In golf, "hitting an iron pure" means making a solid connection between your iron and the ball in order to get the most distance out of your shot. Once you’re comfortable hitting a driver, the next step is learning how to use your irons to hit the ball the rest of the way down the green. Like many golf skills, the first step to hitting an iron pure is getting into the proper position, then developing a good swing– in this case, swinging down and into the ball on the downswing instead of scooping it up on the upswing. Practice your starting stance and your swing technique to hit your irons pure every time!

Things You Should Know

  • Form and ball placement are essential if you want to hit irons pure; move the ball up a bit if you find yourself struggling to get enough air.
  • Let your shoulders drive the momentum of your swing and shift your weight to your front leg as you swing to get the most power possible.
  • Keep swinging the club through the ball as you make contact to ensure that you follow through completely.
Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Swinging with the Proper Technique

  1. 1
    Keep your feet planted as firmly as possible to stay balanced. Shift your weight slightly back to your heels if it helps keep them planted. Try not to let them move at all until the end of your swing.[1]
    • If your feet are moving a lot at any point of your swing, then you are swinging too hard.
  2. 2
    Swing the club back with your arms and let your shoulders turn with the momentum. Shift your weight towards your back leg and swing the club back and above your head. Let your shoulders rotate upwards behind you as you swing the club above your head so the head of the golf club is straight up in the air.[2]
    • When taking your backswing, initiate it with your chest and make sure your hands are firm at the top before swinging.
    • Practice a few half-backswings to loosen up before you actually hit the ball.
    • At the top of your backswing, your dominant arm will be bent at the elbow and almost vertical. The non-dominant arm will be almost totally straight.
  3. 3
    Shift your weight to your front leg and swing down towards the ball. Use your leg and start to push your hips open, pulling your chest through, and have the club come down. Swing the club back down towards the ball. Let your shoulders drop back down so they are straight above your legs when you make contact with the ball on the downswing.[3]
    • Try not to take big divots out of the turf under the ball. You want to sweep the ball off the turf on your downswing, rather than hitting into the turf below it.

    Tip: Think of hitting the ball with an iron like peeling an apple. You want to just skin it off the surface of the turf, not jab your iron into the core.

  4. 4
    Keep the club swinging through the target line after you hit the ball. Don’t stop your downswing once you make impact. Keep swinging through the ball and let the club keep going towards the target as the ball sails down the green.[4]
    • When you finish your swing, your belt buckle or button of your pants will be facing the target. If it’s not then you need to focus on letting your hips lead on your next try.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Getting into Position

  1. 1
    Line the side of your body up with your target. Stand with your legs and back straight, in front of the ball, so that there is an imaginary line from the side of your body to where you want the ball to go. This keeps your hips from turning too far back on your backswing.[5]
    • When you turn your head to the left you will be looking right at the target.
  2. 2
    Spread your feet so they are directly below your shoulders. This creates a strong foundation so you will be able to shift your weight back and then through the swing. Don’t stand with your feet too wide apart or too close together, or you will be off balance.[6]
    • During your swing, you want to be able to comfortably shift your weight to your back leg during the backswing, then forward again to your front leg as you swing through the ball.
  3. 3
    Position the ball just ahead of the middle of your feet. Place the ball in front of you at club distance and closer to your front foot than to your back foot. This will allow you to catch the ball on the downswing as opposed to scooping it up.[7]
    • Catching the ball on the downswing means hitting it before your club starts swinging up again. If you hit the ball on your upswing, you will achieve less distance and accuracy with your iron shots.
    • Line up the ball with the logo on your golf shirt, if it has one, to help you hit the ball on the downswing.
  4. 4
    Hold the club firmly with your dominant hand in front. Place your dominant hand on the lower part of the club’s grip and your other hand right behind it so your little finger and index finger are touching. Hold the club downward with the head behind the ball so you catch the ball on the downswing.[8]
    • Keep your arms relaxed, your back straight, and the belt buckle or the button of your pants facing straight forward in your beginning stance.

    Tip: Your complete starting stance will look like this: standing with the side of your body lined up with the target, your feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in front of you in the middle of your stance, but slightly more towards your front foot, and the club held out in front of you so the head of the club reaches the ball.

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About This Article

Michael Metz
Co-authored by:
Golf Instructor
This article was co-authored by Michael Metz. Michael Metz is a Golf Instructor and the Director of Instruction at Simi Hills Golf Course. With more than 15 years of experience, Michael is adept at coaching all facets of Golf. Mike uses technology, such as Flightscope, V1 Swing Suite, Blast Motion, and BodiTrak pressure mapping, to provide advanced golf training with quick results. This article has been viewed 64,766 times.
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Co-authors: 10
Updated: January 27, 2023
Views: 64,766