Okra is popular vegetable in American Southern cooking, where it is sometimes known as “ladies’ fingers” because of its long, skinny shape. Okra can also be found in Indian, North African, Middle Eastern, and Brazilian cuisines. While some people avoid okra because it can become slimy when cooked, using the right techniques to cut your okra can reduce the gumminess and help you enjoy this healthy, flavorful veggie in many different dishes.[1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Preparing the Okra

  1. 1
    Wash the uncut okra. When you’re ready to cook, rinse the whole okra pods under running water. Use your hands to lightly rub down each pod to remove any dirt or pesticides from the surface of the veggies.[2]
    • Don’t wash the okra until right before you are ready to slice and cook it; otherwise, it could get slimy.[3]
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    Dry the okra thoroughly with a paper towel or cloth. When the inside of okra interacts with liquid, it can become gooey. So make sure to dry off all water before you start slicing.[4]
    • Rubbing your okra dry also helps scrub off some of the fuzzy hairs on the surface of the pods.[5]
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    Cut off the tough stem. Using a sharp paring knife, slice off the thicker end of the pod, which can be bitter and hard to chew. Try not to cut into the seed pod itself, especially if you’re planning to cook the okra whole.[6]
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    Soak whole pods in vinegar to further reduce sliminess. Some cooks swear by soaking okra in a vinegar bath to help minimize the slime factor. To give it a try, mix vinegar (any kind) and water in a large bowl and dip the okra in for a quick bath.[7] Make sure to rinse and dry thoroughly before cooking.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Slicing the Pods

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    Slice okra into smaller pieces for stewing or frying. Using a sharp paring knife, cut off the pointy end of the pod. Then slice the okra crosswise into evenly spaced rounds about 14 inch (0.64 cm) thick each.[8]
    • Slicing okra this way will release more of the gooey substance from the inside of the pods. This can be used to thicken soups and stews such as gumbo.[9]
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    Cut pods lengthwise to roast or pan sear. Use a sharp paring knife to slice each pod in half lengthwise. Be careful to make both halves even, otherwise the okra will cook unevenly.[10]
    • Slicing okra lengthwise and cooking it at a high heat can help reduce sliminess by thinning out the veggie’s interior gel.[11]
  3. 3
    Leave the pods whole to boil, grill, or pickle. Many recipes call for whole okra, with only the tough stems removed. If you’re going to cook okra whole, try to select smaller pods. This may help ensure less slimy and more flavorful results, as larger pods often contain more mucilage (the substance that causes gumminess).[12]
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8 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: September 16, 2021
Views: 36,521
Categories: Fruits and Vegetables