Going to sleepaway camp can be the highlight of your summer: you’ll learn new skills, make new friends, and explore new places. So much newness can be exciting, but it can be intense to be so far from the familiar. Your bunk will be your base, and with a little creativity, you can embellish it to remind you of home and show off your unique personality. Pack amazing decorations and arrange them to suit your personal style, and you'll have a welcoming bunk that feels like your very own space.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:


  1. 1
    Read up on your camp’s policies. Decorating your bunk is a time-honored tradition. However, because many cabins are old or delicate, your camp may have specific rules about what you can and cannot do to embellish your space.[1] Make sure you know these, because it’d be a shame to have to abandon a cute decorating idea after you’ve already packed it.
    • Candles and incense are never okay. Save it for the campfire!
    • Some other frequently forbidden items are electrical items (like fans or string lights) and tapestries.
  2. 2
    Think about your theme. You don’t need to have a ton of perfectly matched bunk accessories straight out of a PBTeen catalog. However, keeping your decor to one theme can keep it cohesive and cool. You can use your favorite colors as a theme, or celebrate your favorite interests (like your favorite bands or comics).[2]
  3. 3
    Embellish your trunk. If you have an old-fashioned traveling trunk, you’re lucky: it’s a storage unit and a cute piece of furniture at the same time.[3] It can also add a lot to your decor if you want it to.
    • Ask your parents if you can decorate the trunk with stickers, glitter, or paint. If they’re concerned about damaging the trunk, try using vinyl stickers--these are great because they peel off easily. You can find them in stores marked as “wall art” or “mirror art.”
    • If your parents don’t want you to use stickers or paint, add a sweet touch to your trunk by threading ribbons in your favorite color through the handles. These will also make it easier to identify your belongings in a sea of black boxes.
  4. 4
    Pick wall decorations. Photos and posters add a lot to your space, and because they’re flat, they’re easy to pack. Pictures of your friends and family remind you of home, a flyer from your favorite band can be a talking point with new friends, and a print of your favorite Monet painting is soothing and pretty.[4]
    • Make sure you know how you plan to attach these items to the wall! Masking tape and painter’s tape hold well and come away easily.
    • Vinyl mirror stickers or art can be used on the walls.
    • For extra cuteness points, make bunting in your favorite prints or a color scheme you like. Paper or fabric bunting work equally as well.
    • Colorful ribbons are a nice way to add texture--you can tie them to pretty much anything.
  5. 5
    Pack your bedding. Some camps provide sheets and pillows for you, and you can often bring extras if you really want to. Camp bunks usually have twin mattresses, so if you have a twin at home, those sheets and blankets will fit.
    • A couple of throw blankets (like the kind you put on your couch) can dress up your bed, just like layering an outfit makes it look better. Fold them neatly to add a sophisticated touch. [5]
    • Throw pillows are also adorable, but they can take up space when you pack.
    • If you want to take your favorite stuffed animal, go ahead--it will look cute sitting on your bed.
  6. 6
    Throw in some permanent markers. Some camps have a spot where campers traditionally sign their names and the years they attended camp. If (and only if!) your camp has such a tradition, a Sharpie is the perfect pen to use. You can also use pens for artwork, t-shirt signings, and writing down your contact information for new friends.
  7. 7
    Take an instant camera. Lots of camps ban electronics, so you won’t be able to Instagram your s’mores. However, instant cameras are usually allowed.The pictures you take with one will make excellent decorations when you’re at camp and great memories when you’re done.[6]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Putting Up Your Decorations

  1. 1
    Choose your bunk. Different camps have different policies for how to choose your bunk. You might also have a bed assigned to you. Don’t worry too much about it, though. Whether you end up with the top or bottom bunk, you can still make it cute.[7]
    • The top bunk is nice because it’s fun to be so far off the floor, and you don’t have to worry about banging your head on the bunk above you.
    • The bottom bunk is also good, because it’s easy to get up in the middle of the night or convert it into a changing room. Just tuck a big dry towel into the top bunk’s mattress, and it will act like a big curtain.
  2. 2
    Make your bed. Your bunk itself is the most important place for you in the cabin, so set it neatly when you move in. Use hospital corners to keep your sheets smooth. Once you’ve put all your pillows and blankets on your bed, you can start with the fun part: arranging your other belongings.
  3. 3
    Place essential items close by. Before you start decorating, store important stuff like a clock, flashlight, lantern, or sunscreen on the shelf or cubby closest to your bed. This way, you can grab them easily before you go off on camp adventures. You can survive a few hours without your posters up, but forgetting bug spray even once might make you itchy for days.[8]
  4. 4
    Decorate! This is the fun part. If you have any favorite pictures or posters, put those up first, then arrange smaller pictures around them. Use masking or gaffer’s tape to securely attach your decorations. Tie bunting or colorful ribbons on the posts of the bunkbed.
    • Take off your shoes if you’re sitting on your bed to put up your pictures. Otherwise, you’ll be sleeping under a dirty blanket for all of camp, which is not cute.
    • If your bunkmates ask if they can help, say yes. It’s a great way to bond.
    • Don’t be shy about helping them out either--lend out your tape if you have extra, or offer to hang high pictures if you’re tall.
  5. 5
    Use the rafters. If they are thick and close enough to you, they can be extra storage or a new surface for ornaments or flags. If it’s okay at your camp, they also look amazing wrapped with string lights. What could be better than a bunk that looks good literally from top to bottom?
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    At my camp, they don't allow decorating. How could I personalize my bed?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could bring some nice blankets or pillows that show off a bit of your personality!
  • Question
    What if I don't have a bunk bed?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Then you could decorate your regular bed to the extent you like using the steps in this article.
  • Question
    At my summer camp we are given the bunk, maybe a window, and very rarely a little shelf. How do I organize my stuff since I don't have a lot of space?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on what kind of stuff you are trying to organize. If it's practical stuff like toiletries or clothes, you could bring them in a bin that is low enough to slide under the bunk. If it is things like decorations and pictures, you may need to limit how much of those items you choose to bring, given the limited space you are describing. Pictures to remind you of home can be kept in a small album for you to look through when you have a few minutes to yourself at camp. Other memories of home could be kept in a small memory box to open up when you need to feel closer to home. Either way, camp is a new experience that can teach you great skills and gain you lifelong friends.


  • Be very careful not to cause damage to the cabin. Ask your counselor if you’re unsure if what you’re doing is okay.
  • Never use duct tape, blu-tac, push pins, or nails to hang decorations in a camp cabin.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel
  • Pictures
  • Posters (optional)
  • Clock (optional)
  • Lantern
  • Flashlight
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Sheets
  • Stuffed animals (optional)
  • Masking or gaffer’s tape (optional)
  • Trunk or duffle
  • Ribbons (optional)

About This Article

Cleanzen Cleaning Services
Co-authored by:
Residential Cleaning Specialists
This article was co-authored by Cleanzen Cleaning Services. The Cleanzen Cleaning Services Team consists of Residential Cleaning Specialists. With more than six years of experience, they specialize in connecting independent cleaning professionals with those who need help cleaning their houses. All of Cleanzen’s professionals are experienced and licensed and have passed background checks. This article has been viewed 38,303 times.
3 votes - 93%
Co-authors: 22
Updated: December 21, 2022
Views: 38,303
Categories: Camping