Everybody knows that flowers are a delight to behold and smell, but what you may not know is that many types of flowers also have a wonderful perfumed flavor that’s practically begging for a place in your recipe book. But what’s the best way to work with flowers in the kitchen? Rather than using the entire plant, it’s easiest to just turn the blossoms into a sweet concentrated syrup. Flower syrups can be used to add a hint of floral flavor to everything from cocktails to desserts. To incorporate your favorite flowers into a syrup, all you need is some water, sugar, a handful of vibrant petals and a few minutes to extract their wild essence.


  • 1 cup granulated white sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 teaspoons 1 cup edible flower pedals
  • Additional herbs, spices and flavorings (optional)
  • Liquid food coloring (optional)

Makes approx. 2 cups of syrup

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Simmering the Syrup

  1. 1
    Pick edible varieties of flowers. To make your own homemade flower syrups, you’ll want to start with flowers that are safe to eat. Some common edible species include roses, hibiscus, lavender, chamomile and tulips, but there are many others to choose from. Each of these will produce a smooth, sweet syrup with its own distinctive undertones.[1]
    • Choose only fresh flowers that are in full bloom and don’t show any signs of wilting or disease.
    • Never use flowers that have been treated with pesticides or other potentially harmful chemicals.
  2. 2
    Prepare the flowers for cooking. You won’t use the whole flower to make your syrups. Instead, snip the blossom loose from the stem, then pluck the petals individually. Discard the stems, leaves, bulbs and any other green bits. The colorful part of the flower is what you’re really after.[2]
    • Lightly wash the flowers under cool water first to remove any visible dirt or insects.[3]
    • If you’re using a species that produces small buds, like lilac or elderflowers, you can pull off and steep the whole flower.[4]
  3. 3
    Combine equal parts sugar and water in a medium saucepan. This simple syrup will provide the base for your flower infusions. For a small, concentrated batch of syrup, use about one cup of both sugar and water. If you plan on stockpiling the syrup, you can increase the amount by another cup or two.[5]
    • Save time reducing the simple syrup yourself by blending pure cane juice with water and heating the mixture lightly.
    • You can also make a thicker, more viscous syrup by using two parts sugar for every one part water.[6]
  4. 4
    Heat the simple syrup to a low boil. Place the saucepan on the stovetop over medium-high heat. Stir the sugar and water together as the sugar gradually dissolves. Once it has completely melted, you should be left with a thick, lightly-colored liquid.[7]
    • The syrup should just begin to bubble around the edges when it reaches the optimal temperature.
    • Be careful not to use too intense a heat, or it may cause the sugar to scorch.
  5. 5
    Add a handful of fresh or dried flowers. Sprinkle the petals directly into the simple syrup. Depending on the type of flower you’ve selected, you may need to use slightly more or less in order to achieve the desired flavor. In most cases, a couple tablespoons will be enough—you’ll rarely need to use more than a cup.[8]
    • Crushing dried flowers before adding them to the syrup can release more of their flavor.
  6. 6
    Simmer the mixture for half an hour. The heat will unlock the essence of the flowers, infusing the syrup with robust flavor and color. The mixture should simmer for no less than thirty minutes, although you can leave it for as long as you like. The longer you allow the flowers to steep, the more potent the finished syrup will be.[9]
    • This will be the best time to incorporate any other ingredients you’d like to include, such as vanilla, cinnamon, rosemary, cardamom, or citrus zest.[10]
    • To give your flower syrup a bolder color, stir in a very small amount of liquid food coloring. Coloration can create more exotic look and help you differentiate between multiple syrups.[11]
  7. 7
    Strain the flower remnants out of the syrup. Remove the saucepan from the heat and have a container ready to hold the syrup. Use a wire colander or piece of cheesecloth to catch the cooked flower pieces so that only the syrup is left. Dispose of the spent flowers.[12]
    • Leave the lid off of the container for a few minutes so that the syrup has a chance to cool.
    • Don’t worry if a few flower particles are left behind. They are, after all, safe to eat.
  8. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Bottling and Storing Flower Syrups

  1. 1
    Transfer the syrup to a jar or bottle. Many people like to store their flower syrups in mason jars because of their rustic look and convenient size. You might also choose to keep the syrup in an empty bottle for ease of pouring. Glass containers tend to be preferable to other materials, as they won’t influence the subtle flavors of the syrup.[13]
    • Stick a pour spout into the mouth of a jar to control the flow of the syrup.
    • Search your kitchen for improvised containers like unused squirt bottles that will make the syrups easier to enjoy.
  2. 2
    Keep flower syrups in the refrigerator. Place the syrup on one of the upper shelves where it will be within reach when you’re ready to use it. Make sure the lid is secure so that air doesn’t get in. Most types of flower syrup will stay fresh for several weeks, though it’s unlikely that they’ll make it that long![14]
    • A quarter teaspoon of citric acid can help better preserve flower syrups. The slight acidity is also useful for cutting overpowering sweetness.[15]
    • When the syrup goes bad, the floral elements will begin to ferment, resulting in a sour, unpleasant smell.[16]
  3. 3
    Use flower syrups in drinks, desserts and other recipes. When added to a pitcher of ice cold lemonade, flower syrups help create the perfect refreshing summertime treat. Tangy syrups are known to pair especially well with champagne and other sparkling spirits. You can even use your syrups to top desserts like creme brulee or flavor cake frosting to make them even more irresistible.[17]
    • Drizzle a few ounces into a glass of iced tea for a unique twist on the classic Arnold Palmer, or lend some zest and sweetness to crisp soda water.[18]
    • Come up with some inventive new cocktail recipes that incorporate different flower syrups, like a lavender-mint mojito or rosewater cosmopolitan.
  4. Advertisement


  • Don’t use flowers that come from the florist for culinary recipes, as these are often grown using toxic chemicals.

Things You'll Need

  • Medium saucepan
  • Measuring cup
  • Spatula
  • Fine wire strainer or cheesecloth
  • Scissors
  • Jars or bottles

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21 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: July 1, 2021
Views: 28,217
Categories: Syrups | Edible Flowers