Whether it’s a bin, bottle, container, or accessory, there are probably a lot of plastic items that you keep around your home. While these items can be handy, it’s a big pain when they reek of a chemical scent or any other odor. Before you trash any of your plastic, try soaking and deodorizing it with a few simple steps.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Soaking and Washing the Plastic

  1. 1
    Wash off your plastic with dish soap and hot water to get it clean. Pour a pea-sized amount of dish soap into your plastic item, then fill it with hot water. Use a sponge or rag to wipe down the entire surface, focusing especially on where the smell is worst. Let the plastic dry for several hours, then smell it to see if the bad odor is gone.[1]
    • For better results, you can let the soap solution sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing.
    • Washing your plastic normally might get rid of the bad plastic smell.
  2. 2
    Use bleach and baking soda for an intense cleaning solution. Measure out 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of bleach and pour it into your plastic item. To help deodorize, add in 1 tsp (4.8 g) of baking soda into the mixture. Fill the rest of the container with lukewarm water, then let the cleaning solution soak overnight. The next day, pour out the mixture and see if your plastic smells any better![2]
    • This option works well for any bad scent in your plastic, especially reusable water bottles.
  3. 3
    Mix water and baking soda in your plastic to deodorize it naturally. Add 1 tbsp (14.4 g) of baking soda into plastic item, then fill it the rest of the way with warm water. Shake the plastic bottle or container vigorously for a few seconds, then set it aside for at least 40 minutes. After letting the mixture sit, pour it out and smell your plastic to see if you notice a difference.[3]
    • If your plastic is especially smelly, you can let the baking soda sit for longer.
    • This strategy works especially well with plastic bottles.
  4. 4
    Clean out your plastic with lemon juice to give it a fresh scent. Pour several spoonfuls of lemon juice into your plastic item, then scrub the surface with a rag or sponge. For a more direct approach, cut a lemon in half and rub the fruit over the smelly plastic. After you’ve cleaned off the surface, rinse off any leftover lemon juice and let the plastic air out for several hours.[4]
    • Try using lemon juice to clean your containers, bins, and other storage items!
    • Instead of lemon juice, you can use a bit of lemon or orange zest. Let it sit in the plastic item for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it out.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Deodorizing Plastic Without Liquids

  1. 1
    Use coffee grounds to counteract the bad smell. Take a handful of wet or dry coffee grounds and drop them in the bottom of your plastic item. Leave the plastic in an open area for several hours or days, depending on how smelly the container is. Check your plastic periodically to see if it smells any better, then dump out the coffee grounds.[5]
    • If several days have passed and the plastic smell is still there, you might want to try something else.
    • This is an especially handy trick for plastic containers.
  2. 2
    Stuff the plastic with newspaper for a handy solution. Fill the item with crumpled newspaper, then secure the lid or cap on top. Leave the paper in the plastic overnight so it can absorb the bad odors. The next day, remove the newspaper and see if the plastic smells any better.[6]
  3. 3
    Place a piece of charcoal in your plastic for a quick fix. Close the lid or cap and let the charcoal sit indefinitely. Over the next few days, check on an hourly or daily basis to see if the plastic smell is gone.[7]
    • This works well with any plastic item that comes with a lid.
  4. 4
    Contact the manufacturer if the plastic smell doesn’t go away. If you’re using a new bottle, container, or other piece of plastic, check online to find out the manufacturer’s number. If the bad plastic smell persists, call the company and see if you qualify for a refund or replacement.[8]
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Things You’ll Need

Soaking and Washing the Plastic

  • Dish soap
  • Bleach
  • Baking soda
  • Lemon juice
  • Spoon
  • Sponge

Deodorizing Plastic Without Liquids

  • Coffee grounds
  • Newspaper
  • Charcoal

About This Article

Bridgett Price
Co-authored by:
House Cleaning Professional
This article was co-authored by Bridgett Price and by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Bridgett Price is a Cleaning Guru and Co-Owner of Maideasy, a maid service company that services the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. She holds a Master of Management from the University of Phoenix, specializing in digital and traditional marketing. This article has been viewed 40,620 times.
11 votes - 45%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: September 11, 2022
Views: 40,620
Categories: Plastic