon’s HP (hit points) at the end of the 3rd round is compared to its HP at the beginning of the 1st round. The Pokémon with the better ratio wins the 2 points in this category.
  2. 2
    Defeat Greta. The Frontier Brain of the Battle Arena is known as Greta, the Arena Tycoon. She is encountered after the 28th and 56th battle in a streak. This means that for the Silver challenge, Greta will be the final Trainer of the 4th consecutive round. For the Gold challenge, she will be the final Trainer of the 8th consecutive round. Once defeated, she will award the respective Guts Symbol.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 8:

Defeating the Battle Dome

  1. 1
    Know your facility. The Battle Dome, located in the top left corner of the Battle Frontier, is a large hall that hosts battling tournaments. Trainers enter these tournaments with hope of becoming the Dome Champion. In this facility, you select 3 Pokémon for the challenge and 2 Pokémon for each battle. In each challenge, you face off against 15 other Trainers in a tournament-like fashion. In order to clear one set at the Battle Dome, you need to win 4 matches. Before each match, you can check the tournament tree to see who the other Trainers are, their Pokémon, as well as their battling style. The Battle Dome tests how well you function as a strategist.
  2. 2
    Defeat Tucker. The Frontier Brain of the Battle Dome is known as Tucker, the Dome Ace. He is encountered after the 20th and 40th wins in a streak. This means that for the Silver challenge, Tucker will be the final Trainer of the 5th consecutive championship win. For the Gold challenge, he will be the final Trainer of the 10th consecutive championship win. Once defeated, he will award you the Tactics Symbol.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 8:

Defeating the Battle Pike

  1. 1
    Know your facility. The Battle Pike is a large pike designed in the image of a Seviper. Inside it are 21 rooms, grouped into sets of three. Going through 14 rooms in a row clears a set. Using 3 of your Pokémon, you must choose one of the rooms in a set in order to proceed. Based on your choice, you may encounter Trainer battles, wild Pokémon, having your Pokémon healed by the maids on duty, or a Trainer whose Pokémon will inflict a status problem to your Pokémon. The Battle Pike tests your luck in making decisions.
  2. 2
    Pay attention to advice offered. Before you select a room, there is a maid standing near the rooms. If talked to, she gives a hint as to what to expect in one of the rooms. By heeding her advice, you can save yourself from unnecessary battles or have your Pokémon healed frequently.
  3. 3
    Carry berries that can cure status problems. The main nuisance of the Battle Pike is to be afflicted by status ailments such as poison and paralysis, so it is recommended that you either carry useful berries (such as Pecha or Cheri Berries), or carry Pokémon that are immune to certain status ailments. For example, carrying a Steel-type Pokémon will avoid poisoning, as Poison-type moves do not affect Steel-type Pokémon.
  4. 4
    Defeat Lucy. The Frontier Brain of the Battle Pike is Lucy, also known as the Pike Queen. She is encountered after you go through 27 and 139 rooms in a streak. This means that Lucy will be in the final room of the 2nd consecutive pass through the Battle Pike for the Silver challenge, and in the final room of the 10th consecutive pass for the Gold challenge. Upon her defeat, she will award the Luck Symbol.
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Method 6
Method 6 of 8:

Defeating the Battle Palace

  1. 1
    now your facility. Battle Palace is located to the south of the Battle Arena. This facility is unique from the others in the sense that you, the Trainer, do not give any commands to your Pokémon in battle. Instead, the Pokémon fight on its own. For each challenge, you battle Trainers with 3 of your Pokémon. Defeating 7 Trainers successively clears one set in the facility. The Battle Palace tests how close you are with your Pokémon.
  2. 2
    Choose your Pokémon wisely. Natures as well as movesets of the Pokémon entered into a Palace challenge can determine how each battle plays out. There are 3 categories that moves can fall in at the Battle Palace:
    • Support moves: These include non-damage dealing moves that cause trouble for the opponent in the form of causing status problems, lowering their stats, limiting their movement, etc. The only exceptions are Counter and Mirror Coat. Although these moves deal damage, they do so by redirecting the opponent’s power back at them – unlike normal damage dealing moves that utilizes the user’s own power. Examples of support moves are Poison Powder, Nightmare and Curse.
    • Defense moves: These include moves that benefit the user in the form of raising their stats, providing protection from attacks, restoring HP, etc. Examples include Withdraw, Protect and Heal Bell.
    • Attack moves: These are just any other moves that do not fit into the two categories above. These moves directly inflict damage on the opponent. Examples include Thunderbolt, Tackle and Focus Punch.
  3. 3
    Defeat Spenser. The Frontier Brain of the Battle Palace is Spenser, also known as the Palace Maven. He is encountered after the 20th and 41st wins in a streak (Gold Symbol). This means that Spenser will be the final Trainer of the 3rd consecutive set through the Battle Palace for the Silver challenge, and the 6th consecutive set for the Gold. Upon his defeat, he will award the Spirits Symbol.
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Method 7
Method 7 of 8:

Defeating the Battle Tower

  1. 1
    Know your facility. The Battle Tower, which was introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, makes its return in Pokémon Emerald. It is the most standard of the facilities in the sense that there are no special rules here – The objective is just to keep a winning streak for as long as possible. In a Battle Tower challenge, you face Trainers using 3 of your Pokémon. Defeat 7 Trainers in succession in order to clear a set. The Battle Tower tests your ability to keep your win streak going.
  2. 2
    Defeat Anabel. The Frontier Brain of the Battle Tower is Anabel, also known as the Salon Maiden. She is encountered after the 34th and 69th wins in a streak. This means that Anabel will be the final Trainer of the 5th and 10th consecutive sets. Upon her defeat, she will award the Ability Symbol.
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Method 8
Method 8 of 8:

Defeating the Battle Pyramid

  1. 1
    Know your facility: The Battle Pyramid, located in the top right corner of the Battle Frontier, is a large orange pyramid comprising of 7 floors completely enveloped in darkness. Using 3 of your Pokémon, you must navigate the dark passageways and climb the pyramid floors until you reach the top. In addition, the player will not be allowed to carry their Bag inside. Instead, a special Bag is provided for item gathering during the challenge. In addition to finding items, you may also encounter Trainers and wild Pokémon. If you clear 7 floors successively and climb to the top of the Battle Pyramid, you clear a set. Furthermore, every time a set is cleared, the inside mazes change. As you are basically walking blind, the Battle Pyramid tests your bravery in the face of the unknown.
  2. 2
    Hunt for items. The Battle Pyramid is the only facility in which you can freely customize the items that you give your Pokémon. Since the floors change with each run through the pyramid, the items will also change. It is a good idea to collect as many different items as possible, as well as keeping your floor streak up.
  3. 3
    Use Pokémon that can adapt. With each run through the Battle Pyramid, you will encounter wild Pokémon which will either be of a certain type, or will know moves that cause a status ailment. Therefore, it is a good idea to carry Pokémon with either abilities or moves that cancel or counter these problems. With regards to status problems, the following list shows how to cure/prevent each possible ailment:
    • Poison – Pecha Berry, the Ability Immunity
    • Paralysis – Cheri Berry, the Ability Limber
    • Confusion – Persim Berry, the Ability Own Tempo
    • Sleep – Chesto Berry, the Abilities Vital Spirit or Insomnia
    • Burn – Rawst Berry, the Ability Water Veil
    • Freezing – Aspear Berry, the Ability Magma Armor
    • Infatuation – Mental Herb, the Ability Oblivious
  4. 4
    Defeat Brandon. The Frontier Brain of the Battle Pyramid is Brandon, also known as the Pyramid King. He is encountered after the 21st and 70th floors in a streak. This means that Brandon will be at the peak of the pyramid of the 5th and 10th consecutive sets. Upon his defeat, he will award the respective Brave Symbol.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Exactly what streak does Brandon appear on?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Brandon appears after completing three rounds of seven floors for the silver symbol and after the tenth round of seven floors for the gold symbol.
  • Question
    How do I get to the battle frontier?
    Hannah Creasor
    Hannah Creasor
    Community Answer
    The battle frontier is an area accessible in the post-game. You need to complete the game to access it.


  • Do ‘’not’’ start a challenge if your game system is low on power. A win streak is not saved until the challenge is cleared. If your challenge is suddenly interrupted before you can clear it, you will be disqualified. Therefore, you will lose your streak and will have to restart.
  • In order to access the Battle Frontier, you must be in the Hall of Fame. That is, you must have beaten the Elite Four and Champion of the Pokémon League. Upon returning to Littleroot Town after entering the Hall of Fame, Norman will give you a ticket. This ticket will take you to the Battle Frontier from either Slateport City or Lilycove City’s harbor. After reaching the Battle Frontier for the first time, you may easily use Fly to reach there.

About This Article

Madeleine Flamiano
Co-authored by:
Role-playing Game Enthusiast
This article was co-authored by Madeleine Flamiano. Madeleine Flamiano is a Role-playing Game Enthusiast based in Berkeley, California. She has over 20 years of gaming experience and is an avid gamer in all parts of her life—she's especially fond of tabletop board games and the world of Pokémon. Pokémon Crystal Version is her favorite game in the franchise. Some of her greatest feats were evolving Eevee to a Level 99 Umbreon and collecting every legendary bird Pokémon. Her professional path started at NaNoWriMo, where she scripted a summer-long world-building series and hosted its Virtual Write-Ins. She has written seven books for DDCO Publishing, which specializes in LitRPG and is operated by New York Times Bestseller JA Cipriano. She has ranked in the Top 100 list for Dark Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery, and Fantasy Romance. She was voted by her peers as "The Perfectionist" on Roleplay Adventures, a SERP for forum roleplaying. Madeleine graduated from Mills College with a B.A. in English with a concentration in Literature and a Minor in Philosophy. This article has been viewed 99,148 times.
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Updated: March 6, 2023
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