Panorama is a camera feature that allows you to take a picture in an extended landscape frame. You can use this feature when you have to capture a view that doesn’t fit in the normal frame of your camera. Panorama is captured by taking a picture and then moving the camera to the right to capture the view. By default, the direction to pan is left to right, but you can always change this to left and even up and down!

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Switching Directions to the Left

  1. 1
    Launch Camera. Locate the Camera application on your device. It is an application with a camera as its icon. Tap on it to launch it.
  2. 2
    Set to “Panorama.” Tap the “Option” button located at the top center of your camera screen. It will open your camera options. Locate “Panorama” at the bottom of the list, and tap it. You will be taken back to the camera screen, but this time, a panorama frame will also be displayed.
  3. 3
    Switch direction. The panorama frame will have an arrow on a line pointing to the right. A “Move iPhone/iPad continuously when taking a Panorama” message will be under the frame. Tap the arrow, and it will switch to the left.
  4. 4
    Take a picture. Tap the camera icon at the bottom of the screen. Pan the camera towards the direction the arrow is pointing to capture the image in panoramic view. Make sure you follow the straight line on the screen to capture a seamless image.
    • When the image is captured, tap the “Done” button at the bottom.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Switching Panorama Direction Using Landscape Mode

  1. 1
    Launch Camera. Locate the Camera application on your device. It is an application with a camera as its icon. Tap on it to launch it.
  2. 2
    Set to “Panorama.” Tap the “Option” button located at the top center of your camera screen. It will open your camera options. Locate “Panorama” at the bottom of the list, and tap it. You will be taken back to the camera screen, but this time, a panorama frame will also be displayed.
  3. 3
    Change to landscape mode. In portrait mode (your iPhone is held vertically), the panorama frame will have an arrow on a line pointing to the right. Now, flip your iPhone to the left so that you’re holding it horizontally. This will change the display to landscape mode. Notice that the arrow in the panorama frame is now pointing up.
    • Using the panorama feature in landscape mode is useful if you want to capture something vertically, like a very tall tree or building.
  4. 4
    Switch direction. If you want to capture the view starting from high up and panning down, tap the arrow on the screen. It will then point down.
  5. 5
    Take a picture. Tap the camera icon at the right of the screen. Pan the camera towards the direction the arrow is pointing to capture the image in panoramic view. Make sure you follow the straight line on the screen to capture a seamless image.
    • When the image is captured, tap the “Done” button.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is it not possible to take a pano image in landscape mode?
    Community Answer
    No that's not possible. You have to use the panorama mode, the landscape mode won't make a pano.

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6 votes - 33%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: December 2, 2021
Views: 18,083