If you’re sick of seeing eight-legged critters scurry every time you need something from your shed, take steps to spider proof your space. Keep spiders out by sealing any cracks or gaps you find with caulk, foam, or fine wire mesh. Sweep up webs and debris, and try to keep the shed’s interior clean and clutter-free. Clear growing vegetation and dead leaves away from the exterior, and avoid keeping lights on in or around the shed. In addition to sealing and cleaning, you can also use glue traps, pesticides, and natural repellents to keep spiders and their food sources out of your shed.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Sealing Points of Entry

  1. 1
    Install a draft strip and weatherstripping at the shed’s entrance. Inspect your shed’s entrance for gaps between the door and its frame. If any are present, seal the door using weatherstripping or a draft strip.[1]
    • Pay special attention to the entrance’s corners. If the shed is large enough, and if you’re brave enough, get inside, close the door, and see if any light is visible where the door meets its casing.
  2. 2
    Caulk windows and any cracks or gaps. If your shed has windows, apply a silicone or acrylic latex caulk to seal any gaps in the casing.[2] Check the roof’s soffits and fascia boards, and use caulk to seal any cracks you find.[3]
    • Inspect the shed’s structure regularly to make sure no gaps or cracks have formed, and reapply caulk when needed.
  3. 3
    Seal any vents and utility holes. Some sheds feature vents and other openings, such as entry points for utility wires. Use the finest wire mesh you can find to seal vents (preferably 1/16 inch or 1.5 millimeter). Plug any utility holes with caulk, expandable foam, or steel wool.[4]
    • Wear gloves when cutting and installing wire mesh, since the edges are razor sharp.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Keeping Your Shed Clean

  1. 1
    Sweep up webs and old cobwebs. Make it habit to give your shed a quick cleaning every week. Sweep or vacuum any spider webs you find. Don’t disregard old cobwebs, as these can contain egg sacs that could yield thousands of spiderlings.[5]
  2. 2
    Clean up leaves and other debris. When you sweep away those spider webs, be sure to clean up leaves, dirt, and other debris from the shed’s interior. Removing as much litter and clutter as possible will help eliminate the spaces spiders use as dwellings.[6]
    • Don't forget to get rid of any food in the shed, which can attract insects. If you store bird seed or other edibles, keep them in tightly sealed boxes or bags.
  3. 3
    Wash the shed’s interior walls. You can use warm water and dish soap, bleach, or your preferred disinfectant to periodically wash your shed’s walls. Keeping the walls clean can make the environment less hospitable for spiders and deter them from spinning webs.[7]
  4. 4
    Keep the space around the shed clear.[8] Avoid storing firewood, building materials, and other items around the shed’s exterior. Remove weeds, shrubs, and other growing vegetation, and clear away any dead leaves from the areas around your shed.[9]
    • Periodically pressure wash the shed and sweep or rake its perimeter to help repel spiders and other many-legged critters.
  5. 5
    Keep storage containers lidded or taped shut. Invest in plastic storage bins with securely sealing lids. Ziplock bags are also a good storage option. If you do use cardboard boxes, tape them shut to keep out spiders.[10]
    • If possible, keep storage containers on shelves and off of the floor.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using Traps and Pesticides

  1. 1
    Place glue traps throughout your shed. The more glue traps you use, the more spiders you’ll catch, so place lots at spots like each of the shed’s corners and on shelving. Go for flat glue traps without raised perimeter edges, as these are the best for catching spiders.[11]
    • Check the glue traps regularly, and replace them when they’re covered with critters. Get help from a brave friend or family member if necessary!
    • You can find glue traps at your local grocery or hardware store.
  2. 2
    Apply a pesticide barrier around the shed’s exterior.[12] Choose a liquid pesticide that contains synthetic pyrethroids and apply it around the shed’s exterior base, as well as at any vents or other openings. While pesticide barriers don’t always work against spiders in the long-term, they do keep out flies, ants, and other creepy crawlies that provide food for spiders.[13]
    • Bug bombs and foggers aren’t very effective in deterring spiders, but they could be useful if you have a fly or ant problem and need to get rid of spider food sources.[14]
    • If you go with an insecticide, remember to read and follow the instructions carefully.
  3. 3
    Try vinegar, osage oranges, and other natural repellents. You could try spraying white vinegar at the shed’s entrance and other openings to keep away spiders. While hard to find in most locations, Osage oranges contain a chemical that might deter spiders and insects. If you can find one, cut it in half and leave the halves in the shed.
    • You could even paint your shed blue, which is said to repel spiders. Just keep in mind there’s no scientific evidence that supports natural repellents like the color blue, vinegar, and Osage oranges.[15]
  4. 4
    Consult a professional exterminator. If sealing points of entry, decluttering, cleaning, store-bought insecticides, and natural repellents don’t work, it might be time to consult a professional. Spider control is usually part of the basic services provided by most professional exterminators.[16]
    • A first-time professional application typically costs around $100 (US). Taking care of an infestation of dangerous spiders could cost up to several hundred dollars.
  5. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I keep spiders out of my shed?
    Hussam Bin Break
    Hussam Bin Break
    Pest Control Professional
    Hussam Bin Break is a Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator and Operations Manager. He and his brother Hussam co-founded Diagno Pest Control in the greater Philadelphia area in 2018, and have since expanded their services to include the New Jersey market. Diagno Pest Control has received Home Advisor's Top Rated and Elite Service Badges for quality of work and customer service.
    Hussam Bin Break
    Pest Control Professional
    Expert Answer
    Try getting rid of vegetation that's within 6 inches of your shed so spiders aren't as likely to come inside. You can also try spraying residual pesticides around your shed to kill the spiders.
  • Question
    How do you seal a shed window?
    Hussam Bin Break
    Hussam Bin Break
    Pest Control Professional
    Hussam Bin Break is a Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator and Operations Manager. He and his brother Hussam co-founded Diagno Pest Control in the greater Philadelphia area in 2018, and have since expanded their services to include the New Jersey market. Diagno Pest Control has received Home Advisor's Top Rated and Elite Service Badges for quality of work and customer service.
    Hussam Bin Break
    Pest Control Professional
    Expert Answer
    Caulk around the window to seal it up. This will keep out bugs and moisture, which protects the contents of your shed.

About This Article

Hussam Bin Break
Co-authored by:
Pest Control Professional
This article was co-authored by Hussam Bin Break. Hussam Bin Break is a Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator and Operations Manager. He and his brother Hussam co-founded Diagno Pest Control in the greater Philadelphia area in 2018, and have since expanded their services to include the New Jersey market. Diagno Pest Control has received Home Advisor's Top Rated and Elite Service Badges for quality of work and customer service. This article has been viewed 37,241 times.
15 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: July 30, 2020
Views: 37,241
Categories: Spider Control