Simple strategies to get your pooch noticed by pet brands and talent agencies

Your dog already has a starring role in your life, but what if your furry friend had a starring role on-screen, too? The world of dog modeling is vast and varied, and commercial directors and product marketers are always looking for the next billboard-worthy pup. But where to begin? How do you get your dog noticed and ready for the big time? We’ll fill you in on what it takes to model your pet, how to build a portfolio and foster a following, and land an agent along with your first gig. Get ready to sit, stay, and smile for the camera.

Things You Should Know

  • Determine your dog’s strengths, like performing tricks or looking cute, and market them accordingly.
  • Train your dog to perform basic obedience commands like “sit” and “stay,” and ensure they have an agreeable temperament.
  • Take a headshot, construct an online portfolio, and start social media pages for your dog to build a following and get noticed.
  • Apply to talent agencies, compete in local competitions, and audition for gigs to network and land jobs.
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Assessing Your Dog

  1. 1
    Identify your dog’s strengths. Is your dog a capable athlete? Can they follow commands like a pro? Or maybe they’re just a grade-A cutie. These are all desirable qualities in a dog model, and will lend themselves to different kinds of modeling. Have a good think about what makes your dog model material and which qualities you can emphasize when marketing them.[1]
    • Other canine skills might include an especially friendly temperament, purebred or exemplary breed traits, or even just being super photogenic.
    • Take cues from any pet commercials you see, and compare your dog to the dog in the ad. Do they have similar strengths? Could your dog perform what the dog in the ad is doing?
  2. 2
    Test your dog’s temperament in a modeling setting. Even if your furry best friend has the goods, they also need to deliver. Meaning they need to be friendly and even-keeled around strangers and other dogs, and sit patiently for a camera. They also need to consistently perform commands without much fuss in a variety of settings.[2]
    • Expose your pet to a variety of situations to test their temperament and acclimate them to the pace of the modeling industry.
    • Visit a dog park, have them groomed by a professional, or even bring them to work to see if they can keep a clear head under pressure.
  3. 3
    Train your dog in basic obedience commands. In order to work in showbiz, your budding star needs to be able to reliably perform basic commands like “sit,” “lie down,” “stay,” and “come.” Start small, with minimal distractions, and only train your dog for 5-10 minutes at a time so they don't get overwhelmed.[3] Then, train your dog to perform the commands in busier contexts, like in a public setting or with other dogs around.
    • Visit a professional dog trainer if you need help getting the best performance out of your dog, or if you’re having trouble getting commands to stick.
    • Train your dog to perform commands on a gesture cue, rather than a spoken cue, which comes in handy for video shoots where you’re unable to speak on set.
  4. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Building a Portfolio and Social Media Presence

  1. 1
    Take professional headshots of your dog. Just like a human model, dog models need their own portfolio to show to agencies and directors, and a portfolio begins with a headshot. Hire a professional animal photographer, or snap some glam shots yourself. Take a variety of photos in a variety of settings, and choose one that makes your dog look natural, happy, and shows off their best skill.[4]
    • For example, if your dog’s primary strength is agility, take some action shots that clearly display their athleticism while also giving a clear look at their face and physique.
    • If your dog is better suited to modeling cute doggy clothes, dress them up and take some photos that showcase their adorable looks.
    • Groom your dog or take it to a professional groomer beforehand, to make sure it looks its very best.
  2. 2
    Create a resume and an online portfolio for your dog. Creating a website is a great way to curate an online portfolio that talent scouts can browse to learn more about your dog. On the website, note any achievements your pup has garnered, any past gigs, your dog’s skills and strengths, as well as your contact information like a business email or phone number.[5]
    • Also include numerous photos and video clips that show off your dog’s personality.
    • Include all this information on a printable document, as well, to send to agencies.
    • It’s totally cool if your dog has no prior experience/professional accomplishments, just be sure to compensate with even more photos and videos to give scouts a more complete picture of your canine candidate.
  3. 3
    Create social media accounts for your dog and engage with other users. Start Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook accounts to keep a gallery of prime pics and videos of your pet.[6] As you continue posting, your following will grow, meaning more eyes on your pet and higher chances a talent scout or recruiter comes across your page.
    • Use hashtags like “#dogmodel” or “#petmodel” when posting to social media to broaden your audience.
    • Engage with other social media users by following other pages, responding to comments, and answering questions to boost your visibility.
  4. 4
    Post sponsored content on social media. Once your social media page is off the ground, you’ll get approached by smaller brands that will offer to pay you in exchange for posting a picture of your dog posing with their product, or a similar situation. Alternatively, reach out to brands via email or direct messages and propose partnership opportunities. This is a great way to get noticed by larger brands or talent scouts.[7]
    • Don’t do the gig for free or for a complimentary product—always work for a paycheck. Larger brands may take note that you’re willing to work for pennies, and may take advantage of that.
    • Include these business transactions on your dog’s resume and portfolio.
  5. 5
    Enter your dog into competitions according to its skills. Another great way to get noticed by talent agents is to get involved in local competitions, like agility, fashion, or traditional dog shows.[8] Search the internet for local shows and competitions, and attend one, if possible, before you enter your dog, to get a feel for what’s required of the both of you to compete. Many competitions have entry-level brackets for newbies to get acclimated.[9]
    • Print some business cards with your dog’s website and social media details to bring with you and hand out to interested parties.
    • Remember to chronicle any awards on your dog’s resume!
  6. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Applying for Agencies and Booking Gigs

  1. 1
    Browse and apply to canine talent agencies. Do a quick Google search for talent agents that represent dogs, searching with terms like “pet modeling agency” or “pet acting agency.” Browse talent agency sites and look for agencies that represent high-profile clients, which indicates their experience. Also opt for an agency which is close to your location, if possible.[10] Then, submit a resume according to the agency’s instructions, often via a submission form or via email.
  2. 2
    Audition your dog for gigs. Browse casting call sites like Project Casting or search the internet for casting calls near you. Craigslist and Facebook are also common platforms for casting calls.[11] Typically, you’ll submit your dog’s portfolio or resume via email, and the director will get back to you if they think your dog may be fit for the role.
    • Stay persistent—auditioning is a numbers game, and just because you didn’t land one role or weren’t invited to one audition, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the line.
  3. 3
    Keep it professional when you land a gig. When you do land that first role, play it by the book: show up on time, be cordial with the director, photographer, and other staff, and stay calm and collected with your dog. If all goes well this time, you’re much more likely to get referred to and land other jobs. Your next gig could come from anywhere![12]
    • Auditions vary, but many involve having your dog perform actions necessary to the actual shoot, like posing for a camera, playing with toys, running agility courses, etc.
    • Most importantly, have fun with it! Above all else, this is quality time with your dog, and they’re a pet first and foremost, before they’re a professional.
  4. Advertisement

About This Article

Luke Smith, MFA
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA. Luke Smith is a wikiHow Staff Writer. He's worked for literary agents, publishing houses, and with many authors, and his writing has been featured in a number of literary magazines. Now, Luke writes for the content team at wikiHow and hopes to help readers expand both their skillsets and the bounds of their curiosity. Luke earned his MFA from the University of Montana.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 11, 2023
Views: 462
Categories: Working with Dogs