Time seems to pass very slowly when you are fasting. Here are some tips on how to survive your fast, and make it go by faster.


  1. 1
    Read the Qur'an. It is important to read the Quran during Ramadan. Have a daily goal on how much you are going to read each day.
    • One ruku (paragraph) is fine for a week. Keep reciting it until you yourself remember that you have to recite Quran.
    • After passing that stage, move on to two rukus. Repeat the cycle and move on to three rukus and after the fourth ruku, you will usually find that you have read quarter of that chapter.
  2. 2
    Memorize surahs. It is good to have a lot of surahs stored in mind, so keep memorizing more, and revise the ones that you have already memorized.
    • Read those Surahs in your prayers, when you pray on daily basis. This way they won't slip out of your memory.
  3. 3
    Pray extra prayers. It will help you come nearer to Allah and you will have lots of reward. Don't pray the obligatory prayers and stop there; try to increase your worship by praying optional prayers known as Nafl.
    • Pray in the mosque, and instead of praying in congregation then quickly legging it out of the mosque, stay for ten minutes more or so, reading the Qur'an, engaging in thikr (remembering Allah), making du'a (supplication), or praying extra prayers. You can also stop to listen to "Tableegh" which is an after-prayer session performed in most Masjids.
  4. 4
    Stay inside. If it is very warm outside, try to stay inside. You don't want to pass out from dehydration, so stay cool. Try to put on a fan or open the windows.
    • Alternatively, you can go out, for example to a friend's house. It may be boring to stay home all day, so going to a friend's house will pass time. You can also go shopping to get resources for the iftar meal.
  5. 5
    Help out. Fasting is not an excuse to not help out in doing work, or to stay in bed all day. Do chores - broom the house, water the plants, clean your room, etc. Small jobs like this will help your mom or dad out, and will pass time. They'll also appreciate your assistance.
    • Once it gets to about two to three hours before iftar, help out in the kitchen; you will be busy doing a task and you won't notice the time passing. It's also not fair to place all the responsibility of preparing food on your mom; help her out!
  6. 6
    Sleep in. If you do not have school or work the next day, stay up until Tahajjud prayer (1:00 am), then sleep afterwards. Wake up before Fajr and eat Sahoor. Pray Fajr and take a nap for two hours to refresh yourself, then start working.
    • Have a nap during the day, in afternoon. It is Sunnah to take that nap, known as Qaylula, for half an hour. You will feel extremely fresh and ready to take on the further hunger and thirst!
  7. 7
    Watch some Islamic sessions of Quran recitation and Naats. There is nothing wrong with watching some of it; just don't flip the channels and watch the food shows or you'll be tempted to have some food. Again, don't spend all day listening to it. Do a variety of tasks to keep you up!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What should I eat for Sehri?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Eat as usual, or any small portion of food. Avoid too-salty foods. Fruits are a good choice. Drink water. Even some bread is good. Don't over-drink, though.
  • Question
    What can I do when I am super thirsty?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can take a nap to forget about it. Also, swallowing your saliva won't break your fast.
  • Question
    What are ways to pass the time without TV?
    Community Answer
    You can spend your day with reading Quraan because during Ramadaan every good deed is multiplied by 10 times! Reading Quraan, helping others, giving food to the needy or at least water, giving money for donations, planting trees, doing zikr, helping your parents with chores, listening to Quraan or lectures, making dua for your beloved ones and the ones who passed away, making people smile, asking Allah for forgiveness and more are good deeds you can do.


  • Don't listen to music. Going out or having fun while fasting is frowned upon; you should spend your time by increasing your worship, not by partying or listening to music.
  • The devil is locked up during this month, so any sin that you do, you are responsible for it, and your fast is broken.
  • Make sure not to waste too much time sleeping or going out. Take advantage of the virtues of this month.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 23 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 44,443 times.
108 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 23
Updated: September 14, 2022
Views: 44,443
Categories: Islam