Making candles from crayons is a fun and easy way to use up your old, broken, or unused crayons. Though you do need to add some candle wax to your crayon wax to make a usable candle that will burn well, the process is pretty simple. Ready to create some beautiful crayon candles? Read on!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Setting Up

  1. 1
    Peel a crayon. If the wrapper does not come away easily, you can cut it off using a craft blade, or you can soak them in water for a few minutes.[1]
    • If you want to make a striped candle, peel some more crayons. You'll need about one crayon per color.[2]
    • You will need 6 crayons per 1 cup (225 grams) of wax.[3]
  2. 2
    Break the crayon into smaller pieces and set them aside. The smaller pieces you break the crayons into, the easier they will melt. Some people find that grating the crayon into flakes helps it melt faster.[4]
    • If you are making a striped candle, be careful to keep the colors separate.
  3. 3
    Place a tabbed wick in the middle of the glass candle holder and secure it with a drop of hot wax.[5] You can also use a drop of super glue or a piece of double-sided tape. Some tabbed candle wicks will be self-adhesive.
  4. 4
    Place two sticks to either side of the wick to hold it steady. Lay two sticks (such as pencils or popsicle sticks) across the mouth of the candle holder. Sandwich the wick between the two sticks so that it stands up straight.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Melting the Wax

  1. 1
    Measure out enough candle wax to fill your candle holder, plus some extra and set it aside. Try to get the kind of wax that comes in flake or pellet form. It will melt a lot quicker. If your wax comes in blocks, cut it into smaller pieces so that it melts quicker.
    • You will need to add wax to your candle. Many people find that candles made from pure crayon do not burn well.
    • The wax will "shrink" when you melt it, so you will need the extra wax.
  2. 2
    Set up a double boiler. Fill a saucepan with 1 to 2 inches of water. Place a heat-safe measuring cup into the pot.[6]
  3. 3
    Place the crayons and wax into the glass measuring cup. If you want to make a striped candle, you will need to melt each color in a separate batch.
    • If you plan on making a striped candle, don't do the other colors yet. Wait until the first color layer sets.
  4. 4
    Melt the crayons and candle wax over medium heat, stirring often. This will help the wax and crayon melt more evenly. You can use a spoon to stir. If you don't want to dirty your spoon, use a popsicle stick or a disposable chopstick.
  5. 5
    Take the measuring cup out of the water using an oven mitt or pot holder. It will be very hot, so be careful. Set it down on a heat-safe surface.
  6. 6
    Consider adding some fragrance. Once the wax is melted, you can add in a few drops of candle fragrance or essential oil. Be sure to stir the wax well to blend everything together.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Pouring the Wax

  1. 1
    Pour melted wax/crayon mixture into a candle holder. If you plan on making a layered candle, don't fill the holder all the way. If you plan on making a solid-colored candle, fill it almost to the top.
  2. 2
    Let the candle harden before adding other colors and layers.[7] If you add the second layer too soon, it will mix into the first one, and you might end up with an ugly color. It will take about 20 to 30 minutes for each layer to harden.[8]
  3. 3
    Wait for the candle to harden completely before using it. This will take several hours. You can speed up the process by putting the candles in the freezer for two to three hours.
  4. 4
    Trim the wick down to ¼ inch (0.64 centimeters). If you don't trim the wick down, it will be too long. It won't burn right and will create a fire hazard.
  5. 5
    Finished. You will now have a beautiful candle.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I use just crayons to make crayon candles?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it will not work as well. Candles made entirely of crayons for wax burn quicker and less brightly.
  • Question
    Can I use vanilla as a scent when making crayon candles?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    What is a tabbed wick, and do I have to use it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    it's just a wick with a neck at the bottom. You could use an untabbed wick, but it may be more difficult.


  • Crayon wax does not evaporate. Make sure that you burn the crayon candle in a deep dish to catch all of the melting wax.
  • Children must have adult supervision for this project.
  • Candle-making can be both fun and dangerous. You should never try any projects that use heat and fire without an adults help and always follow candle safety rules.
  • You must mix the crayons into the wax.[12] Many people find that candles made purely out of crayons do not burn very brightly, or for very long.[13] The reason for this is because the pigments from the crayons clog the wick, and prevent it from burning.[14]

Things You'll Need

  • Wax (flaked or pellet form)
  • Crayons
  • Tabbed wick
  • Glass candle votive/holder
  • 2 popsicle sticks or pencils
  • Medium saucepan
  • Heat-safe glass measuring cup
  • Spoon or stir stick
  • Scissors

About This Article

Claire Donovan-Blackwood
Co-authored by:
Arts & Crafts Specialist
This article was co-authored by Claire Donovan-Blackwood. Claire Donovan-Blackwood is an Arts & Crafts Specialist and CEO of Heart Handmade UK, a site dedicated to helping people live a happy, creative life. With over 13 years of experience, Claire uses art as a form of therapy and focuses on mindfulness in the making of art. She makes crafting easy and accessible for those she works with. Claire received her B.A. in Photography & Visual Imagery from The University of Huddersfield. This article has been viewed 245,418 times.
8 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 47
Updated: February 6, 2023
Views: 245,418
Article SummaryX

To make candles from crayon wax, chop your crayons into the smallest pieces you can, then mix the crayon pieces with pellets of regular candle wax and place all the wax pieces in a heatproof cup. Next, melt your wax by heating a pot of water on medium heat, then putting the cup in the pot and stirring the wax regularly. Once the wax melts thoroughly, remove the wax from the heat, add essential oil for fragrance, then pour the wax into a glass candle holder. To learn how to use crayons to make a rainbow layered candle, keep reading!

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