A doctorate is the highest degree you can earn in the field of philosophy. Earning a PhD in philosophy takes hard work and perseverance. The process of getting your PhD in philosophy varies depending on the university and program. However, almost all programs will require coursework, intense research, and a completed dissertation. Earning your doctorate in philosophy is difficult but with dedication and hard work, you can complete the requirements and get your PhD.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Applying to PhD Programs

  1. 1
    Select the PhD programs you would like to attend. Different programs will have different strengths and weaknesses. One program may have a strong political philosophy department and another a renowned metaphysics department.[1]
    • You should have at least an idea of your dissertation subject. Ideally, the PhD program you attend will have a strong background in your subfield. Look for the leading philosophers in your subfield and consider applying to their universities.
    • Most philosophy graduate programs are small which means there are many people applying for a few spots. You may want to apply to many different programs to increase your chance of acceptance.
  2. 2
    Take the GRE. This is the standardized test that is used by many different schools. It is like the SAT’s except aimed specifically at students applying to graduate school. Not every school requires it, but most do, and it is a good thing to complete before you begin the application process.[2]
    • The GRE’s have a verbal, writing, and mathematics section. The first two are probably more important for a philosophy major, but a strong score in all sections will be necessary to be accepted into the competitive graduate programs.
  3. 3
    Prepare a writing sample. Virtually every philosophy PhD program will require a writing sample as part of the application. This should clearly demonstrate your organizational and writing capabilities as well as your research skills. Ideally the sample would be written on a philosophy-related subject.[3]
    • If your undergraduate program required a thesis, consider submitting this as your sample. If a thesis was not required, consider writing one for the application. Your sample should be of the highest quality and thoroughly edited and proofread.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Completing the First Two Years of Graduate School

  1. 1
    Take a variety of classes during your first two years. Many programs require that you take classes in a variety of philosophy disciplines. This will help you to gain a wide-ranging knowledge of the entire field of philosophy.[4]
    • Most PhD programs will require 3-4 classes a semester for the first two years.
    • It is important to get the majority, if not all, of your coursework done during your first two years. The remainder of your PhD program should be focused on researching and writing your dissertation.
  2. 2
    Prepare a research proposal. This will set out the aims and objectives of your dissertation, which will form the core of your PhD program. This should take your thesis topic and refine it using what you learned in your classes.
    • The research proposal should explain what your dissertation will add to the field of philosophy; what arguments your making, and the new theories you are proposing. It should be a relatively specific topic, and you should discuss it with your professors during your first two years of graduate school.
    • The research proposal should outline your plans for completing your dissertation. It should explain how your work will build on existing scholarship and outline each step of the dissertation writing process.
    • Most PhD programs will require that your proposal be accepted by the department before you progress to writing the dissertation.
  3. 3
    Complete your oral exam if necessary. Some PhD programs will require that you undertake an oral exam after you complete your coursework and before you begin writing the dissertation. The specifics vary by program. It can range from presenting your research proposal, to an oral examination on philosophy.
    • Many programs will award a master's degree after the successful completion of the coursework and exam.
    • Some programs will not give you a test but will still require formal approval before you advance to the dissertation-writing stage.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Writing Your Dissertation

  1. 1
    Select a dissertation advisor. Ideally, your advisor will have expertise relating to your dissertation topic or in your subfield of philosophy. Choose an advisor who you think will be the best fit for not only your research but also as a mentor.
    • Talk to several faculty members, and try to envision working with them. Make sure you are comfortable working with the professor you ultimately choose, and that they will be available to advise you over the next several years.
  2. 2
    Review the existing scholarship relating to your topic. This should be a survey of the field of philosophy as it relates to your dissertation. Essentially, you should review what has been written about your topic. This is frequently included in the beginning of your final dissertation.[5]
    • You should also understand the history of research into your field, and how other scholars have contributed to it.
    • Your advisor can suggest books and authors to begin your research. Your dissertation should build on the research that has already been conducted.
  3. 3
    Research your dissertation. Researching your thesis is critical to a successful dissertation. The research portion of the process may take months or years, and your original research should be the basis of the dissertation.
    • You should travel to different archives, libraries, and philosophical institutions. Your research might also include interviews, surveys, and data analysis depending on your topic and subfield of philosophy.
    • Your dissertation should not simply be an overview of other people’s work; it should show your arguments and original research.
    • Your advisor will be crucial in the research process. Not only can they point you in the direction of sources, but they will help you analyze your research and what it means to your thesis.
  4. 4
    Begin writing your dissertation at least several months before the due date. Writing your dissertation is your chance to analyze your data and use it to make new and innovative arguments. Due to the length of the final product, you should give yourself plenty of time to write your paper prior to the submission date - if you have a year or more, that would be ideal.
    • The exact length of your dissertation will vary depending on your university’s requirements and your subject. Typically, dissertations are between 70,000 and 100,000 words long.[6]
    • In addition to your main arguments, your dissertation needs to include a literature review, an explanation of your methods, a summary of your research, and an explanation as to how you arrived at your conclusions.
  5. 5
    Edit your dissertation. You should submit sections of your dissertation to your advisor for feedback. Usually, dissertations go through major rewrites before the final version; this is another reason to begin the writing process early.
    • In addition to your advisor, have other professors and philosophers review your work. The more people who edit your draft, the fewer changes you will have to make after your dissertation defense.
  6. Advertisement
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Completing Your Doctorate in Philosophy

  1. 1
    Defend your dissertation. You will have to present your dissertation to a panel. The panel will question you about your argument, your resources, and your methodology. They are checking to make sure that your work is your own. They are also ensuring that your argument is sound and logical. Generally, the process of defending your thesis takes 1-2 hours.[7]
    • How the panel is selected varies by institution. In general, there is at least one member of your department present and one expert from outside your department. This expert should still be a philosophy expert; often they are philosophy professors from other schools.
    • Usually your advisor is present at the defense, but they are not a member of the panel.
  2. 2
    Make any changes that the panel suggests. It is quite rare for a dissertation to be outright rejected during the defense process. If your dissertation is not accepted outright, it is common for it to be passed with the understanding that changes will be made.
    • Generally, the changes that are required are minor. You should make them and then resubmit your dissertation. You will still be awarded your doctorate as planned. If major changes are required, you may have to take more time to implement them fully. This may delay your doctorate being awarded.
  3. 3
    Apply to graduate. This is the last step in earning your PhD in philosophy. Again, it will vary by school, but generally you fill out an application to graduate. Once your department has confirmed that you have completed all the requirements, your application will be approved, and you will receive your doctorate.
  4. Advertisement


  • One of the hardest things about earning a doctorate in philosophy is the financial burden that graduate school places on students. When applying to graduate programs, be sure to find departments that provide generous funding to their students, and consider the financial package when choosing your eventual place of study.

About This Article

Felipe Corredor
Co-authored by:
College Admissions Consultant
This article was co-authored by Felipe Corredor. Felipe is a Senior College Admissions Consultant at American College Counselors with over seven years of experience. He specializes in helping clients from all around the world gain admission into America's top universities through private, one-on-one consulting. He helps guide clients through the entire college admissions process and perfect every aspect of their college applications. Felipe earned a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Chicago and recently received his MBA. This article has been viewed 53,808 times.
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Updated: August 26, 2022
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