Sometimes, you need to hide your cash. You do not want your parents or siblings to find and take it. There are many places where you can hide your cash and coins, but you need to be smart about where and how you hide it!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Hiding Your Money In Items

  1. 1
    Keep your money secret in a book. You can hide cash in a book in between pages. Or, if you have a cheap old book, you can hollow out the book to hide your money.
    • To hollow out a book, you can carefully cut out pages.[1]
    • Pick a book that you wouldn’t mind destroying, if you want to hollow it out!
    • Make sure you remember which book you want to hide things in.
  2. 2
    Consider putting your money in a register vent. Cash is easy to fold and to slip into narrow spaces. Remember, however, you may need to use a screwdriver to get your money back out again.
  3. 3
    Tape your money under a drawer. You can put your money in a plastic bag or envelope and then tape it to the bottom or inside of a drawer.[2]
    • You can better hide your money if taped on the inside of a drawer if you cover it with clothes or other items from your drawer.
  4. 4
    ”Sock” away your money in your sock drawer. Chances are, your parents or siblings do not want to go through your socks and/or underwear. Hide your money in the inside of a sock and put the sock back into one of your drawers.
    • Be careful not to throw the sock or clothes in the washer!
  5. 5
    Squirrel away your money in a DVD/Game case. If you have a video game or DVD case, you can hide bills in the insert or the cover.
    • Do not put coins in the case. They will rattle around or scratch the disk.
    • This probably would not be a good hiding place if your siblings/parents borrow your stuff without asking!
  6. 6
    Repurpose empty bottles for coins. If you have an empty shampoo bottle or deodorant container, you can use it to store coins.
    • Hide these bottles in plain sight or in a place where a bottle will likely be seen. Coins will weigh down the bottle, so if it is picked up, it will be notably heavy.
    • Be careful not to put the bottle someplace where it will get thrown away.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Avoiding Risky Places to Hide Your Money

  1. 1
    Do not cause a fire hazard. These places include bills behind electrical outlets or in light fixtures. You do not want to accidentally cause a fire!
  2. 2
    Do not use tight spaces. Some places, like air vents, may seem like really good places to hide your money. However, it will not do you any good if you can’t retrieve it!
    • You can avoid losing your money forever if you try out your hiding place first. For example, try putting your hand in the space you’re trying to use before you put anything valuable in there.
  3. 3
    Do not be obvious! Some places may not seem obvious but are. Avoid such places like:
    • Under your mattress
    • In a nightstand/table/desk
    • In a purse/backpack/wallet (even if that is hidden somewhere!)
    • In jacket or coat pockets
  4. 4
    Do not forget where you put your money. Some places might be too good for hiding things. Always remember where you hid your cash and valuables.
  5. 5
    Do not put money in damp places. Hiding your money somewhere where it can get wet (and then moldy) is a bad idea! Some places that can get damp include:
    • Outside (unless properly protected with something like plastic)
    • Near water sources (toilets, sinks)
    • Basements
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Considering Other Ways to Keep Your Money Safe

  1. 1
    Talk to your siblings or parents about taking your money. Explain that you do not appreciate that they have taken your money. Talk to them about how hard you work and how the money is rightfully yours.[3]
  2. 2
    Have a parent or guardian make a savings or checking account at a bank. The safest place to hide your money is in a bank! If it is just your siblings that are taking your money, ask your parents if they can help you sign up for an account at the bank. [4]
    • If you are under 18 years old and in the US, you have to sign up with a parent. Your parent or guardian will also have access to your account.[5]
  3. 3
    Have a parent or guardian invest your money in savings bonds. If you have made a lot of money and want to invest it for the future, talk to your parents or guardian about putting your money into savings bonds. This will help double your money over many years (such as 5, 10, 20, 25) but make it so no one but you are able to cash it out at the bank.
  4. Advertisement


  • Avoid wet/damp places.
  • Never put money someplace where you can’t get it out again!
  • Do not hide all of your money in one place. Spread out your hiding places.
  • Remember that money can catch on fire. Avoid hiding cash in places that may cause it to catch fire (like behind on outlet). If it’s plastic money, it will be poisonous since plastic burning releases deadly toxic fumes.
  • Stealing is wrong. If you are working hard and your money is being taken often, consider talking to the police.

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Updated: March 5, 2023
Views: 51,059