When you arrive at your destination and your luggage does not, it's often more than a minor inconvenience. Delayed airline luggage can seriously impede your plans. However, you are entitled to compensation – both on international flights and flights within the United States. How much compensation you can get depends on the airline and which laws apply to your situation. To request compensation for delayed airline luggage, you must take control of the situation immediately, starting with the moment you realize your bags aren't going to come around that baggage carousel.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Reporting Your Missing Luggage

  1. 1
    Find an airline agent. The moment you realize that your bags are not on the baggage carousel, locate the airline's baggage claim office immediately. Tell the agent that your bags did not come out with the other bags on your flight.[2]
    • There's no legal requirement that you report your missing luggage immediately, but it does increase the chances you'll receive compensation. Some airline policies may require it.
    • Keep in mind that you probably aren't the only passenger with missing bags. You may have to wait a while before you can talk to an agent. If you have somewhere you need to be, take this into account before you get in line at the baggage claim office.
    • Be prepared to show the agent your boarding pass and photo identification. If you have a claim ticket for your checked bags with the barcode, it can help the agent locate your bag.
    • When you just finished a trip with several connecting flights that involved multiple airlines, any one of those airlines may be responsible for the delay. Report your missing bags to the last airline you boarded and let them sort it out.
  2. 2
    Insist on filing a written report. Often a baggage agent will tell you that bags are put on the next immediate flight, and all you have to do is wait an hour or so. However, this assumes that your bags were identified before that flight left.[3]
    • Typically the baggage agent will give you a form to fill out. Make sure you get a copy of your form before you leave.
    • On your report, include all details of your flight, including where you started, any connections you made, and any other airlines that were involved in your travel. Be sure to list the flight numbers, which can be found on your boarding passes or flight itinerary.
    • If you don't have time to fill out forms at the airport – for example, you may be on a tour and had to get on the bus departing the airport – you usually can file a claim later by visiting the airline's website or calling the airline's toll-free customer service number.
  3. 3
    Get an arrival estimate. After you've completed a written report and the baggage agent has checked the airline's system, they should be able to tell you where your bags are and when they will get to the airport.[4]
    • An estimate of when your baggage can be retrieved may determine whether it is classified as lost, or simply delayed. This classification can affect the compensation to which you're entitled.
    • While U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations don't address this, on international flights your bags must be classified as lost if they are delayed more than 21 days.
    • Provided the agent is able to locate your bag, they typically will classify it as delayed at that point. If they are unable to locate it, they may initially classify it as missing – but this doesn't mean it won't later be found.
    • Even if your bag is categorized as completely lost, it typically will be recovered within the next week. Most lost baggage is found within 48 hours.
  4. 4
    Determine which law applies. Before you request compensation for delayed airline luggage, you need to understand your rights as an air traveler and the airline's responsibility with regard to your checked bags.[5] [6] [7] [8]
    • Domestic U.S. flights are governed by DOT regulations, while international flights are governed either by the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention.
    • The Montreal Convention is more traveler-friendly than the Warsaw Convention, and entitles you to greater compensation and more protection for delayed airline luggage.
    • The more than 100 countries who have signed on to the Montreal Convention include all of Europe, Canada, and Australia. If the Montreal Convention does not apply to your situation, the Warsaw Convention most likely does.
    • Knowing the law that applies can help you assert your rights to the airline. You may be more likely to get the compensation to which you're entitled if, for example, you say "I'm claiming compensation under the Montreal Convention."
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting Reimbursed

  1. 1
    Assess your situation. Generally, compensation for delayed airline luggage takes the form of reimbursement for essentials, such as toiletries and underwear, that you need to purchase to get you by in the interim until your bag arrives.[9] [10] [11]
    • This means you're probably not going to get much assistance if the delay occurred on the final leg of your flight home. The airline will assume that you have items such as toiletries and underwear at home beyond what you packed in your bags for your trip.
    • If your flight was covered by the Montreal Convention, you are entitled to a set amount of compensation for each day your bags are delayed. The Warsaw Convention offers similar compensation, although the amount is less than that offered under the Montreal Convention.
    • Keep in mind that if you're traveling within the United States, there are few regulatory requirements regarding baggage delays.
    • Check the airline's policy. Some airlines such as Delta offer flat compensation of $50 a day for baggage delays, but you may need to mention the policy to enforce it.
  2. 2
    File a claim to cover immediate needs. Depending on your situation, there may be things that you need immediately. If so, you should try to secure replacements before you leave the airport. Get the airline to assist you.[12]
    • Some airlines will simply give you a voucher to pay for replacement toiletries and the like. They also may have branded items to give to passengers in your situation. This typically takes the form of a small bag with travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion.
    • If you have special needs or were carrying items for someone with special needs, let the agent know. For example, you may have to use a particular shampoo because of allergies.
    • Many airlines will offer immediate compensation in the form of vouchers to cover your immediate needs, particularly if it's estimated you won't be able to retrieve your bags for at least 24 hours. However, you have to ask. The agent typically won't offer you anything voluntarily.
  3. 3
    Save all receipts. The airline cannot reimburse you without proof of the expenditures you made. If you purchase items to replace things in your delayed luggage, keep the receipts together in a safe place.[13] [14] [15]
    • International agreements may restrict the airline's liability. This means you won't get any more compensation than the liability ceiling set by the agreement.
    • However, that doesn't mean you should treat that ceiling as an excuse to go on a free shopping spree as long as you don't spend over that amount. The airline may contest your expenditures if they don't seem to fall in the range of necessity.
    • Be prepared to justify your expenses. Business attire, if necessary, can be expensive – especially if you have to buy something at the last minute within a short period of time. Other expenses, however, may be harder to explain.
    • For example, if you need to buy underwear and go to a discount store, you'll likely be fully reimbursed. However, don't expect the airline to reimburse your entire purchase at a luxury lingerie boutique.
  4. 4
    Consider filing an insurance claim. many air travelers purchase travel insurance to protect them in situations such as when baggage is lost or delayed by the airline. If you have travel insurance, you may have quicker results going through your insurance.[16]
    • In some situations (and depending on the contents of your bag), your homeowner's or renter's insurance also may cover the loss.
    • Keep in mind that typically the insurance company won't act until the situation has been resolved – meaning either you have your bag and the period of delay can be assessed, or the airline has notified you that your bag is lost entirely.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Retrieving Your Delayed Luggage

  1. 1
    Track your claim. Many airlines allow you to follow the progress of your baggage by plugging your claim number into an online app, or calling a toll-free number. Take advantage of these options to monitor the situation.
    • Find out from the agent how to track the status of your claim before you leave the airport, and write down all contact information.
    • Make sure you provide a valid phone number that will work in your location. For example, if you're traveling in Europe, don't give the baggage agent your mobile phone number if your mobile phone company does not provide service in Europe.
    • Information about the status of your bag can change rapidly, particularly if a baggage agent initially classified your baggage as "lost."
    • Keeping up to date on any changes can help you continually assess the situation and determine the amount of compensation you may be due.
  2. 2
    Ask the airline to deliver your luggage to you. It may be inconvenient or virtually impossible for you to make a return trip to the airport to pick up your delayed luggage once it gets there. Airlines typically will deliver it if you ask.[17]
    • If the airline has located your luggage and believes it will arrive at the airport within a few hours, they might encourage you to stay.
    • Keep in mind that even if you don't have set plans, it's okay not to go along with this. Most people aren't interested in hanging out at an airport for several hours, and the airline can't insist that you stay.
    • If you do decide to stay, ask the agent for meal vouchers or any other compensation the airline typically provides for passengers on delayed flights.
    • On the other hand, if you need (or want) to leave, you can insist that the airline deliver your luggage. Provide the agent with an address or the name of your hotel.
    • If you have to return to the airport to retrieve your luggage, you may be able to get the airline to compensate you for those travel expenses – particularly if you are away from home and had to take a cab to the airport.
  3. 3
    Complete a claim form. After you have your bags, get a written claim form from the airline and file it promptly. In many cases, you must file a claim within a week of your flight if you expect reimbursement.[18]
    • Don't be afraid to request compensation for the stress or inconvenience involved with the luggage delay. Maybe you missed a connecting flight, or had to alter your travel plans. Any costs you incurred can be included in your claim as a result.
    • You'll want to attach your receipts. Make copies of them beforehand if possible, so you can keep copies for your records – or ask the airline to make a copy of your entire claim.
    • If you're in the middle of a trip and unsure how to get copies, ask at the lobby of your hotel. You also can take photos of the receipts from a smartphone.
    • You'll also need your boarding pass to prove that you were on the plane, and any luggage labels (if you got a barcode ticket when you checked your bags).
    • Keep in mind that unless your baggage was delayed for more than 24 hours, you typically won't get reimbursement for anything beyond essentials.
    • In other words, if you needed to buy replacement clothing, don't expect reimbursement for the cost of those items if your bag showed up four hours later. However, if you had an important reason for doing so – for example, you were traveling for a business meeting that occurred soon after your flight landed – you have cause to insist that the airline reimburse you.
  4. 4
    Go up the chain of command. If the baggage agent is unwilling to work with you, don't be afraid to accelerate your claim to their supervisor. Even if you're legally entitled to compensation for your delayed airline luggage, you may not get it without a fight.[19] [20] [21]
    • Review the international agreements or national regulations (in the case of U.S. domestic flights) that apply to your situation, and be ready to reference them to the airline representatives with whom you speak.
    • If you're not satisfied with the airline's response or its handling of your delayed luggage, consider filing a claim with a government regulatory agency. The agency with jurisdiction typically will be the one in the country where the airline is based, or where the delay occurred.
    • You also may have the option of suing the airline. In case of luggage that was merely delayed and that you ultimately recovered, however, this may be more trouble than it's worth.
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About This Article

Jennifer Mueller, JD
Written by:
Doctor of Law, Indiana University
This article was written by Jennifer Mueller, JD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jack Lloyd. Jennifer Mueller is an in-house legal expert at wikiHow. Jennifer reviews, fact-checks, and evaluates wikiHow's legal content to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. She received her JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006. This article has been viewed 16,512 times.
13 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: March 23, 2023
Views: 16,512
Categories: Air Luggage