Ferrets are adorable and charming critters, but the number one complaint about them is their smell. With a little effort, you can keep your fuzzy friend from offending the nose. Grooming and bathing your ferret regularly can help to keep them smelling fresh. Cleaning your ferret’s box and cage is another way to reduce odors. Continue to feed your ferret a high-protein diet and meet with your vet if you believe that your ferret’s odor may be linked to a health problem.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Keeping Your Ferret Clean

  1. 1
    Bathe your ferret once a month at most. Fill the bottom of your tub up enough to cover your ferret’s body while leaving its head above the water. The temperature should be just slightly warmer than lukewarm. Scrub your ferret with a ferret-safe shampoo purchased from your local pet store or vet.[1]
    • Never use a human shampoo or conditioner on your ferret, as these can be toxic to them.
    • Bathing your ferret too frequently can actually remove natural oils from their skin and make their odor stronger. Unless your ferret is excessively dirty, bathing it once a month is usually sufficient and healthy.
  2. 2
    Clean your ferret’s ears on a weekly basis. Pour a small amount of ear cleaning solution into a bowl. Dip the end of a single cotton swab into the liquid. Then, hold your ferret firmly and rub the swab along its outer ear. Move the swab deeper into the ear canal, slightly rotating it as you clean.[2]
    • Ear cleaning solution is available for purchase at most pet stores.
    • Swirling the swab around keeps you from pushing any wax deeper into the ear canal. As each swab gets dirty, replace it with a fresh one.
    • Part of the end of the swab should always stay visible, even while you are cleaning your ferret’s inner ear. Otherwise, you risk going too deep and damaging the ear.
  3. 3
    Brush your ferret’s teeth once a week. Purchase a soft toothbrush and toothpaste designed for cats or kittens. Hold your ferret carefully in your lap and use a single hand to pull up the gums on a single side of your ferret’s mouth. Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on to the brush. Place the brush against your ferret’s gums and rotate in small circles.
    • Your ferret may not like getting its teeth brushed at first. Try to start off slow by only doing a few teeth at a time.
    • If you are worried about getting bitten by your ferret, talk to your vet about bringing it in for professional teeth cleanings.
  4. 4
    Spay or neuter your ferret at 4 months of age. Once your ferret reaches its maturity, then its hormones will go into overdrive. This can result in an uptick in the odor of both males and females. Spaying or neutering can reduce your ferret’s potential marking and make them healthier overall.[3]
    • Female ferrets who are not spayed can actually develop anemia over time from repeated heat cycles.
    • Neutering a male ferret can lead to an increased risk of adrenal gland disease. Discuss the pros and cons of neutering with a veterinarian.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Maintaining a Clean Environment

  1. 1
    Train your ferret to use the litter box. Watch to see where your ferret goes to the restroom when in the cage. Place the litter box in this same location. Then, put a few fresh droppings into the box, so that it smells like a restroom for your ferret. Most ferrets will quickly start using the box.[5]
    • If your ferret refuses to use the box, then experiment with changing out the litter to another type of plant fiber.
    • A litterbox trained ferret will usually only have a few accidents, which will lessen overall odors.
  2. 2
    Clean the litter box daily. Use a scoop to pick out the soiled pelleted paper or granules from your ferret’s box. Leave a few droppings behind each time so that your ferret will continue to use the box consistently. When the box seems low on paper or granules add some fresh ones.
    • Don’t move the litterbox after cleaning it or your ferret might stop using it.
    • Only use pelleted paper or granules for your ferret’s box. Clay pellets are dangerous for ferrets if ingested.
  3. 3
    Scrub out your ferret’s cage once a month. Remove the litter box, toys, and any other items from your ferret’s cage and take it outside. Use dish soap and water to scrub the cage down. Let it dry outside and use this time to wipe down the box and toys.
    • Coated wire cages have a tendency to stay cleaner than wooden ones. The wood often absorbs odors over time.
    • It’s also important to clean out your ferret’s cage if stale food, for example, gets attached to the surface.
  4. 4
    Launder your ferret’s bedding on a weekly basis. Your ferret probably loves its sleep sack or hammock. However, the fabric can accumulate odors over just a few days and become quite stinky. Take it out of the cage and follow the fabric’s directions for cleaning.
    • You’ll need to use hot water and unscented laundry detergent to clean most ferret fabrics. This is especially important since some ferrets are allergic to scented cleaners.
  5. 5
    Dust and vacuum your home weekly. When your ferret runs around your home playing, they are likely transferring oils from their body on to your furniture, rugs, carpet, and other furnishings. This means that their musky scent can linger on items for an extended period of time unless cleaned away. Mopping your floor and vacuuming can help to pull up and remove these odors.[6]
    • It’s also sometimes easiest to limit your ferret to a couple of animal-proofed rooms that you clean regularly.
  6. 6
    Place a solid odor-reducing product out of your ferret’s reach. Powdered or airborne deodorizers can harm your ferret’s lungs or skin due to their chemical composition. Instead, position a solid deodorizing item in a ferret-proof area of the room, such as high up on a bookshelf. If you can find a deodorizing product made from natural ingredients, such as lemons, that is even better.
  7. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Keeping Your Ferret Healthy

  1. 1
    Feed your ferret a high-protein diet. Ferret food can be purchased at your local pet store. Look for a food that lists a lean meat, such as chicken, as the first ingredient. Avoid food that contains a high amount of fat, grains, vegetables, or fruits. Feeding your ferret the right food can result in less smelly stools.
    • Foods that contain sugar or corn products should also be avoided. They often cause digestive upset and offer no nutritional benefits.
    • Some people feed their ferrets fish since it is a lean meat. But, it can lead to odorous stools.
  2. 2
    Talk to your vet if you are concerned about a potential health problem. If your ferret has changed its activity level or seems lethargic, then make a vet appointment. The same thing goes if your ferret is no longer eating or looks unhealthy. Even if your ferret is healthy you should still make yearly vet appointments.[7]
    • For example, anal gland blockages or adrenal disease can increase your ferret’s odor. Both conditions are treatable with prescription medication.
  3. 3
    Consider a scent gland surgery only in the most extreme situations. Many vets now consider de-scenting surgery to be a cosmetic procedure. The surgery itself can also be painful and present potential complications. Your vet will usually only suggest surgery if your ferret’s glands are infected or another problem arises.[8]
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About This Article

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 248,433 times.
5 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 19
Updated: February 8, 2023
Views: 248,433
Categories: Ferrets
Article SummaryX

To reduce ferret odor, scoop your ferret's litter box every day, and refill it with new paper or granules when it's running low. You should also wash your ferret's bedding once a week so it doesn't start to smell, and dust and vacuum any rooms that your ferret plays in on a weekly basis. Also, clean your ferret's cage with soap and water once a month to help prevent bad odors. If the smell is still bothering you, place a solid odor-reducing product somewhere that's out of your ferret's reach. For more advice from our Veterinary co-author, like how to keep your ferret clean, read on!

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