If you want to try out a classic domino game that’s tons of fun and easy to learn, Chicken Foot is a great option. You can play this game with 2-6 players. The goal of the game is to earn the lowest score by playing as many dominoes from your hand as you can each round. The best part is you can play with any set of dominoes you have! You’re probably excited to start playing, so keep reading for all the rules you need to know.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:


  1. 1
    Mix up all the dominoes face-down. Chicken foot is usually played with a double-nine set of dominoes, but you can use a standard double-six set if you have 2 or 3 players or a double-twelve set if you want a longer game. Turn all of the dominoes upside-down on the table and mix them around a few times to shuffle them up.[1]
  2. 2
    Instruct players to take turns drawing dominoes for their hand. For each round, you’ll split 42 dominoes as evenly as possible between the players. Take turns grabbing 1 domino from the middle of the table and adding it to your hand. Stand your dominoes up in front of you so only you can see them. Move the leftover tiles to the side to form the “chicken yard.”[2] Depending on the number of players, each person should have:
    • 21 dominoes in a 2-player game
    • 14 dominoes in a 3-player-game
    • 10 dominoes for a 4-player game
    • 8 dominoes for a 5-player game
    • 7 dominoes for a 6-player game
  3. 3
    Play the highest double domino available to start the round. Have every player check their hand to see if they have the highest double domino in the set you’re playing with, so the double-six, double-nine, or double-twelve. That player goes first by setting the domino in the middle of the table immediately.[3]
    • If no one has the highest double domino, take turns drawing dominoes from the chicken yard. As soon as someone draws the double domino, they play it face-up in the middle of the table to start the game.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:


  1. 1
    Match the first 4 dominoes played to the starting double if you can. The person to the left of whoever played the first double gets to go first. If you have a domino that has a side that matches the starting double, then you can play it. Play the domino so it’s touching 1 edge of the starting double to finish your turn.[4]
    • There has to be 4 matching dominoes touching the starting double before anyone can build off of another domino.
  2. 2
    Draw a domino from the chicken yard if you don't have anything to play. You only need to draw if none of your dominoes match an exposed side in the play area. Take 1 of the face-down dominoes from the chicken yard and put it into your hand. If you can play the domino right away, you can put it down on the table. Otherwise, you have to pass and lose your turn.[5]
    • If you run out of dominoes in the chicken yard and can’t play, then you have to pass your turn.
  3. 3
    Play a domino on a matching side once the first double is filled. After there are 4 dominoes played on the starting double, then you can build off any free end of the other dominoes. Choose a domino from your hand and play it so the matching sides touch on the short ends.[6]
    • Each side of a standard domino can only connect to 1 other domino.
  4. 4
    Place a double domino sideways against another to make a chicken foot. Whenever you play a double domino, lay it so the long edge is against the matching short end of a domino already on the table. Say “Chickie,” followed by the number on the domino so players know what you set down. Players can only play a domino that has a matching side to the chicken foot until 3 more dominoes are connecting to it.[7]
    • When you play dominoes to a double, place 1 sticking straight out from the long side and 2 diagonally at the corners so it looks like a chicken’s foot.
    • Even if players have dominoes that can be played somewhere else, they have to wait until the chicken foot is finished.
    • Try playing a double when someone only has 1 domino left in their hand so they’re less likely to go out on their turn.
  5. 5
    End the round once someone runs out of dominoes or runs out of plays. Usually, someone will be able to play all of their dominoes from their hand to win the round. Otherwise, everyone may run out of available plays if no one can play a matching domino to any of the exposed sides on the table.[8]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Round Scoring

  1. 1
    Score 1 point for each spot on the dominoes left in your hand. If you played all of your dominoes, then you get 0 points. Otherwise, reveal your hand of dominoes and count all of the dots to tally up your score for the round.[9]
    • Example: If you have a 1 | 3, 5 | 6, and 4 | 4 in your hand, you’d have a total of 23 points.
  2. 2
    Add 50 points if you played a double for the last domino. Saving a double domino as your last one to play is a penalty, so it adds a lot of points to your score. Even if you played all your dominoes, add 50 if you ended the round with a double.[10]
    • Try to play your doubles early in the round to avoid getting additional points.
  3. 3
    Earn an extra 50 points if you have the double-blank domino in your hand. Even though the double-blank domino looks like it should be worth 0 points, it’s also a penalty if you still have it in your hand at the end of the game.[11]
    • Dominos with 1 blank side do not have a penalty.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Remaining Rounds & Winning

  1. 1
    Start each round with the next lowest double domino. Flip all of the dominoes upside-down and mix them up again. Draw the number of dominoes for your player count, but place the next-lowest double domino, which would be the double-eight in a set. For the round after that, begin with the double-seven, then double-six, and so on.[12]
  2. 2
    End the game after playing the round starting with double-blank. The length of the game depends on the set of dominoes you use. A double-six set has 7 rounds, a double-nine set has 10 rounds, and a double-twelve set has 13.[13]
  3. 3
    Win the game if you have the lowest score after the last round. After the last round, add up all of the points from each round to find out your final score. If you have the least amount of points, then you win![14]
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About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 19,669 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: May 1, 2022
Views: 19,669
Categories: Board Games