Many global travelers desire a passport from Singapore because of the relatively few restrictions it has. Singaporean passport holders can visit more than 150 countries around the world without applying for a visa, making it one of the most powerful passports in the world.[1] To get a Singapore passport, you must be a citizen. Citizenship is available after at least 2 years of permanent residency in the city-state.[2]

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Becoming a Permanent Resident

  1. 1
    Choose your path to residency. There are 3 basic ways you can become a permanent resident (PR) of Singapore if you are not married or biologically related to a Singaporean citizen. You can enter under the Professional, Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers scheme (PTS scheme), under the Global Investor Program scheme (GIP scheme), or under the Foreign Artistic Talent scheme (For Arts).
    • Of the 3, the PTS scheme is the most common. To be eligible for this scheme, you must be working in Singapore. on an employment pass and earning at least S$2,000.[3]
    • To enter under the GIP scheme, you must have a proven background of entrepreneurial success and S$2.5 million to invest in Singaporean businesses. You may open your own business in specific industry sectors, such as energy, engineering, and technology.
    • To be considered for the For arts scheme, you must be able to demonstrate outstanding achievements in your field, as well as significant contributions to art and culture within Singapore.
  2. 2
    Gather documentation to support your application. The specific documents you need depend on the scheme under which you're applying for Singaporean PR. If you're filing your application online, the system will prompt you to attach necessary documents based on the information you provided in your application.[4]
    • The Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) provides checklists for each scheme. You can choose the appropriate document list for you by visiting the ICA website at
    • If you are planning on starting a business in Singapore under the GIP scheme, you must draft a 5-year business or investment plan to accompany your application.
  3. 3
    Submit your PR application. Singapore has an electronic-Permanent Residence system (e-PR) you can use to complete and submit your PR application. Before you submit an application through the e-PR, you must register for a Sing-Pass.[5]
    • You can access the e-PR system at Read through the instructions and FAQs before proceeding to make sure you're comfortable with the system.
    • All applications submitted after December 18, 2017 must be submitted through the e-PR system. If you do not have access to the internet at home, go to a public place that has internet access available to complete your application.
    • Your application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of S$100. ICA accepts credit and debit card payments, as well as direct debit from any Singaporean bank account.
  4. 4
    Complete an in-person interview if necessary. After receiving your application, the ICA may contact you to schedule an in-person interview. Interviews aren't required before you are granted PR. However, in some instances the ICA may want to verify your original documents.[6]
    • If you must complete an in-person interview, bring along with you the originals of any documents you submitted along with your PR application.
    • You may be required to present additional documents for verification. If so, the ICA officer who contacts you for an interview will let you know what you need to bring.
  5. 5
    Receive your outcome letter in the mail. On average, a PR application takes between 4 and 6 months to process. Within a week of the date the actual decision is made, ICA will send you a letter notifying you of the outcome of your application.[7]
    • In the meantime, you can log into the e-PR system to check the status of your application. If you move while your application is still being processed, you can also update your mailing address through that system.
  6. 6
    Complete the required formalities. If your application is approved, you have 2 months to schedule an appointment at an ICA office to get your entry permits and identity cards. The ICA assesses an issuance fee for each document.
    • You can book your appointment at If your availability changes for some reason after you book your appointment, you can change it on the same system, unless it is less than 2 days before your scheduled date.
    • At your appointment, you must pay fees totaling a little under S$200 for your entry permit, 5-year re-entry permit, identity card, and entry visa.[8]
  7. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Applying for Citizenship

  1. 1
    Confirm your eligibility. Generally, you are eligible for Singaporean citizenship after 2 years as a permanent resident. You must be at least 21 years of age. You also must be gainfully employed at the time of your application, unless you are applying as the spouse of a Singapore citizen.[9]
    • To increase the chances that your application is accepted, you may want to wait more than 2 years before you apply. This gives you a chance to better develop connections within your community.
  2. 2
    Complete your application for citizenship. The ICA makes the citizenship application available for download on its website. You must also provide supporting documentation and a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself.[10]
  3. 3
    Submit your application to the ICA. You can submit your documents online, or you can take them to the ICA office in person. The ICA does not accept citizenship applications through the mail. If you take them to the ICA office in person, schedule an appointment before you go.[11]
    • If you go in person, take your originals of each supporting document as well as one copy of each to attach to the application itself.
    • You can use ICA's eService system to submit an application online. However, you must immediately schedule an appointment and bring the originals of all the required documents.[12]
  4. 4
    Meet with an ICA officer. You must have an interview to verify your submitted documents and the information you provided. The ICA officer will ask you questions, and have you issue a declaration as to the truth of the information you submitted.[13]
    • If you submitted your application online, make sure you schedule this interview as soon as possible.
  5. 5
    Receive your outcome letter. When your application is processed, ICA will let you know whether you have been permitted to become a citizen of Singapore. If your application was successful, this letter will include details on what you need to do next.[14]
    • Singapore citizenship applications may take anywhere from 6 to 12 months to process.[15]
    • You may be required to complete the "Singapore Citizenship Journey," an education and cultural program for new citizens. In this case your letter will say that your citizenship is "Approved In-Principle." You can formalize your citizenship after you've completed the program.
  6. 6
    Renounce your foreign citizenship. Singapore does not recognize dual citizenship. Accordingly, if you were already a citizen of another country, you must formally renounce that citizenship at the embassy of your country of origin and surrender your passport.[16]
    • The embassy will issue letters confirming you have renounced your citizenship and surrendered your passport. You will need these letters to register as a citizen of Singapore.
  7. 7
    Register your citizenship. You will have an appointment with the ICA to register. The date of your appointment will be on your outcome letter. If you can't attend at the date and time assigned, contact the ICA as soon as possible to change it.[17]
    • Bring along the originals of your renunciation and passport letters, plus a photocopy of each. You will be expected to pay registration and identification fees as well. The amount of these fees will be listed on your outcome letter.
  8. 8
    Attend your citizenship ceremony. When you register your citizenship, the ICA officer will let you know when the next citizenship ceremony is being held. This ceremony is mandatory. You will be presented with your citizenship certificate and identity card during the ceremony.[18]
    • If you need proof of your citizenship before the ceremony takes place, you can get a letter of confirmation from the ICA.
  9. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Getting Your Passport

  1. 1
    Have passport photos taken. Before you can apply for a Singapore passport, you must have a digital, color photograph of passport-size taken within the past 3 months. ICE has additional technical specifications for the photo available on its Application for Passport On-line Electronic System (APPLES).[19]
    • You can also use a printed passport photo if you prefer to apply for your passport through the mail, or in person at an ICA customer service counter.
  2. 2
    Complete your application. You can download an application for a passport at, or pick up a paper copy at any of the ICA customer service counters.
    • There are different forms if you are submitting your application through the mail, in person, or online. Make sure you're filling out the correct form.
  3. 3
    Submit your completed application and photos. Singapore allows you to submit your application for a passport online, through the mail, or in person. Your application must be accompanied by the S$70 application fee.
    • You can pay your fee using a debit or credit card, or by direct debit from a Singapore bank account.
  4. 4
    Receive your acknowledgement card. When ICA begins processing your passport application, they issue a pink acknowledgement card and mail it to you. Generally you can expect this card within a week after you submitted your application.
    • This card will include information on when and where you can collect your passport. Keep the card, as you may need to show it when you pick up your passport. This is typically around a month after you submitted your application.
  5. 5
    Collect your new passport. When your new passport is ready, go to the ICA building to pick it up in person. You can make an appointment if you want to decrease your wait time. Take with you the pink acknowledgement card, your identity card, and your citizenship certificate.
    • If you don't pick up your new passport within 3 months of the date it is issued, it will be cancelled. Your fees will not be refunded.
  6. Advertisement


  • Singapore doesn't have an objective points system or formula you can follow to obtain PR. Subjective qualifications, such as the need for your particular skills and your engagement in the local community, may come into play.
  • All adult males who apply for citizenship must register with the National Service, complete full-time service, then serve up to 40 days each year until at least the age of 40 (50 for officers).[20]

About This Article

Jennifer Mueller, JD
Written by:
Doctor of Law, Indiana University
This article was written by Jennifer Mueller, JD. Jennifer Mueller is an in-house legal expert at wikiHow. Jennifer reviews, fact-checks, and evaluates wikiHow's legal content to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. She received her JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006. This article has been viewed 38,747 times.
11 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: July 28, 2021
Views: 38,747
Categories: Passports
Article SummaryX

You can follow the Professional, Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers scheme if you’re looking to get a Singapore passport. To be eligible for the PTS scheme, you need to be working in Singapore, on an employment pass, and working a job that earns at least $2,000. Once you satisfy these requirements, you can get the paperwork to apply for a passport. You could also use the For Arts scheme, which requires you to demonstrate outstanding achievements and contributions to art and culture within Singapore. After you you submit your completed application, passport photos, and fees, you’ll receive your passport in 6-12 months. For tips about how to choose your path to become a permanent resident, keep reading!

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