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While “girl bands” have existed for a long time, the huge popularity of K-Pop groups like BLACKPINK has inspired girls everywhere—especially girls who love performing onstage. It’s not easy to become part of a girl group; unfortunately, most people never “break through” in the industry.[1] X Research source Maybe you have what it takes, though. We’ve answered your most common questions on what it takes to join a girl group, so you can get off to the right start!
Where do I start?
Look into auditions for entertainment companies. Many big-name girl groups, especially in industries like K-Pop, are signed to a major record label or entertainment company. These companies often focus on musical groups, though they sometimes branch out into other fields like TV.[2] X Research source
- In the K-Pop industry, some of the most well-known companies include SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, and YG Entertainment. Those are just the most popular ones, though—there are many more you can look into!
What do agencies look for?
They want strong performing ability and a bright and sociable personality. It’s fairly obvious that someone in a girl group would need to know how to sing, dance, and possibly rap, but the entertainment industry is about putting on your best face to the world, too. Someone who's sullen or withdrawn would have a tougher time. It's a good option for someone who's extroverted, cheerful, and outgoing, but you can still succeed if you're shy—it just requires you to break out of your comfort zone a little![3] X Research source
- In K-Pop, the biggest performance skills are singing and dancing, but the agency will pay more attention to dancing—it’s much harder to pretend you can dance!
- Don't worry about building an audience on YouTube or social media. While this might give you a leg-up in Western industries, it's not a guarantee—and in K-Pop, a wide social media following can actually hinder you. (They prefer to create your public image for you, and they can't easily do that with someone who’s already well-known.)
- No matter what kind of group you want to join, keep your social media profiles professional. If you’re posting obscenities, party photos, alcohol or drug paraphernalia, or anything else that you wouldn’t want a potential employer to see, you’ll lose your chances. (A record label will see that as a potential threat to their image.)
How old do I have to be?
You usually have to be in your teens or early 20s. There isn’t a universal age requirement to join a girl group, and some agencies let anyone audition regardless of age. However, most girl groups are made up of teenagers or people in their early 20s.[4] X Research source In addition, honing your performance skills can take years, so most people auditioning tend to be in their mid-teens.[5] X Research source
- If you’re a minor, you’ll need your parents’ or guardians’ consent to audition and join a girl group, and they might be required to come with you to some events (like your audition).[6] X Research source
- Youth is a huge part of the pop culture scene, so it can become harder to successfully audition once you’re older than 25.[7] X Research source
How much experience do I need?
There’s no set amount, but two years is the recommended minimum. Most members of girl groups have been practicing since they were young children;[8] X Research source the typical K-Pop trainee practices for about six years before auditioning.[9] X Research source In general, you’ll have a better chance if you have multiple years of singing and dancing experience, and are in good physical shape.[10] X Research source
- Your best bet is to take singing lessons and K-pop dance classes. (If you can't find K-pop dance courses, try taking hip-hop or contemporary dance classes instead.)
Should I know another language?
That depends on the agency. Some agencies don’t require you to speak more than one language. Other ones require you to be fluent in a specific language. However, if you’re auditioning for an agency based in another country, it helps a lot to be fluent in that country’s language.[11] X Research source
When are auditions held?
Auditions are usually for several weeks or months out of a year. There are a lot of people who audition for girl groups, so most agencies keep their applications closed for the majority of the year. Once they open auditions, they’re usually open for a few weeks or a few months. The length of time varies per agency, so you’ll need to check with the companies you plan on auditioning for.[12] X Research source
- Follow these agencies on social media—they often use sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to announce when their auditions are open!
How do I audition?
Start by applying on the agency’s website. On the entertainment company’s site, you’ll fill out an application with your information and what you’re auditioning for. You might also pick a location to audition at; however, many agencies have moved their auditions online-only due to the pandemic, so you may submit videos for your audition instead.[13] X Research source If you pass the first audition, you'll usually be asked to audition a second time.[14] X Research source
- Singing and dancing are the biggest parts of your audition. If you’re auditioning online, you might be asked to submit photos of yourself, too.[15] X Research source
- Check where you're auditioning. If you have to travel to another country to audition, you'll need to have a valid passport.
- Prepare ahead of time! Some people are able to improvise on the spot, but you’ll do better if you've picked a song and dance already.[16] X Research source
How should I look when I audition?
Aim for plain and presentable, not fancy. In an audition, dramatic or formal outfits can actually backfire, because entertainment industries prefer “blank slates” that they can easily dress up themselves. Wear simple, everyday clothes that don't interfere with your ability to sing or dance (like a T-shirt with leggings). As long as you're not wearing dirty or torn clothing, you'll be okay—the judges are looking at your abilities, not your clothes.[17] X Research source
- It’s okay to wear makeup during your audition, but go for a natural look. Avoid anything bold.
Should I perform a specific type of dance?
Not necessarily, but try to create your own. There’s no one “perfect” type of dance for all girl groups. However, in general, the judges will be more impressed by an original dance, because it’s a better way to show your abilities. If you choose a well-known song and create your own dance routine for it, the agency will get a better impression of your skills.[18] X Research source
- You can perform a well-known dance, too, but you’ll need to nail it in order to have a chance. When the judges know the choreography, it’s easy for them to spot a mistake.
What song should I sing?
Choose a clean, cheerful song that shows off your range. The judges want a good idea of your vocal range, and an upbeat song can show off the bubbly personality that they want girls in a girl group to have. You don’t want a song about the hardships of life, nor to struggle to hit the notes. Steer clear of anything with profanity or racy content, too—remember, agencies are hesitant to take on someone who could hurt their image![19] X Research source
- You won’t have a lot of time to perform—you’ll usually have about two minutes for an online audition. In an in-person audition, you might get cut off after less than a minute.[20] X Research source
- In K-Pop auditions, you might be asked to perform two songs: one in Korean and one in English.[21] X Research source However, some agencies let you pick one song in English or Korean. In that case, pick a song in your strongest language, so you can focus more on performing.[22] X Research source
- While Western judges might encourage performing your own music, K-Pop judges don’t usually like non-mainstream songs or songs you wrote yourself. However, if you can put your own spin on a popular song (for instance, changing the tempo or style), they might be more interested.[23] X Research source
- It's okay to perform songs that were popular a decade or two ago. It doesn't need to be the latest hit. (In fact, performing a song that the judges might've grown up with can work to your advantage.)[24] X Research source
When will I know if I’ve passed my auditions?
The agency will reach out within a few weeks. Auditioning in and of itself is a nail-biting experience, but it can be even more nerve-wracking to wait for the results. Most of the time, if you’ve been picked, you’ll get a phone call from the agency by three weeks afterwards.[25] X Research source Some agencies might also reach out via email if you’ve been selected.[26] X Research source
- If you don’t hear back from the agency after a month, you probably weren’t picked.[27] X Research source
- Don’t lose heart if you didn't pass. Many K-Pop stars had to audition at least ten times before becoming trainees—sometimes more![28] X Research source There are other ways to perform in front of others, and you can always try again.
Will I need to move if I'm picked?
You'll most likely have to move, if you don’t live in the area. Most agencies are based in a specific country and don’t have international training locations. If you’re recruited by the agency, you’re probably going to have to live in that country for at least a few years while you train.[29] X Research source Your family also won’t be able to come with you, so you’ll either be living in a dorm with other trainees, or living by yourself.[30] X Research source
How long does training take?
It depends, but it’s been known to take years. If you’re selected, you’ll probably sign a contract agreeing to train for one or two years at minimum. But because there’s no way to know whether you’ll be selected for a group, you might end up training for much longer or shorter than that. It’s not unheard of for people to train for over a decade, or to never make it big.[31] X Research source
Will my group become well-known?
The chances are slim, but that doesn't mean there's no chance. It’s fun to lose yourself in daydreams of being an idol and performing on a stage, but don't make it your only career plan—the entertainment industry is incredibly cutthroat.[32] X Research source Being part of a successful girl group is something that takes a lot of luck, hard work, and willingness to put your best foot forward. You'll never know if you don't try, though, so if you really want to join a girl group, then give it your best shot. You could find yourself with an exciting path ahead of you!
- K-Pop's beauty standards are extremely hard to reach; there’s a lot of emphasis on being thin, pale-skinned, and attractive, and many performers in girl groups are underweight. This can be hard on your self-esteem, so it helps to have a positive body image and love what your body can do (rather than what it looks like!).[33] X Research source⧼thumbs_response⧽
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