Many practitioners of magic divide it into two main categories: white magic (sometimes called the right-hand path) and black magic (sometimes called the left-hand path). However, the exact definition of each is often debated. The most commonly accepted differentiation is that white magic is associated with positivity and healing, while black magic brings about negativity and harm. Other believers hold that white magic is done for the good of others, while black magic is done for the caster's personal benefit.[1] Still others claim that black magic is any kind of magic where predominant social mores and taboos are broken. Regardless, the actual practice of white magic varies significantly between belief systems, schools of thought and even individual practitioners.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Constructing Your Altar

  1. 1
    Pick the base for your altar. Your altar can be any raised flat surface wide enough to place your Book of Shadows and your chosen ritual items. This can be a coffee table, nightstand, a shelf, or a large storage chest. Some practitioners prefer to use a round altar, as it is easier to move around when inside a ritual circle. Others prefer square or rectangular altars for practical reasons, such as ease of storage.
    • For white magic especially, you may want to choose an altar made of wood to be more in tune with nature.[2] You may even choose to use a particular type of wood associated with particular types of spells.[3]
  2. 2
    Choose the placement in your home. Make sure you pick a spot that is a generally quiet place where you can best concentrate. Some traditions hold that the altar must be placed either towards the North or East, depending on the school of thought.
    • For white magic, you may choose to place your altar in a spot with a lot of natural light. You could also put it in a symbolically positive spot associated with creation, such as in your kitchen.
  3. 3
    Arrange symbols of your gods. These symbols should be placed side-by-side and central on your altar. Your symbolic items can represent either the Horned God and the Mother Goddess or a personal choice of deities pulled from a particular pantheon. Some choose different colored candles to represent their deities. Others purchase statues in their deities' likeness. Still, others pick certain items meaningful to their deities, usually derived from myths and traditions.
  4. 4
    Represent the four elements. Many traditions include symbols of the four elements arranged around the altar corresponding to the four cardinal directions. For performing white magic, use white or light-colored versions of these items (i.e.,. white wine instead of red) if you choose.
    • Earth to the North: Represented by a pentacle, stones, salt, food, and/or plants. A yellow or green candle is placed on the periphery.
    • Fire to the South: Represented by oil, ritual knives, and/or a candle snuffer. Place a red candle at the periphery.
    • Air to the East: Represented by incense, feathers, a bell, and/or your wand. Place a yellow or blue candle at the periphery.
    • Water to the West: Represented by a bowl of water, seashells, a chalice or glass of wine, and/or a cauldron. A blue or green candle is placed at the periphery.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Casting a Spell

  1. 1
    Determine your intent. Always have a clear goal in mind when performing a spell. Remember that white magic is generally positive and for the good of others. White magic encourages healing, growth, happiness, peace, etc.
    • Many believe that a major aspect of white magic is that it cannot subvert the will of another person. When following this tenet, you should not, for example, cast a love spell on a particular person to force him or her to love you. Instead, a white magic love spell would involve attracting an unknown person, possibly with certain desired qualities, to either you or the person who asked you to perform the spell.[5]
  2. 2
    Select extra objects for your altar related to your spell. The particulars of the items are generally considered secondary to their meaning to you, the caster. Draw from your culture or coven's traditions and symbols. Specific herbs and figurines are popular choices. You may add as many items as you want as long as they don't overcrowd your altar.[6]
    • Continuing with the example of a white magic love spell, place representations of the qualities you want in a lover. If you want someone passionate, add pepper or a dash of spice. Intelligence may be represented by a statue of an owl. A jar of saffron could be for a suitor who is happy or stable.[7]
  3. 3
    Start by casting a circle. Create a circle around your altar and stand inside it before beginning your spell. The circle can be made with chalk, string, stones, twigs, salt, or any other object you can fashion into one. Face towards your altar. If you are casting with other people, join hands and face into the center of the circle.[8]
  4. 4
    Meditate on your altar. Use the objects on the altar to clear your mind and focus on your goal. You can use either a wand or ceremonial knife to channel your focus by pointing at each symbolic object. Think about how each relates to the spell you are casting. Pray to your chosen deities for guidance and assistance.
  5. 5
    Perform any rituals or recite any incantations appropriate for your spell. These are not always necessary for a spell, but many practitioners use them. You can either learn these by research or directly from another believer. You may even craft your own spell to write in your Book of Shadows. It's good to memorize everything necessary before starting, but you may also read directly from your book.[9]
    • For white magic, do not perform any actions that are either violent or symbolize violence. Similarly, do not speak negatively or use hateful words.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can humans become immortal?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No. If a person became immortal, they would stop being human. There is a reason we are mortal, and this is why achieving immortality is so hard. Breaking a rule this sacred is not only extremely difficult, but also a thousand times more dangerous than casting an evil spell and expecting it to not come back. It might be possible, but so is torturing oneself for the rest of one's life, it doesn't mean it is desirable. If death frightens you, eternity should frighten you a lot more.
  • Question
    Can I use white magic for myself?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Magic is highly thought-based; therefore, if you focus and declare your intent enough, then you can use your white magic for anything, including yourself.
  • Question
    Can I make my own custom spell? And will it work?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Of course! Just like you can bake a cake without a recipe. For some people, guidelines are needed, for others they are a problem. However, if you don't want to ruin your spell (or your cake) you need to know what you're doing once you drop the cookbook. The main issues are safety (yours and others') and efficiency (know your gods and their symbols). Be especially careful if you invoke any kind of power, that you are not being played by something bigger than you. Always understand the full extent of consequences, be careful what you wish for. In my experience, a good custom spell is significantly more powerful than a bland template.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 30 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 200,601 times.
499 votes - 67%
Co-authors: 30
Updated: December 11, 2022
Views: 200,601
Categories: Wicca
Article SummaryX

White magic is the opposite of black magic and is associated with positivity and healing. You can use white magic spells to bring love and positive energy to the world. Before you say a spell, set a clear intention, like healing your friend’s grief or bringing luck for a job interview. You can use objects relevant to your spell, like herbs and possessions of the person you’re doing the spell for, to make the spell stronger. When you’re ready to start, draw a circle around yourself with chalk, string, stones, or other objects. Try to clear your mind by meditating for a few minutes. Then, say your spell and perform any rituals you like to help manifest your intention. You can get these from a book, online, or make up your own. For more tips, including how to make an altar for your white magic spells, read on!

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