Pursuing your dream of starting a clothing line can be difficult without a lot of money, but it is possible! To start, figure out how much startup capital you will need, set a goal, and start earning money with odd jobs. Borrow money from friends and family, use a peer to per lending service, or approach a business-minded acquaintance with a well thought-out business proposal. Start production with a small batch of garments to advertise and sell online.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Earning Startup Money

  1. 1
    Research your new business. Before jumping into a new business endeavor, research current market trends, clothing production ins-and-outs, and success stories from other clothing line creators. Read fashion industry trade publications to stay updated on emerging trends and issues within the industry.[1] If possible, reach out to a successful fashion entrepreneur and request their advice about your new project.[2]
  2. 2
    Set a goal. Set a monetary goal before setting out to earn money for your startup costs. Watch every dollar going towards your goal by keeping a record book, Excel sheet, or whiteboard tally of your total earnings.[3] Startup costs for an independent, self-run clothing line start at about $500 for initial inventory.[4]
  3. 3
    Do odd jobs. Do various odd jobs to add to your startup cost earnings. Ride share driving, freelance writing, data entry, dog walking, tutoring, house cleaning, babysitting, and giving lessons are in demand tasks that you can be payed to do by neighbors, friends, or friends of friends. Post your skills and availability in classified ads, on sites like Craigslist, or on social media to be shared by friends and family.
  4. 4
    Use a peer-to-peer lending service. To avoid borrowing money from loved ones or close friends, use a peer-to-peer lending service to procure startup money for your clothing line. Peer to peer lending sites connect borrowers to potential investors more quickly and easily than a bank, and with less hassle. Opt to sign up with a large, well-established website which will present your proposal to a wider range of possible investors.[5]
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Making a Small Batch of Garments to Sell

  1. 1
    Find a local small batch manufacturer. Look online or in trade publications for listings of manufacturing companies that could produce a small, initial batch of garments for your clothing line. Get in contact with companies to ask if they are taking on new customers, what their prices are, and if they have production minimums. If you find a company that seems like it will suit your needs, send them any drawings, swatches, or research you have to see if they can make your product.
    • Small batch production typically refers to 500 units or less.[6]
  2. 2
    Negotiate terms. Once you have decided on a small batch manufacturer, negotiate the terms of your agreement. Work out a schedule for production and gauge how much time it will take to produce the number of garments you want. Be prepared for a very small profit margin, as small batch production generally costs more than large scale production.
  3. 3
    Find well-priced fabrics and materials. Comparison shop for the fabric and other materials necessary for producing your clothing line's first batch. Ask the manufacturer if they provide fabric sourcing, which might yield better rates than finding fabric on your own. As a general guideline for profit, materials should only count for 30 percent of the total cost of making your garments.[7]
  4. 4
    Sell your clothing online. When you are starting a clothing company, selling online will give you the most flexibility to take pre-orders for items while keeping a limited inventory. Make a website and advertise via social media to avoid typical ad costs and make use of networking. Ask friends and family to share your posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.[8]
  5. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can you save money while starting a clothing line?
    Art Lewin
    Art Lewin
    Art Lewin is an Entrepreneur based in Los Angeles, California. He specializes in business, sales, marketing, and real estate investing. Art is the CEO and Founder of four companies based in Los Angeles: Art Lewin Bespoke, Healthy Choice Labs, SFR Properties, and Professional Business Network (PBN). Art is known globally for his exclusive custom-made and ready-to-wear business wear designs. Some of his notable clients include royal family members, politicians, and Hollywood stars including Hugh Hefner, Sylvester Stallone, Johnny Carson, Steve Allen, and William Shatner.
    Art Lewin
    Expert Answer
    Predict which items from your clothing line will be the most popular. Then, build up your clothing line from there.
  • Question
    How many clothes do you need to start a clothing line?
    Art Lewin
    Art Lewin
    Art Lewin is an Entrepreneur based in Los Angeles, California. He specializes in business, sales, marketing, and real estate investing. Art is the CEO and Founder of four companies based in Los Angeles: Art Lewin Bespoke, Healthy Choice Labs, SFR Properties, and Professional Business Network (PBN). Art is known globally for his exclusive custom-made and ready-to-wear business wear designs. Some of his notable clients include royal family members, politicians, and Hollywood stars including Hugh Hefner, Sylvester Stallone, Johnny Carson, Steve Allen, and William Shatner.
    Art Lewin
    Expert Answer
    You don't need to produce every type of garment when you're first starting out. A lot of money can go into pre-production, so you can cut costs by limiting your clothing line at first.
  • Question
    How do I open a clothing shop with no money?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Do it online. You can make an account on Instagram, Etsy, etc. to sell your clothes. If you really want to open a physical shop, talk to your bank about securing a loan.

About This Article

Art Lewin
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Art Lewin. Art Lewin is an Entrepreneur based in Los Angeles, California. He specializes in business, sales, marketing, and real estate investing. Art is the CEO and Founder of four companies based in Los Angeles: Art Lewin Bespoke, Healthy Choice Labs, SFR Properties, and Professional Business Network (PBN). Art is known globally for his exclusive custom-made and ready-to-wear business wear designs. Some of his notable clients include royal family members, politicians, and Hollywood stars including Hugh Hefner, Sylvester Stallone, Johnny Carson, Steve Allen, and William Shatner. This article has been viewed 54,750 times.
6 votes - 97%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: March 12, 2023
Views: 54,750
Categories: Fashion Design
Article SummaryX

While you can't start a clothing line with no money, earning start up money for your line can be as simple as taking on a few odd jobs or using a peer to peer lending site. Once you have some funds, find a local small batch manufacturer and send them your drawings, swatches, or research to see if they can make your product. You’ll also want to find well-priced fabrics and materials. When you’re ready to sell, go online so you can keep a limited inventory and advertise via social media to avoid ad costs. To learn how to research current clothing market trends, keep reading!

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