A game mod is a modification of a game that changes its properties. This how-to shows you how to customize your game with little or no programming.


  1. 1
    Locate the game folder, which is usually in "C:\Program Files", and find common file types to replace.
  2. 2
    Use Notepad or another text editor to modify an .ini file (e.g. gunAmmo(26) to gunAmmo(255)). Some .dat * .cfg files can also be modified, but don't try it if you see a bunch of funny symbols
  3. 3
    Use Paint or another graphics editor to modify image files. These include files with the extensions .bmp (bitmap), .gif (Graphics Interchange Format), .png (portable network graphics), and .jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group), among others. Usually these image files are textures to be mapped to certain surfaces or pictures to be used on the game's intro or setup screens.
  4. 4
    Replace .wav (wave), .mp3 (mpeg3), and .ogg (ogg vorbis) sound and music files with your own. These are audio files that are used for music tracks or sound effects inside a game.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I mod Agar.io?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Whether it's on a PC browser or mobile one, you can't because it's connected to a server.
  • Question
    How do I get free money on GTA V or 2K16?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Get a cop car and go to a garage and park it. Turn on vigilante mission, and get out in the garage. Type "bigbang," and you will receive money. Get back in the car. Do it again and again, you will receive lots of money.
  • Question
    Can mods be made for mobile games?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    As long as you can access the game files on your PC you should be good to go.


  • Never touch the Windows Registry, where most games these days store their configuration files, unless you absolutely know what you're doing.
  • Don't mess around with files that have weird symbols or gibberish. These files, if edited, can ruin the entire game.
  • Don't try to mod files with weird extensions, it could ruin your game.
  • Be careful modding online games cause some moderators think you're hacking and will kick you off the game, or get a VAC ban if you hack on steam!

Things You'll Need

  • Text Editor for .ini files. Notepad is fine.
  • A basic knowledge of programming helps.
  • Picture Program for .bmp, .png, .gif, and other picture file formats. Paint works well.A good photo and image editor that's free is Gimp and another, more featured but paid, is Photoshop.
  • Program such as Windows Media Player for ripping music.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 55 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 330,849 times.
216 votes - 52%
Co-authors: 55
Updated: October 1, 2021
Views: 330,849
Categories: Video Game Creation