The kiwifruit, also known as a Chinese gooseberry, looks unappealing at first glance. However, its furry exterior holds a delicious treasure inside, a pretty green (or golden) flesh flecked with black seeds and a white center. There are numerous ways to cut a kiwifruit, depending on whether you like to leave the skin on or off, eat the fruit straight away, or use it for decorative purposes. This article explores some of the techniques.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

With the Skin On

  1. 1
    Wash the kiwifruit. Washing the kiwifruit ensures that any possible contaminants on the skin, such as bacteria, are not transferred to the fruit itself. This way you will not get sick.
  2. 2
    Chop the kiwifruit in half, across the widest part. Use a clean, sharp fruit knife and a chopping board. Depending on the ripeness of the fruit, the knife should cut right through. If it's still a little hard, you may need to slice again to cut through the core.[2]
    • At this point, you can eat the kiwifruit as it is, scooping the flesh out of the skin with a spoon, like you would eat a boiled egg.[3]
    • Some people prefer to remove the small, black seeds from the kiwifruit, but this is completely optional as the seeds are perfectly edible.
  3. 3
    Cut the kiwifruit into circular slices. For smaller, more decorative slices of kiwifruit, cut the entire fruit into circular slices, working from one end to the other, discarding the end pieces. Then cut through the diameter of each circle to form small, kiwifruit semicircles.[4]
    • These kiwifruit slices make a great addition to a decorative fruit salad and add a splash of tropical color to the tops of cakes, pavlovas and other desserts.
    • They also make a great bite-sized snack for small children and work well in school lunches. If you want to remove the skin before chopping, just follow the method below.
  4. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

With the Skin Removed

  1. 1
    Cut the ends off the kiwifruit. Place the kiwifruit on a chopping board and carefully slice off both ends of the fruit, using a small knife. Don't worry about wasting the fruit, you will need to expose a decent amount of the kiwi fruit's green flesh in order for this method to work.[5]
  2. 2
    Insert a spoon between the skin and flesh of the kiwifruit. You can use a regular tablespoon to do this. Try to get the spoon as closely underneath the skin as possible, as this will make the fruit easier to remove.[6]
  3. 3
    Rotate the spoon around the kiwifruit, beneath the skin. This will loosen the skin from the fruit. Depending on the size of the spoon, you may need to work on one side of the kiwi first, then switch to the other side to loosen all of the skin.[7]
  4. 4
    Pop the fruit from the skin. Once all of the skin has been loosened, you should easily be able to slide the entire kiwi fruit out, leaving you with a perfectly smooth, cylindrical fruit.[8]
    • It is also possible to just peel the kiwifruit with a knife, but you will inevitably remove some of the fruit doing it this way, and end up with a strangely-shaped kiwifruit.
  5. 5
    Slice the kiwifruit vertically in half. Then slice each half again to form little kiwifruit wedges, perfect for fruit salads or an attractively arranged fruit plate. Alternatively, you can easily dice the kiwifruit into cubes of any size.[9]
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Should kiwi be stored in the refrigerator?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
  • Question
    What will happen if I eat the skin?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The skin is full of dietary fibre. Crushed kiwifruit (including the skins) is used in nursing homes in New Zealand to treat and help prevent constipation, and is commonly recommended as an alternative to taking laxatives. It won't harm you if eaten but you may want to blend or crush it, as it is hairy and the texture may not please you.
  • Question
    What's the nutritional value of this delicacy?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Kiwifruit is a rich source of vitamin C. It also contains vitamins K and E. The skin is a good source of dietary fibre. The seeds contain an omega-3 fatty acid.


  • Use a sharp knife to cut with; a dull one can easily slip.
  • Wash fruit before you eat it to remove potentially harmful bacteria. Let it dry well before cutting. Drying with a paper towel will not remove enough moisture because of the fuzz.

Things You'll Need

  • Cutting board
  • Paper towel
  • Sharp knife
  • Spoon (optional)

About This Article

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Co-authors: 65
Updated: March 11, 2023
Views: 1,109,313
Article SummaryX

To cut up your kiwi, first rinse it in water to get rid of any dirt. Cut it in half width-wise and scoop the flesh out of the skin to eat, or continue cutting it into small, cylindrical slices for a more decorative effect. The skin is edible, but if you prefer to remove it, slice off both ends of the kiwi and slide a spoon between the skin and flesh. Rotate the spoon around the kiwi to loosen the skin, then pop the fruit from the skin and dice or slice it into quarters to eat. To learn how to tell if a kiwi is ripe and ready to cut, keep reading!

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