Regardless of whether you're heading to greener pastures or quitting in frustration, your last day at a job can be emotional. Try to make the most of your goodbye by making it heartfelt and inclusive. Because you might need some of your coworkers as professional or personal contacts in the future, it's absolutely essential to do it tactfully and with grace. Whether you're doing it in person or over email, saying goodbye doesn't need to be stressful.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Saying Goodbye in Person

  1. 1
    Let everyone know you're leaving ahead of time. Your last day usually isn't the best time to let everyone know that you're not coming back. It can seem hasty or rude to have one foot out the door and shout a "so long" before it closes. Take the time to let everyone know your plans and your schedule for leaving, so everyone can be on the same page.[1]
    • Management usually needs at least two weeks' notice ahead of time. If you have projects to finish or new employees to train, they may expect more notice. Regardless, make sure that your bosses are the first to know that you're leaving.[2]
    • After letting management know, it's ok to tell your coworkers. Do so whenever you feel comfortable, or whenever it's convenient, but do it before your last day.
  2. 2
    Say your goodbyes ahead of time. Consider saying goodbye on your second to last day so that your last day can be less stressful and packed, especially if you've still got work to do. Waiting until the day before you leave will also give you the chance to finish up all of your projects without your coworkers flooding in to say goodbye.[3]
    • Once you have announced that you are leaving, chances are that your coworkers will come trickling in to say goodbye. Because of this, saying goodbye can be made easier if you are done with all of your tasks.
  3. 3
    Meet with people one-on-one. Get your stuff packed up early so that you can take the time to say goodbye to your coworkers individually. Doing this can give you both a sense of closure because this will be the last time that you meet together as coworkers.
    • However, keep in mind that unless you are moving, you will be able to see your coworkers outside of work if you really want to. Consider organizing a small event for your close coworkers outside of the office environment.[4]
    • If your coworker is leaving and you're staying, it might also be a good idea to get together a small group of coworkers to all go drop by and say goodbye at once. This can make it a lot easier on your coworker, by taking the first step.[5]
  4. 4
    Network with people before you leave. Try to connect with as many coworkers as you can before you leave the office, either through social media platforms or with email. Connect with people that you actually have an interest in staying in touch with, but don't feel like you have to friend everyone on Facebook to make it easier.[6]
    • In the weeks before your departure, consider beginning to connect with coworkers on business platforms like LinkedIn, if you have not already. This can be an excellent way to feel like you've still got professional contacts and references at the ready, if you should need them in the future.
  5. 5
    Keep it brief. If you're in a professional environment, treat it professionally. There's no need for a big display or procedure. Tell your coworker that it's been nice working together, wish them luck, and tell them to get in touch sometime. It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.[7]
    • If your coworker is leaving and you're staying, try to remember that they've got a lot of people to talk to, and might not want to have a 45 minute long debrief with every single person. Even if you're sad to see them go, keep it quiet and make plans later if necessary.
    • It would be perfectly fine to say something like, "Mark! It's been good working together. Keep things locked down around here. You're a good guy. Let me know how you're doing, ok?"
  6. 6
    Maintain a positive attitude. If you have been asked to leave, or are leaving in frustration, it may be challenging to keep your composure when you're saying goodbye to your coworkers. However, you should try to remain calm in order to present yourself in the most professional light. Stay positive and brief, even if you're feeling frustrated. You'll be glad you did.
  7. 7
    Invite close work friends to a more personal event after work. Workplaces can be a mixed bag: you might have some real friends that you hope to stay in touch with, some downright enemies that you can't stand, and a whole bunch of people somewhere in the middle. There's no sense in having a big party with everyone if the occasion doesn't call for it.
    • On the down low, invite a few of your close friends to after-work drinks or dinner to decompress after the day and talk more openly. This can be an excellent way of spending a bit of time with the people your'e legitimately interested in keeping in touch with outside of work.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Sending a Goodbye Email

  1. 1
    Make a company-wide email inclusive. If you bid farewell on a general level to your department or the entire company, and it would be too difficult or complicated to do it door-to-door, graciously thank everyone in the organization. You should include people you didn't really know that well in order to foster a sense of company pride. An email may include something like:
    • Dear coworkers: As you may have heard, I will be leaving my position as (your position) tomorrow. I just wanted to say that it has been a pleasure working with all of you. I would love to stay in contact and can be reached at (your email) or on my LinkedIn profile. Cheers to the great times we have had working together. Sincerely, (Your Name).
  2. 2
    Keep a positive tone. You might be tempted to openly write about the bitter times, particularly if you were fired. However, it is advised that you keep a positive tone in order to present yourself in the best possible light. Being positive will also make it more likely that you will be able to network with your coworkers in the future.[8]
    • It is always wise to end on a happy note so try to be as positive about your experience at the company as possible. This is especially important if you are sending this email to your boss.
  3. 3
    Keep the email brief and to the point. It should not be a long essay, but a few sentences. There is no need to disclose the actual reason for your leaving at length. If people have questions, you might encourage them to contact you directly or in person. Only mention that you are moving forward and have decided to try your hand at another career.
  4. 4
    Include your contact details, if you want. Your goodbye email can end with your contact details. Clearly mention your mobile number, email address and Linkedin ID through which you can keep in contact with your coworkers.[10] However, do not share your personal contact information if you are not comfortable doing so.
    • You could also consider selecting only a few coworkers to share your information with. An email can be an easy way of getting everyone on the same thread and sharing info together, to make sure you'll all be able to get together in the future.[11]
  5. 5
    Review your message before sending. Once you have finalized your draft, read through it to make sure that it is free of errors and is grammatically correct. You should also check to make sure that your tone comes across as friendly and positive, while also being professional.
    • Make sure that you have included everyone that you want to in your email.
    • Consider reading your email out loud to see if any part sounds awkward.
  6. 6
    Talk to close friends in person. It's usually a little cold to email your close work friends to let them know that you're leaving. Unless it's not possible, try to say goodbye to them in person. You need to let your superiors know in person, or at least over the phone, in most cases.
    • If you are unable to meet with your closest coworkers one-on-one for some reason, you should send out personal emails telling them how much you have enjoyed working with them. Make sure that you give them your personal contact information so that you can stay in touch outside of the office.
    • An example personal email may include something like: Dear (Coworker's name): As you have probably heard, I am going to be leaving this company soon. I have enjoyed working with you so much and will miss your positive energy. I would love to stay in touch and hope that we can hang out outside of the office. You can reach me on my phone (number) or at (your email). Cheers to the time that we got to spend working together! Sincerely, (Your Name).
  7. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Avoiding Common Mistakes

  1. 1
    Don't make false promises. If you have no intention or desire to stay in touch with Dennis from accounting, don't layer on the false promises of "Getting together for a drink sometime." Aside from the fact that you might actually have to follow up on something you don't want to do, it has the tendency to seem disingenuous and fake. Just be sincere and honest, and don't feel any pressure to make plans with people you don't have any desire to make plans with.
    • If you feel rude making plans with some people and not others, just keep your plans quiet. No need in letting everyone know you're going to be getting together with one person on a regular basis to watch football if that'll offend some of your other coworkers.
  2. 2
    Don't use your last day to tell off your boss. No epic walk-out shouting. No profanity-laden tirades. Your last day should be quiet, dignified, and brief. Even if you feel like you've been wronged in some way, it's usually a bad idea to engage in any kind of shouting match with your boss, who might have power in keeping you from getting your next job. Be a professional, even if you don't feel like it.
    • If you've got a legitimate beef that you need settled in words, do it in person, one-on-one, and keep it as professional as possible. Tell your boss (or whoever it is that you've got a problem with) that you'd like a word in private to talk about some things.
    • At some workplaces, it's common to do an exit interview, in which you'll be able to voice your frustrations free of having to worry about how it will affect your job. You're already leaving, so there's no sense in speaking softly now.
  3. 3
    Don't bring gifts. It's not important to shower your coworkers with gifts, and it can have the effect of making some of your coworkers uncomfortable. It's unnecessary and can seem ostentatious. Again, it's a professional environment, so act like it.
    • If you really feel the need to bring something, a box of pastries or donuts for the floor would be a perfectly fine way of giving a little something nice back, but don't feel like you need to pass around a bunch of iPods to say goodbye. There's no need.
    • If your coworker is leaving and you want to wish them luck, a card would be a perfectly friendly way of doing so. Again, no need for gold watches.
  4. 4
    Don't denigrate the company to your coworkers. If you're leaving, don't use it as an opportunity to dump all your disappointments and frustrations at the feet of the employees who'll have to sweep them up after you leave. try to leave on a positive note and don't make it awkward for everyone who has to stay.
    • Likewise, it's a bad idea to brag about how much better your new job is going to be if you're leaving for greener pastures. try to remember that your coworkers still have to come back in on Monday, and you don't want to leave a toxic work environment in your wake.
  5. 5
    Don't just leave without saying anything. The mystery will probably create a bad impression and leave behind a lot of suspicion for your other coworkers that might not be good for everyone. If you're feeling awkward about leaving, it's something you still need to get over and make personal for everyone. Again, it doesn't need to be a big deal: just keep it short and sweet and get out the door. You'll be done soon.
  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you tell your coworkers you're leaving?
    Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC
    Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC
    Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach
    Jennifer Landis-Santos is a Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach and the Founder of Career Wellness, LLC. With 20 years of experience, she specializes in helping others identify and move towards a satisfying life and work balance. Jennifer is a graduate of Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership, where she is on the faculty of the Health and Wellness Coaching Program. She's a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation and a Certified Career Counselor through the National Career Development Association.
    Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC
    Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach
    Expert Answer
    If appropriate for your context, do this in small groups so that your colleagues have each other to process the situation. This will lessen the “Did you hear the news?” inevitable workplace drama and will save you the energy of telling multiple people individually.


  2. Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC. Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach. Expert Interview. 6 April 2022.
  5. Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC. Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach. Expert Interview. 6 April 2022.
  8. Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC. Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach. Expert Interview. 6 April 2022.
  9. Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC. Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach. Expert Interview. 6 April 2022.

About This Article

Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC
Co-authored by:
Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach
This article was co-authored by Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC. Jennifer Landis-Santos is a Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach and the Founder of Career Wellness, LLC. With 20 years of experience, she specializes in helping others identify and move towards a satisfying life and work balance. Jennifer is a graduate of Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership, where she is on the faculty of the Health and Wellness Coaching Program. She's a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation and a Certified Career Counselor through the National Career Development Association. This article has been viewed 203,302 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: April 22, 2022
Views: 203,302
Article SummaryX

To say goodbye to your coworkers on your last day of work, let people know ahead of time that you’re leaving so your farewells don’t seem rude or rushed. Then, try to say your goodbyes the day before your last day, so that you have time to finish work and pack your belongings on your final day. You can also send a brief e-mail to everyone in your company letting them know that you enjoyed working with them. Finally, meet with your close co-workers individually to say goodbye or make plans to get together outside of work. For tips on how to network with people at your company before you leave, read on!

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