Do you want to pass tests in middle school with good grades? This is the article for you! Or do you have a friend who is struggling with their grades? Then this article is for them too.


Be prepared for every class.

  1. Bring all the supplies you'll need. Binders, pencils, pens, paper, erasers, sharpeners, textbooks and loose leaf or notebooks. Don't "forget" these things at home; you'll need them and you don't want to be milking them out of your classmates, it'll make you look irresponsible to your teacher and will most likely annoy your classmates who always have to lend you their things. Being prepared is one the most important things in any school, and in any class.
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Don't lose anything!

  1. Be organized! Keep all your notes in a binder for that class or teacher and keep them in order by date. Never throw out any notes. Even if they are from last term or the beginning of the school year, you never know when you'll be doing a full year review or exam. If old notes are cluttering your binder just transfer them to a pocket folder or duo-tang for safekeeping. This is good if you want to pass the MSP or any state test; taking notes is important preparation for any test. Always keep your notes!

Always do your homework!

  1. One of the important things in any school is that you always have to do your homework. During the whole school year think about how many homework assignments you've done. Even if you don't get A's on all of your tests at least you'll get an okay grade because of all of your homework assignments. To you, homework that isn't graded might seem useless and a waste of time, but in reality, it's preparing you for quizzes and tests and constantly refreshing your mind on the subject. It also shows responsibility and dedication to schoolwork, which teachers always appreciate.
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Always pay attention in school.


Have a designated study area.

  1. Always study in an area where you won't be distracted. Turn off the TV and computer (unless you need it to study, in that case, log out of things like social networks and e-mail) and any other electronics. Tell your family members that you are studying and ask them to try to be quiet. If you find yourself distracted in one area, move to another.
    • Places that you shouldn't study in include your bed, and in front of the TV or any high traffic area (where everyone walks through).

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you study for a middle school test?
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Nathan Fox, JD
    LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon
    Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
    Nathan Fox, JD
    LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon
    Expert Answer
    Be sure to take care of yourself. Studying is important, but so is exercising, eating well, and getting a good night's sleep.
  • Question
    Is taking a break from studying good?
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Nathan Fox, JD
    LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon
    Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
    Nathan Fox, JD
    LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon
    Expert Answer
    Definitely! Constantly studying isn't necessarily a good thing, especially if it's interfering with your eating habits, physical health, and social life. Be sure to give yourself some time to rest and have fun!
  • Question
    Do these methods apply for all grades? What about classes?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Even though some grades or classes might be different than others, these methods should work fine for every grade/class. If not, talk to your teacher about the test, and ask what to do to study for it.


  • Never stay up late and cram the night before the test. Not only will you be very tired the next morning, but you may not retain any of the information.
  • Never study what you're not supposed to. You could get mixed up with other information you need to learn.

Things You'll Need

  • Pen and pencils
  • Studying skills
  • Books
  • Study Notes
  • Dictionary

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 44 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 74,815 times.
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Co-authors: 44
Updated: November 14, 2022
Views: 74,815