Know and no are homophones. That is, although they are spelled differently and have different meanings, they are both pronounced exactly the same: /nō/. The best way to use the correct form of the two words know and no is to learn to differentiate them by meaning.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Learning to Recognize the Right Word

  1. 1
    Consider the word's context and meaning. Ask yourself: Is this word a verb? K-n-o-w is always a verb. A person can k-n-o-w something or someone, but they can't n-o anything.[1] To know means:
    • To be aware of: I know something is going to happen.
    • To have knowledge of: I know it's Suzy's birthday.
    • To be sure or certain about something: I know that there is a cake in the kitchen.
    • To be familiar or acquainted with: Do Diane and Yao know Suzy?
    • To recognize: Diane didn't know Suzy's voice, but she heard someone coming.
  2. 2
    Ask yourself whether the word can be put into other tenses. The word know, as a verb, may be conjugated into the forms knew, known, or knowing. If the word can't be put into other tenses, it might be n-o.
    • Knew is the past tense, for things that have already happened: Diane knew something was not right.
    • Known uses "helping" or "auxiliary" verbs, such as have or do, to show shades of time in the past, or to show a hypothetical: If he had checked his watch, Yao might have known that he was late.
    • Knowing is the gerund form, which means it can act as a subject: "Knowing that grammar sure helped me do better on my test."[2] #*If the word is not a verb, the correct spelling might be n-o.
  3. 3
    Check to see if the word is being used to negate something. No can be used as a determiner, an exclamation, an adverb or a noun, but it almost always is used to convey negative information, or to negate another word in the sentence.[3]
  4. 4
    Modify other words by using no as a determiner. When no is used to modify a noun, it generally serves to negate or alter the noun in a negative manner.[4]
    • No can mean not any (or hardly any): No two people can come to complete agreement.
    • The opposite of: She is no genius.
    • Rules forbidding particular actions or behaviors: No smoking within 50 yards of the entrance.
  5. 5
    Express strong emotions using the word no. Used as an exclamation, no is an expression of strong emotion. It can be used within a larger sentence, or as a stand-alone response.
    • A negative response to a direct question: "Do these jeans make me look fat?" "No."
    • An expressive response of disagreement: "I always look fat in these jeans." "No, you don't."
    • An agreement with a negative statement: "She'd never attend a friend's birthday party, oh, no."
    • An expression of dismay or disappointment: "Oh, no! I spilled my drink!"
  6. 6
    Provide more information about a verb, adjective, or phrase by using no as an adverb. The word no is used here to negatively modify other words.
    • "She was no more able to rouse herself than a cabbage."
    • "I asked Jackson what he'd seen, but he was no help at all."
  7. 7
    Refer to a negative verbal response in shorthand by employing no as a noun. Though this may refer to one person's response, it's frequently used in the collective.
    • A negative decision: "The bond issue was decided with a resounding no."
    • A negative response: "That would be a no, then?"
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Identifying and Using the Correct Spelling

  1. 1
    Practice identifying the correct spelling of the words no and know. Both words are commonly used. You will easily find them in popular print or online. A great way to learn the difference between no and know is to practice recognizing the correct (or incorrect) spelling in other people's writing. Because the word sounds exactly alike, reading aloud won't help!
  2. 2
    Identify the correct spelling of know and no in the following sentences. This practice is an important step in learning to use the correct spelling for yourself. Remember to double-check your answers by referring to the definition of each word.
    • I found know relief. I found no relief.
    • "Do you want more cake?" "No, thank you." "Know, thank you."
    • Suzy and Bob wanted know more of it. Suzy and Bob wanted no more of it.
    • For a while, there was no noise. For a while, there was know noise.
  3. 3
    Try these sample sentences, completing each sentence with either k-n-o-w or n-o.
    • She didn't ____ how she would succeed.
    • Frank left us with __ choice.
    • There's __ business like show business!
    • I ____ you from someplace, don't I?
  4. 4
    Check your understanding of the difference between know and no. The best way to know that you've learned to understand the difference between know and no is to use them in your own writing. Start by reviewing the two words' meanings. Remember, if the word is a verb, it is know. If not, it is probably no.
  5. 5
    Write 5 sentences using the word no, and then write 5 sentences using the word know. These sentences can be short or long.You can use the sentences above as examples to follow, or you can write examples from your own life. You might recall something you've heard or said that includes the word no or know. It's a word most of us use quite often!
    • Carefully proofread the sentences you have written. Do your sentences make sense, given what you know now about the words no and know?
    • Ask yourself: could another verb (such as understand, comprehend, or recognize) be substituted for my word no/know in this sentence? If the answer is yes, you probably want to use the word k-n-o-w. If the answer is no, then your answer is n-o.
  6. 6
    Ask a friend or family member to read your sentences. Do they understand what you mean to say? If they know what you mean, you've achieved your goal!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Please just let me know or no?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Know. This is because "know" comes from the word "knowledge".
  • Question
    What is the correct usage? "Your birthday is tomorrow no?" or "your birthday is tomorrow know?"
    Top Answerer
    What's correct is, "Your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?" or "Isn't your birthday tomorrow?"
  • Question
    Is it "That's when you always get up, no?" Or "That's when you always get up, know?"
    Top Answerer
    "That's when you always get up, isn't it?"


  • Most word programs have a spell check feature that will identify misspelled words, but they will not identify misplaced homophones. If you've used the wrong word, this won't be caught by your spell check program!

About This Article

Megan Morgan, PhD
Co-authored by:
PhD in English, University of Georgia
This article was co-authored by Megan Morgan, PhD. Megan Morgan is a Graduate Program Academic Advisor in the School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 2015. This article has been viewed 101,984 times.
65 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: March 9, 2023
Views: 101,984