Every girl needs a time to relax, have fun, and go crazy with her friends! From snacks to movies, from dancing and possibly even some sleeping, there are many activities to schedule for the sleepover event that make it as girly as you'd like.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Sending Out Invitations

  1. 1
    Think of a theme first before you send invitations out. That way, you can start the ball rolling with the invitation, and if you need guests to bring things for the theme, this can be included in the invitation. For example, if you do a girly award show theme make little awards and try to find a red carpet. Or, tell all of your guests to come in their girliest fanciest clothes.
  2. 2
    Make a guest list. Even if you only have one guest coming you can still have some fun following these steps. It's a good idea to keep the group small, anything above six girls will become a bit rowdy and difficult for you to ensure everyone is having a good time. Plus, consider where everyone will fit for sleeping.
  3. 3
    Send out the invitations. Don't pass them out at school, people will get jealous. Send them through the mail.
    • If that isn't possible, do it when people won't notice too much. Make sure you list anything they will have to bring, like sleeping bags, pillows, CDs, etc.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Preparing for the Sleepover

  1. 1
    Decide what food, snacks and drinks you'll have at the sleepover. Are you going to buy the food or make it yourself? Work this out well in advance. You could even consider making or baking food as one of the fun activities you do together.
    • Snacks aren't just for eating at movies, some will help you all to stay up late too. Have chips, sodas and sugary treats to help you not fall asleep. Soda has caffeine, candy has the sugar. But be warned! While eating candy is fun, and will help, your sugar could crash, which means that you will get really tired, and basically fall asleep.
  2. 2
    Decorate the party areas. A couple of hours before the guests arrive, decorate to get the theme in place. Put pillows everywhere, bring out light healthy snack food. If you want, light some nice smelling candles, especially for the spa part.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

During the Sleepover

  1. 1
    Show everyone where to put things on arrival. Tell them where to put their clothes and such. If they are new to your house, show them around. Set some ground rules and stick to them. Say if your mom doesn't want you all to go into her office, don't!
  2. 2
    Start with just some fun stuff for the daytime. Play a sport, or if you live near a beach or have a pool, go swimming! Leave the juicy gossiping and games for nighttime.
  3. 3
    As the sun begins to set, go back in and head to the den, your bedroom, or wherever you choose. Let the gossiping begin! Crushes make a good topic to start with.
  4. 4
    Dance a bit. After you stop squealing from the cute crush gossip, get some CD's and dance! Make up a dance routine and practice it with them and teach them how the dance routine goes.
    • Throw a dance party. Get a disco ball. If you don't have one, search disco lights on your computer and turn off the lights and get some music to go with it and dance.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Activities for the Girly Sleepover

  1. 1
    Make a cool, funny videos and dance or something. When you're happy with it, post it on YouTube.
  2. 2
    Have a pillow fight. Grab a pillow and blanket for shield and hit each other as hard as you can.
  3. 3
    Have a spa treatment. Make little "stations" for the girls to cycle through. If one girl is awesome at manicure/pedicures, make her the manicure/pedicure person. If another girl is really great at make-up, make her the make-over person, then switch. You'll all look (and feel) extremely glamorous!
    • Give each other makeovers and new hair do's. Put on a mud mask or make your own. Put cucumbers on your eyes, lay down, and chat for a while.
    • Look after everyone's skin. Make sure every trace of makeup is off before you all settle down to sleep. Going to sleep with makeup isn't good for your skin.
    • Hold a contest to decide who can do the best makeup.
  4. 4
    Play Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, or similar games. Just have fun with it! For a fun game of Truth or Dare, give each girl a piece of paper and have her write down as many truths and dares she can think of. Put all the truths in one box or hat, and dares in another. Then have the person up pick one out of the desired container. Some other games to try include:
    • Sardines: This is like hide and seek, but in the dark. One person hides, and the rest of the people count. When you're done counting, go look but when you find her, don't say a word. Hide with her and it will eventually even down to the last person!
    • Sleeping Beauty: Don't worry, there is no kissing involved. Basically, one person lies down on the floor with her eyes closed, and everyone else has to make her laugh. When she laughs, the person who made her laugh takes her place.
  5. 5
    Watch movies and eat plenty of healthy popcorn. Watch a movie, funny video whatever anything that is on the TV or computer.
  6. 6
    Take lots of friendship photos with your friends. You want this to be a night that is never forgotten because it's so awesome and amazing! Also take photo selfies. Even if you are not a picture person, make random faces and take pictures. Maybe even take pictures and post them on a website.
  7. 7
    Prank call friends you know won't mind. Don't do anything too scary though, like the whole breathe really heavy and say "I'm gonna kill you" thing or something like that. Make it funny!
    • If your friends won't get mad, and will think it is funny, prank them. Before your party you can tell one or two friends about the prank, and when the time comes, do the prank! Make sure that the person or people you are pranking won't get mad and leave your sleepover. You want this to be a fun sleepover. If you only invited one person, make sure she won't get mad, and prank her! In the end of your pranks, it should be giggles and saying, "remember when we did this". Instead of crying and calling parents to pick the guest up. It should be a fun night!
  8. 8
    Make a scrapbook full of memories from that sleepover. Make up nicknames for your crushes and write them down in a journal, take silly pictures and other things.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What is the best snack to have?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    That depends on what you and your friends enjoy. Do you want healthy food, sugary food or savory? Ask them before they come what they'd enjoy. Usually it'd be good to have some pizza slices, corn dogs and sausage rolls for savories and some candies and chocolates for sweet snacks. Chips are always enjoyed.
  • Question
    What is actually fun?!
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Fun is subjective. It depends on what you and your friends enjoy doing together. It could be playing scary games, doing a makeover or baking some cookies. Or texting your male friends at 3AM in the morning with funny messages. Or dancing in the garden, playing spin the bottle or watching a Harry Potter marathon. Or, you get the drift... come up with ideas that fit your situation, your home, your friends and you.
  • Question
    Is baking something girls like to do? I am throwing a surprise Christmas sleepover and would like to know if this would be a good idea.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Many girls enjoy baking but even if some don't, they could still sit and chat and perhaps read out the recipe instructions. Christmas season is a great time for baking -- you could bake gingerbread people and houses, Christmas themed cookies and make a chocolate cake decorated with Christmas designs. You could also include a chocolate making session, which will delight most of your guests.



Things You'll Need

  • Makeup
  • Nail polish
  • Movies
  • Popcorn
  • Blankets
  • Pillows for everyone
  • Finger food
  • Notebooks and pens (for writing a sleepover plan)
  • Friends
  • Pajamas
  • Music

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 114 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 269,568 times.
18 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 114
Updated: June 24, 2022
Views: 269,568
Categories: Sleep Overs
Article SummaryX

Girly sleepovers are a great way to stay up late and have fun with your best friends. There are so many fun things you can do, like watching a movie or binging a TV show while eating popcorn and other snacks. You can make up a dance routine to your favorite song and record it on your phone. When your parents aren't around, play some classic sleepover games like truth or dare and sleeping beauty. To play sleeping beauty, one girl lies down with her eyes closed and the rest of you have to make her laugh. Then, the person that made her laugh takes her place. You can also give each other a makeover by doing each other's makeup, hair, and nails. When you're all looking your most glamorous, take some selfies together to remember the night. For more tips, including how to prank call your friends at your sleepover, read on!

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