Gardening is usually extremely messy, and if you're a first time gardener, or you're going somewhere (grandma's, a friend's, a community garden...) to do gardening? You probably don't know what to wear if you're reading this, so here you are going to learn what clothes are appropriate for gardening at any time, and any type of gardening.


  1. 1
    Pick an old long sleeved shirt. If you are gardening, choose your least favorite, most scrappy old shirt you have. This way if you get grass stains all over it, you hopefully won't care as much. Consider the weather, and whether you'll be sitting out in the sun.
    • If you'll be touching plants with sharp thorns that can poke you, long sleeves will help.
  2. 2
    Pick some pants. As with the shirt, choose your least favorite, beat up pants that you don't care about getting dirty. If you have overalls for things like this, that would be a great choice. Something with pockets big enough to hold a trowel or dibber might be useful. Make sure you can kneel or squat comfortably. You might be in your hands and knees in the dirt!
  3. 3
    Pick tough shoes. Old boots are a great choice if there is any chance of rain. If it's going to be a bright and sunny day, you're probably fine with going with your old worn-out tennis shoes, but make sure they are not nice brand new clean ones; you want old shoes that can get dirt-covered.
  4. 4
    Consider taking as waterproof or windproof jacket. You'll be prepared if it gets cold or starts raining. You might find you are warm enough without a coat when you are gardening, but it may be chilly on the way home after and you'll be grateful for a jacket then.
  5. 5
    Manage your hair. Longer hair can get in your eyes or even the dirt, so it's good to pull it back.
    • A bun or a ponytail can keep your hair out of the way.
    • If you're feeling fancy, a French braid will keep even the smallest strands out of your face.
    • If you have short hair, use hair clips to keep it out of your eyes.
  6. 6
    Bring gloves if desired. These can help prevent you from getting dirt under your fingernails (which is really hard to clean out) and be very helpful when handling rough stones and rocks or pulling up stinging weeds like nettles.
  7. 7
    Put on sunscreen, and consider a hat. Sitting for a long time in the sun can lead to sunburn or Sun Stroke. Sunscreen will help your skin stay healthy and smooth, and a hat can shield your face and take the edge off the heat. Try a wide-brimmed hat that will also protect the back of your neck, or, a baseball cap turned around.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I also wear other clothes for gardening?
    Cosmo 1.2
    Cosmo 1.2
    Community Answer
    Of course, but make sure whatever you choose, it protects your body. Sometimes the temperature might be a little too high and that might make you want to change.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 20,158 times.
17 votes - 94%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: January 26, 2022
Views: 20,158
Categories: Gardening