If you struggle to make a fairway wood shot, you're not alone. Many golfers have this issue. However, don't worry! You'll find that a few key tricks will help you develop this swing into one you can be proud of. Work on your stance and your swing, and then get ready to connect with the ball.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Working on Your Stance

  1. 1
    Put the ball slightly to the left of center. If you normally position the ball directly in front of you, move it a little to the left. It should be between the center of your body and your left foot. Line it up with the left part of your chest.[1]
    • Place the ball a little farther back than you would with a driver.
    • Placing the ball this way helps you hit down towards the ball, creating lift.
  2. 2
    Take a wide stance to balance your weight. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders to create balance. Steady your body in the main part of your feet. Don't balance on your toes.[2]
  3. 3
    Keep your shoulders square through the shot. Many beginners try to pull their shoulders open in this shot. However, that can make your downswing too steep, and you won't hit the ball as well. Make sure your shoulders are in a straight line as you take the swing, not pulled back.[3]
    • Lift your left shoulder slightly.
  4. 4
    Grip the club tightly with your right hand partly over your left.[4] Place your left hand at the end of the club with your thumb pointing down the club toward the top of the head. Put your right hand over your left thumb with your right thumb slightly to the left of your left thumb.[5]
    • Hold on tight to the club so you keep the motion in check.
    • To make sure you're gripping tightly enough, place a coin on your left thumb before placing your right hand over it. Keep the quarter in place throughout your swing.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Visualizing the Correct Swing

  1. 1
    Use the 4-ball technique to help you visualize the swing. Line up 4 balls in a row in front of you. The ball closest to your club should be where you would hit it for the swing, and the other 3 balls should be out to the left of that ball in a row. Now, imagine how you would have to swing the club to hit all 4 balls. You'd have to keep it low and close to the ground.[6]
    • Try practice swings below the line of the balls. Don't try to hit all 4 balls!
  2. 2
    Work on a smooth, even swing. Speed can help you hit the ball farther, but in the end, a smooth swing will do more for you. If you try to swing too fast, you lose control of your swing and may decrease contact with the ball.[7]
    • Practice swinging solidly and smoothly through. Make an nice, even motion, and only increase speed to the point where you still feel in control.
  3. 3
    Swing wide both ways. Swing wide when you pull the club back and when you swing the club forward. Basically, you want as much width as you can get when you swing the club, as that provides more force on the ball.[8]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Connecting with the Ball with Your Swing

  1. 1
    Try a shot with golf tees in place of the final ball. Once you've visualized the shot, pick up the 3 balls farthest from your club. Put 2 golf tees down where the last ball was in the ground. You're using golf tees because you can hit the golf ball over them and still hit the tees.[9]
  2. 2
    Pull the club backwards and shift your weight. As you swing the club back, your whole upper body should twist around. In fact, your back should be facing where you want the ball to go.[10]
    • As you make this movement, shift your weight to your right inner leg.
  3. 3
    Swing down into the ball. As you bring the club forward, shift your weight onto your left leg, pressing down into the ground with that foot. Bring the club down to hit the ball, and then keep it low to the ground.[11]
  4. 4
    Make a light divot in the ground. When you're hitting off the ground, you have to get under the ball. These clubs have a rounded edge at the front so they can lift the ball off the ground. Obviously, you don't want to drive the club completely into the ground, but brushing it lightly is fine.[12]
    • Basically, always keep the club low to the ground when hitting a fairway wood.[13]
  5. 5
    Finish out your swing by staying low and then swinging out wide. As you connect to the ball, keep your club low to the ground. Try to hit the tees as you come out of the swing.[14]
    • Try not to "scoop" the ball. Rather, drive down into the ball and move it forward.[15]
  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What is the most difficult part of hitting a fairway wood?
    Michael Metz
    Michael Metz
    Golf Instructor
    Michael Metz is a Golf Instructor and the Director of Instruction at Simi Hills Golf Course. With more than 15 years of experience, Michael is adept at coaching all facets of Golf. Mike uses technology, such as Flightscope, V1 Swing Suite, Blast Motion, and BodiTrak pressure mapping, to provide advanced golf training with quick results.
    Michael Metz
    Golf Instructor
    Expert Answer
    This move is almost identical to the driver swing, but you move the ball further back in your stance, catching it with the last part of your downswing, as opposed to the driver with the first part of your upswing or follow-through..
  • Question
    How do I stop topping my fairway woods?
    Michael Metz
    Michael Metz
    Golf Instructor
    Michael Metz is a Golf Instructor and the Director of Instruction at Simi Hills Golf Course. With more than 15 years of experience, Michael is adept at coaching all facets of Golf. Mike uses technology, such as Flightscope, V1 Swing Suite, Blast Motion, and BodiTrak pressure mapping, to provide advanced golf training with quick results.
    Michael Metz
    Golf Instructor
    Expert Answer
    Since the club is longer, people always tend to put it more forward in their stance, and that's probably what's happening. I will put that a little further back in your stance, because you're trying to make sure the bottom of your swing is catching the turf.

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About This Article

Michael Metz
Co-authored by:
Golf Instructor
This article was co-authored by Michael Metz. Michael Metz is a Golf Instructor and the Director of Instruction at Simi Hills Golf Course. With more than 15 years of experience, Michael is adept at coaching all facets of Golf. Mike uses technology, such as Flightscope, V1 Swing Suite, Blast Motion, and BodiTrak pressure mapping, to provide advanced golf training with quick results. This article has been viewed 65,670 times.
7 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: March 6, 2022
Views: 65,670
Article SummaryX

To hit fairway woods, start by taking a wide stance with your shoulders squared and the ball slightly to the left of center. Then, when you swing, use a smooth, even motion, and keep the club low the ground as you go to hit the ball. You want to make a light divot in the ground under the ball to give it air, so keep your club low when you swing down. Also, instead of scooping the ball up with your club, you want to drive down into it and move it forward. To learn how to practice your fairway wood swing, scroll down!

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