This article was co-authored by Alisa Rassin. Alias Rassin is an Exotics Veterinarian and the Owner of The Exotic Animal Hospital of Pennsylvania in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in treating reptiles, birds, and small mammals. She holds a Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris from The University of Pennsylvania and a BS in Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences from Penn State University. She was also certified by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
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Rabbits are particularly susceptible to heat stroke because they have limited ways of getting rid of excess heat. Rabbits can't even pant to cool off like dogs do. In addition, rabbits are a prey species, so they are experts at hiding distress so that they don't appear vulnerable.[1] This means that an over-heated rabbit goes to a lot of trouble to hide its distress and a rabbit owner must be extra vigilant to identify signs of trouble. Heat stress or stroke can happen quickly if a rabbit is in direct sunlight without access to shade, so always be aware of where you rabbit is and provide the means and opportunities for it to stay cool.[2]
Treating Heatstroke Immediately
1Move the rabbit to a cool space. Once you notice signs of heat stroke, immediately but gently pick the rabbit up and carry it to a cool place. This could be a room with a fan or air conditioning, whatever space you have readily available.
- At the very least, move the rabbit out of the sun and into the shade.
2Cool the rabbit down. As an emergency measure, start to cool the rabbit. This can be done by spritzing the rabbit's coat with cool, but not freezing, water, or standing the rabbit in a few inches of tepid water. However, make sure the water is just one or two inches deep, as rabbits will readily panic in deep water.
- Some people suggest applying rubbing alcohol to the rabbit's paws, as this evaporates quickly and has a cooling action.
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3Offer the rabbit some water to drink. It is important to start hydrating the rabbit as soon as possible. Getting cool water into the rabbit's system will help to cool it down on the inside of its body.
- This is just as important as getting the rabbit's body cool on the outside.
4Avoid cooling the rabbit too quickly. Don't use of ice water, as this can cause shock. A gradual reduction in body temperature is preferable.
Getting Veterinary Treatment
1Get emergency veterinary treatment. If the rabbit is not showing signs of improvement, then call the vet and tell them you are having an emergency issue with your rabbit. If your regular veterinarian is not available, for instance the problem is occurring on a day the veterinary office is closed, then you should call an emergency veterinary office in your area.
- Your veterinary office may ask you some questions about your rabbit's condition. Then the person on the phone should help you assess whether the rabbit needs to be seen.
2Keep the rabbit cool while in transport. If you need to transport the rabbit to a vet, keep cooling it as you go. Wrap the rabbit in a damp towel and have the air conditioning on in the car.
- Transporting a rabbit with heat stroke, while continuing to try to cool it down, may require two people. However, if you don't have anyone to help, just keep the temperature in the car cool and give the rabbit access to cool water.
3Avoid stressing the rabbit out further. Act calmly and quietly. Some rabbits can really sense stress and react physically to being stressed themselves. They have sensitive systems, so whatever you can do to keep them calm will help.
- Petting your rabbit softly and covering its eyes may help to keep it calm.
4Understand that emergency veterinary treatment usually entails further cooling. In cases of extreme heat stroke, it is necessary to provide cool intravenous fluids. This will allow the veterinarian to bring the rabbit's core temperature down. This is the best, and usually the only, treatment a veterinarian can provide for heat stroke.
- Getting these fluids can also help vital organs that have started to shut down as a result of dehydration.
Identifying Heatstroke
1Don't expect the signs to be obvious. You will have to be observant to notice them. In fact, the more obvious the signs are, the more serious the rabbit's condition is.
- This means that you want to get a rabbit's temperature under control before it is showing the physical signs of heat stroke. That can only be done if you are being an attentive rabbit owner.
2Look for red ears. The earliest hint of impending heat stroke is red ears. This is because the rabbit increases the blood supply to the ears in order to try and lose heat.[3]
- The ears have less fur, so the heat can more easily come out of the rabbit's body through the exposed skin on the ears.
3Be on the look out for mouth breathing. Rabbits cannot pant and only sweat through minor sweat glands in the paws, so they have no efficient way of cooling off. They usually breathe through their nostrils but when over hot they will open their mouth and attempt to mouth breath.
- This is unusual and so should be taken seriously.
4Look for flaring nostrils. In addition to mouth breathing, the rabbit may flare its nostrils. This indicates heavy breathing and breathing more quickly in order to try and lose heat.
5Notice drool or excess saliva. This can indicate a variety of problems in rabbits, most commonly problems with their teeth, but it is also a sign that the rabbit is overheated. The rabbit may drool or dribble saliva in an attempt to lose heat.[4]
6Pay attention to strange behavior. Commonly, heat stroke will cause lethargic and weak behavior. The rabbit will be reluctant to move and wants to stay in the same spot. If forced to move, the rabbit may seem weak and wobbly, or confused.
- Ultimately, heat stroke leads to convulsions, which can lead to coma and death.
Preventing Heatstroke
1Place the rabbit's hutch in a good location. Be sensible about where you locate the rabbit's hutch and run, taking care to determine how your rabbit will be exposed to the elements. At the least, make sure the rabbit will never be in full sunlight without accessible shade.
- The hutch should be protected from all types of weather, including rain, snow, and excessive wind, in addition to sun.
2Give your rabbit a way of keeping itself cool. This is especially important on hot days. You could help it keep cool with a large ceramic tile that has been in the fridge and then placed on the floor of the hutch, or with a baking tray containing a shallow depth of cool water for the rabbit to sit in.
- Another idea is to freeze bottles of water and then place these in the hutch. The rabbit can then lie against the bottles or lick the condensation to cool itself off.
3Ensure there is adequate airflow around the hutch or pen. Air movement helps to reduce the temperature, so the hutch shouldn't be somewhere that has totally stagnant air. If it is very warm out, consider placing a fan on floor level, directed at one corner of the hutch, so that the rabbit can choose whether or not to lie in the breeze.[5]
- Avoid the rabbit being constantly being exposed to the wind from the fan. It should be able to choose whether it needs to cool off.
4Give the rabbit constant access to water. Plenty of water is an absolute essential when it comes to keeping cool. Provide duplicate drinking bottles or bowls in case one gets knocked over or drunk dry.
- A dehydrated rabbit is extremely vulnerable to heatstroke.
5Provide moist vegetables for the rabbit to eat. Moist vegetables can provide the rabbit additional water, which helps with dehydration and heat stroke. A good vegetable to provide is cucumber, as it has a very high moisture content.
- You can also rinse veggies in water and then leave them wet, so the rabbit takes in extra fluid when eating.
6Consider moving your rabbit during extreme weather. You may need to relocate your rabbit if temperatures get too high. Consider moving it into the shade, into a cool out building, or even into your home, when the weather is too bad.
- This can simply be a temporary measure, just to assure that your rabbit does not suffer from the heat.
Expert Q&A
QuestionCan rabbits die of heatstroke?Pippa Elliott, MRCVSDr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
VeterinarianRabbits are prone to heatstroke which, in the worst cases, can prove fatal very quickly (such as within 15-20 minutes). Rabbits have limited ways of losing heat and don't cope at all well with raised temperatures, hence the need for the owner to be constantly vigilant. -
QuestionWhat do you do when a rabbit has a heat stroke?Pippa Elliott, MRCVSDr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
VeterinarianTake immediate action to cool the rabbit. This includes moving them to a cool place, wetting their paws, dampening their fur with cool water, and placing a fan so that it blows cool air over their wet coat. Avoid using ice or ice water as this can shut their circulation down. Contact a vet as soon as you have initiated these first aid steps. -
QuestionWhat temperature can rabbits tolerate?Pippa Elliott, MRCVSDr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
VeterinarianRabbits tolerate a relatively narrow temperature range. Their preferred temperature is between 10-21 degrees C (50-70 degrees F).
Expert Interview

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About This Article
To treat heat stroke in your rabbit, first move it out of the heat into a cooler area, like an air-conditioned room. Then, try spritzing your rabbit’s coat with cool water to further cool it down. You should also offer your rabbit some water, as hydrating will help its body cool off. Make sure you don’t use ice water, as water that’s too cold can cause your rabbit to go into shock. If your rabbit doesn’t improve, call your vet immediately to see if it needs further treatment. To learn how to prevent heat stroke in the future, read more from our Veterinarian co-author.