Hardtack is a type of hard, dry bread that was eaten by soldiers and sailors throughout history. It is popular among campers and survivalists because it can last for years if stored properly. Fortunately, it's an extremely easy recipe and you can make your own traditional hardtack with just a few ingredients. You can also add a few spices and flavorings for a much better-tasting hardtack than people ate years ago.


  • 2 cups (256 g) of flour
  • 1 cup (240 mL) of water
  • 2 tsp (11.38 g) of salt
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Mixing and Cutting the Dough

  1. 1
    Preheat your oven to 375 °F (191 °C). The prep time for hardtack is fast, so preheat your oven first. By the time the oven is ready, you can carry out all the prep work.[1]
  2. 2
    Pour 2 cups (256 g) of white flour into a mixing bowl. Any type of flour will work for this recipe, but hardtack made from white flour lasts the longest. Different flours like whole wheat or rye produce hardtack that won't last as long.[2]

    Add more if you want a bigger batch of hardtack. Make sure to keep the flour and water at a 2-1 mixture. If you use a different type of flour, keep the amount the same.

  3. 3
    Mix in 1 cup (240 ml) of water into the flour. Take the water cup in one hand and slowly pour it into the flour while using your other hand to knead the dough. Introduce the water gradually by pouring in a little, mixing the dough, and then pouring more. Continue this process until you’ve used all the water.[3]
  4. 4
    Knead the dough into a ball. Using both hands, work the dough with your hands until it reaches a uniform consistency. It will feel like playdough when it’s mixed. If the dough gets flaky, add a few more drops of water.[4]
    • You can use a mixing spoon for this step, but the dough might be too tough to mix completely with a spoon. Your hands work best. Use plastic cooking gloves if you don’t want your hands to get messy.
    • You can also add 2 tsp (11.38 g) of salt, but this is optional.
  5. 5
    Roll the dough until it’s 14 inch (0.64 cm) thick. Sprinkle some more flour down so the dough doesn’t stick to your rolling surface. Then use a rolling pin to flatten out the dough. Keep rolling until the dough is about 14 inch (0.64 cm) thick.[5]
    • You could also use a plastic tube or a longer glass if you don’t have a rolling pin.
  6. 6
    Cut the dough into 3 in (7.6 cm) x 3 in (7.6 cm) squares. Hardtack was traditionally made into large square crackers, so use this shape for authentic hardtack. Use either a knife or a pizza cutter to slice the dough into even squares.[6]
    • This size is just a suggestion. You can cut the dough into any shape or size you want. Some people use cookie cutters to make smaller, more portable crackers.
    • Don’t get rid of leftover pieces. Cook them along with the other pieces too.
  7. 7
    Poke evenly-spaced holes in straight lines in each cracker. Holes allow the air and moisture to escape while the hardtack bakes. Use a knife or fork to poke a series of evenly-spaced holes through the dough. Keep the holes in a straight line so the hardtack cracker is easier to break when you eat it.[7]
    • There is no set number of holes, but more is better. This releases more air and moisture and makes the cracker last even longer.
    • The holes must be all the way through the cracker. Flip each one over to make sure you’ve pierced the dough all the way.
  8. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Baking and Storing the Hardtack

  1. 1
    Lay the crackers out on a baking sheet. Don’t overlap the dough or let it touch, or the crackers will be stuck together. The dough shouldn’t expand much, so you don’t need large spaces between the crackers.[8]
    • Don’t grease the baking sheet. The oil will soak into the hardtack and it won’t last as long.
  2. 2
    Bake the hardtack for 30 minutes on each side. This gives the crackers an even tan color. When one side is done, flip each cracker over to bake the other side.[9]
    • Be careful when flipping the crackers. Use tongs so you don’t get burned.
  3. 3
    Transfer the crackers into an airtight container after they've cooled. Leave the crackers out to cool for several hours. Cut one in half to make sure it's cooled all the way through. Then transfer them into a jar or plastic bag.[10]
    • Use a clear container so you can monitor the hardtack for mold without opening the container.
  4. 4
    Store the crackers in a cool area away from direct sunlight. Hardtack can last for years if it’s stored properly. After the crackers are in an airtight container, place them in a cool area away from direct sunlight and take them out when you need them.[11]
    • Store the hardtack in smaller amounts so if you only want a few crackers, you don’t have to expose the entire batch to air and moisture.
    • Monitor the hardtack over time for mold. If you see any of this forming, throw the batch out and cook a new one.
    • Some survivalists vacuum-seal their hardtack to make it last even longer.[12]
  5. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Experimenting with Different Flavors

  1. 1
    Mix in some spices for extra flavor. Any number of powdered seasonings can be mixed into your hardtack recipe to improve the flavor. For extra taste, try rosemary or oregano. If you like spice, try powdered cayenne pepper. You could also add more salt to the mixture. These options would all improve the extremely plain flavor of hardtack.[13]
    • Start with 1 tsp (5.69) of a seasoning in a small batch of hardtack and taste the end result. Add more for another batch if you decide it needs more flavor.
    • For an experiment, mix several small batches of hardtack with a different flavors and see what you prefer. Then use that mixture for a larger batch.
  2. 2
    Include ¼ cup (85 g) of coconut oil in your recipe for more sweetness. Using this adds a unique flavor to your hardtack. As an added bonus, the crackers will also be softer with some oil in them, making them overall easier to eat.[14]
    • Adding oil of any kind will make your hardtack last a much shorter time. Only use this recipe if you will eat the hardtack soon. If you plan on storing it for a long time, skip this option.
  3. 3
    Pour 1 tbsp (21.5 g) of honey into the dough. A bit of honey can sweeten up the bland taste of traditional hardtack. Try adding 1 tbsp (21.5 g) to the dough as you mix it. Add more if you want more flavor.[15]
    • You can also add honey to hardtack before you eat it, like honey on toast.
    • Remember that if you use honey the hardtack won’t stay preserved as long. Use this hardtack within a few months to avoid mold growth.
  4. 4
    Substitute white flour with sorghum flour for a sweeter flavor. While white flour makes hardtack last longer, other types of flour taste much better. Sorghum flour is known for its naturally sweet flavor. Replacing white flour with sorghum with produce a better-tasting hardtack.[16]
    • For extra sweetness, use sorghum and honey in your hardtack recipe.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Does soft hard tack last the same length of time?
    Richard Torres
    Richard Torres
    Community Answer
    The soft hardtack normally does not last as long as the normal or "historical" one, so if you are going to do a long travel, it's better that you use the normal one.
  • Question
    How long would the tack last if you use honey or stevia instead of sugar?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Well the honey wouldn't go bad, but the moisture from it would most probably cause the other ingredients to grow mold. So probably only a few weeks/months. It'd be easier to just keep honey around for when you are ready to eat and just pour honey directly on then. If stevia were used in granulated, not liquid form, it should be the same as sugar but you'd need to experiment to see how it turns out––tell the wikiHow community how it turns out if you do try it!
  • Question
    Do I use self-rising or regular flour? Does it matter?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, it would matter. Using self-rising flour with water and salt (and maybe butter) would create a biscuit instead of a hardtack cracker.

Things You'll Need

  • Mixing bowl
  • Oven
  • Baking sheet
  • Pizza cutter or knife
  • Rolling pin
  • Flour
  • Water
  • Airtight container

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37 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 82
Updated: September 16, 2021
Views: 582,866
Categories: Featured Articles | Breads
Article SummaryX

To make hardtack, start by putting 1 cup of water in a bowl and slowly adding up to 6 cups of flour, stirring constantly. When you have a stiff dough that you can no longer stir, knead the dough, roll it out until it’s ½ an inch thick, and cut it into 3-inch by 3-inch squares. Then, use a skewer stick to poke 4 rows of 4 holes into each square, and put the squares on an ungreased baking sheet. Next, bake your hardtack in a 375°F oven for 30 minutes per side, or until they’re golden brown. Finally, let your hardtack cool for another 30 minutes before you dig in. To learn how to make fried hardtack or a softer version of regular hardtack, scroll down!

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