Creek fishing is unique and requires different skills and expertise than other kinds of fishing. To successfully catch fish, you'll need to be able to choose an appropriate stream, stay quiet, and use appropriate bait. Read on to discover what to do to maximize your chances of catching fish in a small creek.


Locate a small stream or creek suitable for fishing.

  1. You will need to address several considerations in making your choice.[1] Here are a few:
    • Is the stream on public property, or do you have permission to fish there?
    • How clean is the water? Streams in agricultural or industrial areas may have pollution levels that make the fish unhealthy, or, in extreme cases, poisonous. Ideally, choose streams above the elevation of nearby industry.
    • Does the stream have good water flow year round? Some streams only maintain a flow during snow melt season,[2] or when sufficient rainfall occurs to support them.
    • The species of fish you are intending to fish for. Keep in mind, small streams generally don't support large sized specimens of the fish that live in them, due to the limits imposed on this particular environment.
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Gather up the things you will need for your trip.

  1. Generally, the basic items you have to have are a hook and line, and bait. For practical purposes, though, you may want to look at some refined fishing tackle for small stream fishing. These are some things to consider:
    • Use light or ultralight fishing tackle. Small streams are often crystal clear, and you will need a very light monofilament line to keep the fish from being spooked.
    • Bait or artificial lures appropriate for the fish you are fishing for.
    • Use long shank wire hooks in the smallest size suitable. You will get hung up on snags, and long shank wire hooks will bend, rather than breaking, so they will pull free of the snag. This will save time replacing lost hooks. Another benefit is the ease of getting a long shank hook out of a small fish's mouth.
    • Appropriate accessories may include insect repellent, a creel or bucket for the catch, and in some cases, waders to keep your feet dry.

Don't judge a pool or stream by its surface.


Match your technique to the conditions.

  1. Small streams in heavy woods will often have brush-cover banks and lots of blown over or washed in trees over the stream bed itself. You may find the only approach to a potential fishing hole is to wade the stream and stand in the current while fishing your chosen spot. Underhanded casting, if using a spinning reel, or flipping, if using a cane pole, can get your bait underneath any but the lowest branches and obstructions.

Use a float or bobber if the current and space permits.


Cook your catch.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What rapala should I use for trout in a fast-moving creek?
    Austin Trent
    Austin Trent
    Community Answer
    Try a small crawfish lure. Throw down creek, and then pull it back upstream.
  • Question
    I’ve used night crawlers for a small creek for bluegill/sunfish. Any suggestions to get their attention?
    614 Fishing
    614 Fishing
    Community Answer
    Small pieces of night crawlers are good for sunfish. If you can see where they are but they aren't biting than throw a few pieces in and then put your hook in. You can also try not using a bobber and using your rod to keep the bait suspended in the water.
  • Question
    How long does the fish take to bite?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you are and the bait you are using. For more bites, try fishing in the early morning and at dusk.


  • Let someone know where you are going, and when you will return.
  • Be careful walking or climbing on wet surfaces, as these can be very slippery.
  • Watch for deep pools, especially if wading with hip or chest waders.
  • Some streams and creeks may contain dangerous wildlife, such as alligators and venomous snakes.
  • Make sure you have appropriate licenses before going fishing. Some management areas or parks require special permits for recreational activities within their boundaries.
  • Keep in mind that going to the local store to buy your fish will likely cost you less money even in the short run.
  • In bear country, avoid cleaning fish until you are home or in a safe area. If camping, bury entrails far from camp.
  • Be aware of the possibility of flooding if there are rainstorms in your area. Some streams can rise rapidly, even if the rain is not at your location, since rainfall occurring upstream will eventually flow down to you.

Things You'll Need

  • water and food
  • Fishing license
  • Tackle and bait
  • Suitable clothing including rain suit
  • Insect repellent
  • Maps of your area

About This Article

Michael Reynolds
Co-authored by:
Professional Fishing Instructor
This article was co-authored by Michael Reynolds. Michael Reynolds is a Professional Fishing Instructor and the Owner of Long Beach, California Fishing Lessons by Michael Reynolds. In his over 40 years of fishing experience, Michael has become very knowledgeable about the variety of fishing methods and techniques. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge with beginners to experienced anglers. Michael has been guiding and teaching fishing for over five years and is licensed and bonded with the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW). This article has been viewed 266,695 times.
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Co-authors: 25
Updated: February 20, 2023
Views: 266,695
Categories: Featured Articles | Fishing