Reading manga online has shot up in popularity in recent years, especially in countries outside of Japan, China, Korea, etc. where translated manga releases are hard to find. Teams of "scanlators", who scanned, translated, and released the manga, were born. One of the biggest scanlation hosting sites is MangaFox, which currently hosts over 7,000 different titles! See Step 1 below for more information on how to read manga online at this very specialized site.


  1. 1
    Go to Mangafox.
  2. 2
    Choose a manga. Down the left hand side of the page are the manga that have been most recently updated, and down the right is a box for the "Manga of the Week" and the overall most popular manga. You can also use the search bar at the top to search for a particular title.
    • Each individual manga page will start off with a few fields of information, like alternate names, authors, genres, type, rating, etc. Scroll down a little to find a short synopsis. Under that will show the latest discussion threads from the forum about that particular manga. The "Go to Forum" button to the right of this will take you to the main forum section for that manga. Underneath this are the manga chapters! They start from the most recently updated, so you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page for the very first chapter. Once you've chosen a chapter, just click through the pages and read!
  3. 3
    Search for more manga. If you still couldn't find what you were looking for, click on the "Manga Directory" link from the bar at the top. Once you're there, a list of all the manga they have on file should pop up. Clicking on the headers for each column will order the list by that particular field, so you can order the list by title alphabetically, by overall rating, by number of views, by number of chapters and by how recently it was last updated.
  4. 4
    Narrow down your search. Clicking the "Option" button on the Manga Directory page will open up a plethora of ways you can narrow down your manga selection.
    • Choose from Japanese Manga, Korean Manwha, Chinese Manhua or Any. They generally have different drawing styles, and manwha and manhua are read left to right as opposed to right to left.
    • Do you have a favourite author or artist? Here you can filter down the selection to include only works by them, if you want.
    • Narrow down by genre. Hovering your mouse over the name of a genre will display a quick description of it if you're not completely sure what it is. If you click once on the genre name it will include it in your search; twice and it will exclude it from your search and clicking three times will just deselect it again. So, for example: Clicking twice on Drama will completely exclude all manga tagged with the drama genre from your search results.
    • Filter by year. Different years will have different content and different styles of drawing, on the whole. You can specify that the manga is from a particular year, or that it originates before or after a particular year, e.g. all manga first published after 1995.
    • Pick your rating. You can do this to choose manga of a particular rating to show up in your search, however instead you could just order the results you do get by rating.
    • Specify whether you want a completed series or not. Series that aren't completed may have stopped in the middle of the story and will not be updated again. Also with incomplete series, you might have to wait a while before the ending is published. However, the incomplete series are mostly a lot more recent, and it is easy to check for updates using the bookmarks feature or something like the All Mangas extension for Google Chrome. It's your choice.
  5. 5
    Create an account. Just click the "Register" button at the top right of every page. Read and agree to the forum rules, choose a username and password, enter your email address, do a quick captcha and you're good to go! You will also need to enter your date of birth, but if you choose to hide it only the administrator will be able to see it. There are a couple of other bits of information you can enter at this stage: your time zone, etc. but these are not essential.
  6. 6
    Use the Bookmarks feature. At the top of the central page for each individual manga there will be a bookmark option (as shown in the picture). If you are signed in you can click this and the manga will be added to your bookmarks.
    • You can access your bookmarks via the green "Bookmark" tab at the top right of every page when you are signed in. This will show a list all of the manga you have bookmarked. You can choose to order this list here by "last updated", "last bookmarked" or "last visited". If you set it to sort to last updated, then when you check into your bookmarks, you can very easily find out which of your favourite manga have been updated!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What do I do if I'm banned from
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Find a different site. Some sites I use are Kissmanga and Mangakakalot. But you could probably find different sites by just typing in "(title) manga online"
  • Question
    What is the best Naruto book?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There isn't exactly a "best". The other volumes, which are like books 1,2,3, etc. are better read in chronological order.
  • Question
    How do I read all chapters in just a scroll downward?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can't. You have to change each page.


  • The genres "Adult", "Ecchi" and "Mature", as their titles would suggest, often will contain violent or explicit material.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 185,314 times.
17 votes - 64%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: February 21, 2022
Views: 185,314
Categories: Manga