Building a personal relationship with God can seem impossible, especially in your early days as a follower. After all, if you can't see or hear Him, how do you know if He can hear you? Fortunately, God established prayer as a way for us to talk to Him—but you can express yourself to God in other ways, as well. And while you might not be able to physically hear God's voice, there are ways you can listen for His guidance in your life.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Praying to God

  1. 1
    Pray wherever you are, any time of day or night. While you might picture praying as kneeling with your hands folded, there's no certain position you have to be in to pray. You can pray while you're driving, walking, cooking, or anything else you're doing. Remember, God is everywhere, and He knows your thoughts, so He will hear your prayer no matter what.[1]
    • It can be helpful to set aside a certain time of day for prayer, but you can—and should—also pray spontaneously throughout your day.
    • To feel closer to God, try opening your prayer by addressing Him directly. Use a name that feels personal to you while being true to your faith, like "Father," "Lord," "Jehovah," or "Allah."
  2. 2
    Use prayer to express any of your thoughts and emotions. Think of God as a loving, infinitely wise parent. You can talk to Him about anything, whether it's something you're going through at work or school, a medical issue you're concerned about, or even just a quick prayer to say "Thank you" when something good happens.[2]
    • Your prayers don't necessarily have to be elaborate. Just tell God what's on your mind. For instance, if you're about to head out on a trip, you might simply pray, "God, please keep us safe."
    • You might also pray for things like strength, wisdom, peace, or forgiveness.
  3. 3
    Set aside a few minutes each day to dedicate to prayer. Since prayer brings you closer to God, you can help build a deeper relationship with Him by carving out a set time every day to talk to Him. This can be any time that works for you, whether it's in the morning, on your daily commute, or at night before bed. It doesn't have to be the only time of day you pray, but you may find that you're able to pray more consistently and with more focus during this time.[3]
    • It may help you get in the right mindset if you create some sort of routine during your prayer time, like lighting a candle, listening to hymns or uplifting music, or following a rosary.[4]
    • If you have something that's heavy on your heart, you might strengthen your prayers through fasting, which means to avoid any food or drinks other than water. However, since it can be dangerous to skip a meal, it's best to talk to a trusted spiritual counselor about how to fast in a safe, healthy, and spiritual way.[5]
  4. 4
    Keep a prayer journal if you enjoy writing. Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of your prayer requests in your head. To help combat that, try writing down your prayers each day during your normal time of prayer. Over time, you'll be able to read back through your prayer journal and see how God has moved in your life.[6]
    • You can write them in a simple list, if you'd like, or you can write out longer prayers to God in letter form.
    • If you feel that you express yourself better through writing than words, you may find that keeping a prayer journal will help you feel closer to God.
  5. 5
    Offer a wordless prayer through your actions. Not all prayers have to be spoken or even written. Sometimes, you'll find that you feel closest to God when your body is actively engaged in something that you enjoy. For instance, if you enjoy making furniture, you might find that God speaks to your heart while you're sanding wood or creating detailed carvings. You might also feel close to God when you're out in nature, painting a picture, listening to music, or performing an act of service for someone else.[7]
    • Sometimes, hard work can have the same effect. For instance, you might find that you're able to feel God's presence and guidance when you're scrubbing the floors or going for a run.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Hearing God's Voice

  1. 1
    Pay attention to a feeling of peace and comfort after praying. You might not be able to hear God's voice outright, but you can often feel His presence in your life. If you're feeling upset or stressed out, try praying about the problem. Often, just turning to God will help you feel reassured.
    • In the Bible, this is described in Philippians 4:7 as "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding."
  2. 2
    Attend services for your faith to hear God's message. In almost every religion, God designates certain faithful people to speak on His behalf. Try finding a church, temple, or meeting group near you that you feel aligns with your beliefs. In addition to being a great place to hear more about the word of God, you may also find that the fellowship with other believers helps strengthen your faith and your relationship with God even more.
    • Even if you don't feel like a particular topic has much bearing on your life, try to keep an open mind. You might just find that He has a message for you hidden in the lesson, anyway.
  3. 3
    Read the holy texts for your faith to get inspired. Most religions have some sort of holy book that describes their take on God. When you read your religion's holy text, you may find that the words help you find insight and guidance into your own life, which may help you feel closer to God.[8]
    • For example, if you follow Christianity, you would read the Bible. If you are Jewish, you'd study the Tanakh. If you follow Islam, dedicate yourself to studying the Qur'an.
    • As you read, listen for a call to pay attention to a certain passage or verse. Let it speak to your heart—this may be God sending you personalized instruction or comfort.
  4. 4
    Meditate to feel closer to God. While traditional meditation focuses mostly on clearing your mind, spiritual meditation involves filling your mind with the contemplation of God. One way to do this is to focus on a passage from God's word, reading it over and over while trying to apply the meaning to your own life.[9]
    • Each day, spend about 5-10 minutes where you sit quietly and reflect on God's love, the blessings in your life, or even the way His beauty is reflected in nature.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How does God speak back to your prayers?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    God will speak to you through other people, God will show up unexpectedly; He will show up in a dream, show you a sign, or you will have an inspired thought to take action. God will lead and guide you, and manifest Himself in many ways.
  • Question
    My grandpa died. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sorry for your loss. You can pray to God for your grandfather and talk to God about your grandfather, perhaps about all the wonderful times you spent with your grandfather -- this will help tp keep him alive in your memories. It can help to talk to your parents and siblings too, if you feel you need some support.
  • Question
    Why has God made my luck worse?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    God doesn't make luck worse or better; you are in charge of deciding which opportunities you take or let slip by, while the broader circumstances of life and society determine much of your luck or lack thereof. Don't be hard on yourself but do try to turn hardship into opportunity by looking for the silver lining in bad luck situations. If you blame God, you won't help yourself and that's not the purpose of belief.

About This Article

Amy Bobinger
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Amy Bobinger. Amy Bobinger has been a writer and editor at wikiHow since 2017. She especially enjoys writing articles that help people overcome interpersonal hurdles but frequently covers a variety of subjects, including health and wellness, spirituality, gardening, and more. Amy graduated with a B.A. in English Lit from Mississippi College in 2011 and now lives in her hometown with her husband and two young sons. This article has been viewed 114,319 times.
55 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: February 16, 2023
Views: 114,319
Categories: Religion | Prayer