If you’re looking for a fun drawing game to whip out the next time you’re with a group of friends, Pictionary is a classic that you should definitely try out. In Pictionary, everyone takes turns drawing a picture that represents a word to make the rest of their team guess it correctly. It’s fast-paced, extremely fun, and super easy to learn. We know you’re excited to start sketching and get your game night started, so keep reading for all the rules you’ll need to play!

Things You Should Know

  • Play Pictionary with 3 or more players split into 2 teams. Each team gets a pad of paper, pencil, pawn, and reference card.
  • One player on a team picks a card and looks at the word matching the color of the space their pawn is on. The player has to sketch the prompt.
  • The person sketching has 1 minute to draw the word without using letters or symbols. If their team guesses the word, they roll a die and move around the board.
  • ​​Win if you’re the first team to reach the Finish square and correctly guess a drawing.
Section 2 of 5:


  1. 1
    Shuffle the deck of cards and place it in the holder. Each card in the Pictionary deck has a list of different words to use as drawing prompts. Shuffle all of the cards so they’re thoroughly mixed together, and set them in the holder so they all face the same direction.[2]
    • If some of the cards don’t fit into the holder, just set them aside to use later.
    • Some Pictionary games have a deck of trickier prompts for adults and a separate stack of cards with easier prompts for kids. Choose the deck you use based on the ages of the people you’re playing with.[3]
  2. 2
    Split the players into even teams. You can play with up to 4 separate teams, but you’ll have more fun if you split into fewer teams that have more people. Split up your group of friends as evenly as possible to keep the game fair.[4]
    • If you want to play Pictionary with only 3 people, then choose one player to draw. They’ll draw the clues for both of the other players.
  3. 3
    Give each team a pencil, pad of paper, and reference card. You only need 1 pencil and pad of paper for the team since there’s only 1 person drawing each turn. Set the reference card somewhere where all your team members can reach it. The card lists the colors and categories for the spaces on the board and other cards so you have an idea of what you’ll have to draw.[5]
  4. 4
    Put the teams’ pawns on the Start space on the board. Find the space labeled “Start” on the board and choose a pawn color for your team. All the members of your team will use the same pawn since you’re working together to win.[6]
  5. 5
    Clarify how precise an answer should be before you start. Chat with your friends about house rules right away so you don’t get into a dispute later in the game. Discuss if players need to say the full prompt to win a round or if you’ll accept shortened or partial answers.[7]
    • Example: If the prompt is “bunk bed,” decide if someone answering “bunk” is OK.
    • Example: You may decide “floss” is an acceptable answer for the prompt “dental floss.”
  6. Advertisement
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Drawing Categories

  1. 1
    Objects (yellow) Objects are things that can be touched or seen, like “apple” or “table.”[8]
  2. 2
    Person/Place/Animal (blue) This includes regular nouns, such as “construction worker,” “bedroom,” or “camel.” This category could also include proper nouns, like “Abraham Lincoln” or “The United States.”[9]
  3. 3
    Action (orange) Actions are usually verbs and something that can be performed, such as “skydiving” or “singing.”[10]
  4. 4
    Difficult or challenging words (green) These words are more complex, so they’re harder to draw, like “stained glass” or “frozen food.”[11]
  5. 5
    Miscellaneous (red) Miscellaneous can be any word from any of the existing categories.[12]
  6. 6
    Wild (multicolor) The wild category lets you choose any word on a card that you draw.[13]
  7. Advertisement
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  1. 1
    Roll a die to choose the starting team. Each team picks a member to roll the game die. Whatever team gets the higher number gets to go first.[14]
  2. 2
    Choose the first person sketching for your team. You can pick any player on your team to be the first “Picturist,” or the person who’s drawing for the round. All the other team members will try to guess what the Picturist is drawing so they can move around the board on their turn.[15]
  3. 3
    The Picturist draws a card and uses the word matching the space's color. The Picturist chooses a random card from the holder. The Picturist secretly looks at the word without telling any of the other players.[16]
    • If the board space or word has an icon with 4 pencil icons or is labeled “AP,” it’s an “All Play” prompt. Picturists from each team will draw the prompt at the same time. Let all the Picturists look at the card for 5 seconds.
  4. 4
    The Picturist flips the sand timer and starts sketching their word. After getting a good look at the prompt, the Picturist picks up their pencil. Quickly flip the sand timer so the Picturist can start drawing. If you’re drawing, try to quickly sketch the prompt on your pad of paper while the sand timer is running.[17]
    • You can draw anything related to the prompt that you want. You can even use homophones and rhyming words, such as drawing a piece of mail for the word “male.”
    • You cannot use letters or symbols or communicate with your teammates if you’re the Picturist.
    • Avoid drawing ears as a “sounds like” clue or putting dashes for the number of letters in the word.
  5. 5
    The Picturist’s team tries to guess the word before the timer runs out. As a member of the team, shout out your guesses for what you think the Picturist is drawing. It’s okay if you say the wrong answer, but try to pay close attention to the new details the Picturist adds to help narrow down your guesses. If you’re able to guess the prompt within 1 minute before the timer runs out, your team wins the round.[18]
    • If you’re playing an “All Play” prompt, then the first team to correctly guess the word wins the round.
    • If you’re unable to guess the prompt correctly, then you don’t get to move and the next team takes their turn.
  6. 6
    The guessing team rolls the die and moves if they get the word right. If you got the word right or were the first team to guess correctly during an “All Play”, you get to advance your pawn. Move your team’s pawn a number of spaces forward equal to your dice roll.[19]
  7. 7
    The guessing team switches Picturists and takes another turn. Switch Picturists for each new turn so every player has an equal opportunity to sketch. The new Picturist draws another card and finds the word matching the color of the new board space. If the team is able to guess the prompt, they’ll continue taking turns.[20]
  8. 8
    The next team takes a turn if no one guesses the prompt correctly. If the guessing team doesn’t figure out what the Picturist is drawing before time runs out, then they lose their turn and don’t get to move. The next team clockwise chooses their Picturist and starts their turn.[21]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can you use words in Pictionary?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    No, the players cannot use words in Pictionary. The whole point of the game is to guess words by drawing pictures. Some people use dashes to indicate the amount of letters to be guessed, as part of the drawing, but that’s about as far as the guessing help should go!
  • Question
    How do you play Pictureka the card game?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The aim of the game Pictureka is to win the most cards or to be the first to collect six cards. To do this, you need to be able to quickly find characters and objects which are hidden on the tiles, and each find allows you to win cards. When you find them, you need to shout out "Pictureka!" before another player does, winning yourself a card. The game is played both in competition with other players and under timed conditions, so it feels a bit like a race. For the official rules, which are too long to explain in a short answer, check the rules booklet accompanying the game or look online. It is also possible to combine Pictureka with other games, in which case you’ll need to combine rule sets as well.
  • Question
    Can Pictionary be played with 2 people?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    If you don’t mind the game being less competitive and more about just having fun drawing and guessing, then you could have a 2-player Pictionary game. Swap the roles of drawing and guessing between you each turn and just enjoy the game for the fun of it rather than adding up scores too seriously.

About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 1,396,656 times.
6 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 21
Updated: January 13, 2023
Views: 1,396,656
Article SummaryX

Pictionary is a fun game where players try to guess what other players are drawing. To play Pictionary, first split up into two teams with at least two players on each team. Each team selects a game piece and places it on the “Start” square. Then, each team selects one member to be the artist for the first round. The artist on one of the teams draws a card and shows it to all of the other artist. Then, the timer is flipped over and each artist begins drawing the word from the card. As they're drawing, players on their team try to guess what it is out loud. The first team to guess correctly rolls the die and moves their token that many squares. Then, that team chooses a new artist and the artist pulls a new card. The color of the square that team is on determines which word on the card the artist must draw. The timer is flipped over and the new artist begins drawing. Only the playing team is allowed to guess what the word is this time. If the team guesses correctly before the time runs out, they roll again and repeat the process with a new artist. If the team doesn’t guess correctly, the turn passes clockwise to the next team. Whenever a player lands on a square with the four-pencil “All” symbol next to it, each team has an opportunity to draw and guess the word. The first team to guess gets to roll a die, move their piece, and continue playing. The first team to make it to the end of the board wins! To play Pictionary without the board, each team takes turns separately. The opposing team comes up with something to draw and writes it down on a piece of scrap paper. The team that is drawing selects an artist, and the opposing team gives them the word. The artist has 60 seconds to draw it out while their team guesses. If the team can correctly guess what the drawing is within 60 seconds, they get 1 point. Then, the next team goes and the team that just went writes the word down. Play continues until a team reaches 5 or 10 points depending on how long you want the game to be. For tips on handling the "All Play" category, read on!

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