Ah, it’s tough to beat fresh, warm sheets right out of the dryer. Wait, what’s this? Not wrinkles! Don’t worry. Drying your sheets so they don’t wrinkle is actually really easy to do. With the right approach, you’ll have crisp, wrinkle-free sheets every time. To help explain the process, we’ve answered a few of the most common questions folks have about how they can dry their bedsheets without wrinkles.

Question 1 of 6:

Why do my sheets come out of the dryer wrinkled?

Question 2 of 6:

How do you keep sheets from balling up in the dryer?

  1. 1
    Dry your sheets without overloading your machine. It can be tempting to try to wash all of your sheets at once to get them done, but it’s a bad idea. Overstuffing your dryer can cause your sheets to dry unevenly, and can lead to deep creases and wrinkles. Instead, fill up your machine about halfway to three-quarters full full so your sheets have room to move around, which can help prevent wrinkles.[2]
    • Try to wash only sheets as well. Adding socks, shorts, shirts, and other types of clothing can cause your sheets to bunch up in the washing machine and dryer.
  2. 2
    Unfurl your sheets before you dry them on a low to medium heat setting. When you’re moving your sheets from the washer to the dryer, take a moment to gently fluff them out. Remove any twists and open up any bunched-up sections. Then, place your sheets into your dryer and let them fully dry on a low to medium heat setting. It’ll gently and evenly dry them, which can help prevent wrinkles.[3]
    • Taking the time to fluff out your sheets before you dry them is probably the best way to prevent wrinkles.
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Question 3 of 6:

How can I prevent wrinkles in my sheets after I dry them?

Question 4 of 6:

How do I dry sheets without wrinkles without a dryer?

Question 5 of 6:

Which kind of sheets don’t wrinkle?

  1. Choose sheets that are specially designed to be wrinkle-free. There’s a reason hotel sheets always look so crisp and perfect—they’re made with material that is made to resist wrinkles. If you’re looking for sheets that won’t wrinkle up when you wash and dry them, go with ones that are labeled as wrinkle-free or wrinkle-resistant.[6] Check the packaging or the product description to see if they’re designed to be wrinkle-free.
    • “Wrinkle-free” or “wrinkle-resistant” sheets can sometimes be less comfortable than other sheets and may be treated with a resin that can sometimes cause skin rashes.[7]
Question 6 of 6:

How do you get wrinkles out of bed sheets?

  1. 1
    Spritz the sheets with water and pull them tight over the bed. If your sheets are still a little wrinkly, or if they’re already on your bed and you want to remove pesky wrinkles, no problem! Take a spray bottle full of clean water and gently spray the surface of the sheet. Then, while they’re still just slightly damp, pull them super tight over your mattress. The tension on the material will naturally release and get rid of any wrinkles.[8]
    • You don’t need to saturate the sheets. Just a gentle misting will help loosen the fibers.
  2. 2
    Iron the top part of the sheets to create a pressed look. While ironing your sheets can degrade and wear down the material, if you want your sheets to have that pristine, crisp look, iron just the top 12 inches (30 cm) of the sheet. The sheet will look pressed and rest will be hidden beneath your covers.[9]
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About This Article

Bridgett Price
Co-authored by:
House Cleaning Professional
This article was co-authored by Bridgett Price. Bridgett Price is a Cleaning Guru and Co-Owner of Maideasy, a maid service company that services the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. She holds a Master of Management from the University of Phoenix, specializing in digital and traditional marketing. This article has been viewed 51,565 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: July 13, 2022
Views: 51,565
Categories: Bed Sheets