This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
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Autosuggestions are positive words and sentences used repeatedly to change your perception. It is a self-development method used to create new, positive beliefs about yourself as well as an effective method for ending bad habits. Autosuggestion works by placing ideas into your subconscious and making it believe they are true. [1]
Creating an Autosuggestion
1Identify the things you want to change. Decide what personality traits you want. Identify the bad habits you want to get rid of. Determine the obstacles you want to overcome. Choose something that you really desire. Make sure it is consistent with your other goals, specific and detailed, not harmful to others, and is challenging but realistic.
2Choose something believable. Make sure the autosuggestion is believable to yourself. If you don't believe it, then it will not work. For example, instead of saying “I make $100,000 per year,” say “I choose to earn $100, 000 per year.”[2]Advertisement
3Use emotions. In order for an autosuggestion to work, it must trigger feelings. The more meaningful the the autosuggestion is to you, the more effective it is.[3]
4Use the first person. The autosuggestions are for you and no one else. Don't make your autosuggestions based on what you want other people to be or how they think you should be. Make the autosuggestion what you want to be
5Be positive. Autosuggestions are more effective when paired with positive thinking. Using positive statements also keep you motivated to accomplish your goals.
- Avoid negativity. Avoid using negative phrases such as “I cannot,” “I will not,” or “I do not want.” For example use “I am brave,” instead of “I am not afraid.”
6Avoid creating a time limit. This can cause stress, which will interfere with your meditations and goals.
7Practice the autosuggestion you created. Use meditation, sleep, or writing to practice autosuggestion. The more your practice your autosuggestion, the faster it will work.
Using Meditation
1Use meditation to autosuggest. In a relaxed state, your mind is more open to new ideas and directions.
2Find somewhere comfortable. You want an environment that is comfortable and relaxing. Make sure it is a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.
3Use music. Music is a great tool for relaxing your mind. Use music that helps you focus.
- Only use music if it helps you meditate. Do not use music if it distracts you.
4Sit comfortably. Either sit crossed legged on the floor or in a chair with your legs uncrossed. Make sure that you are comfortable and well supported.
- It's best to keep both feet on the ground if you are sitting in a chair.
5Keep your eyes partially open. If you do not want to keep your eyes open, find a room with enough light to come through your eyelids. While relaxed, you might fall asleep.
6Make yourself relaxed. While you sit comfortably, try to relax and let go of your thoughts. Breath deeply and regularly. Focus your attention on a point right below your navel. Once you are aware of this spot, only pay passive attention to it.
7Detach yourself. If a thought comes to you, do not engage it. Acknowledge the thought and let it go. You want to avoid active participation. Any active participation might make you tense and distract you.
8Repeat your autosuggestions. Once you feel completely relaxed, repeat your autosuggestion to yourself. Put as much emotion as you can into the autosuggestion. Visualize yourself performing the autosuggestion.
9Spend at least twenty to thirty minutes in meditation regularly. You want to give yourself enough time to focus on the autosuggestions so that you can absorb them. [4]
Using Sleep
1Record your autosuggestion. You can record your autosuggestion into a voice recorder or into a recording program on your phone. Make sure you put the recording on repeat so that it will play continuously while you're asleep.
- Make sure you record your autosuggestions in a strong, but soft voice. You want to it to be commanding yet gentle.
- If you don't like the sound of your voice, have a friend or family member record it using second person.
2Use the second person. Unlike the other methods, you will use the second person. You are commanding yourself. For example, instead of saying “I am a courageous person,”say “you are a courageous person.”
3Repeat each line ten times. Make sure you repeat each line ten times before moving to the next sentence.
- Repeat each affirmation until you have a thirty minute recording.
4Use headphones while you are asleep. Make sure the headphones allow you to sleep easily. For instance, if you sleep on your side, use earbuds to rest your head easier.
5Make yourself relax. While you sit or lie comfortably, try to relax and let go of your thoughts. Breath deeply and regularly. The mind is most open to suggestion when it is relaxed.
6Listen to them as you fall asleep. The affirmations will be absorbed into your unconscious as you sleep.
7Use the recording for 14 consecutive nights. Repetition will help you absorb the affirmation. After the 14-day period, move on to a new affirmation.
Using Visualization
1Schedule a time. Pick a specific time to visualize your autosuggestions. Setting a schedule will help you maintain a consistent schedule, which will help the autosuggestions succeed.
- The moments before you sleep and when you awake are the best because you are more prone to suggestion.
2Make yourself relax. While you sit comfortably, try to relax and let go of your thoughts. Breath deeply and regularly. Visualization and autosuggestion work best when you are relaxed since you mind is more open to suggestion.
3Close your eyes. You can stand or sit during this method with your eyes closed.
4Repeat your selected autosuggestion. As you repeat your autosuggestions, visualize yourself experiencing them. Attach as much meaning as you can to what you imagine. The more emotion you put into the visualization, the more efficient it becomes. [5]
5Make the images as vivid as possible. Try to involve every sense as you imagine your autosuggestion coming to life. Try to see, hear, feel, smell, and touch the scene your picture.
6Attach emotion to the visualization. Imagine how the autosuggestion would make you feel. Attach that feeling to what you picture. For example, if you see yourself getting a promotion, imagine how you would feel if that happened: happy, successful and self-assured.
7Act out your experience. Visualize scenes in which you are using your autosuggestion. Slightly move your body and use hand gestures as you would in a situation where you would use your autosuggestion. For example, if your autosuggestion is “I am a good public speaker,” then picture yourself giving a wonderful speech in front of an audience. Imagine yourself doing hand gestures and emphasizing your point.
8Repeat the visualization. Try to visualize two or three times a day. Make sure you practice the visualization consistently. Visualization and autosuggestion only work if you repeatedly do them.
Using Writing
1Fold a paper lengthwise. Unfold the paper and write a list of negative things you wish to change down the left side. Write down everything that comes to mind. You want to be as spontaneous and genuine as possible.
2Listen to yourself. Over the next few days, listen to yourself as you talk to other people. Focus on what you're saying. Write down every negative self-talk statement that you notice.
3Write positive statements. Rewrite every negative statement into a positive statement. Do this on the right side of paper. Use the most powerful words you can. For example, instead of saying “I'm smart,” say “I am intelligent and insightful.” [6]
- Avoid using the future tense. Say “I am” rather than “I will be.”
- If you feel uncomfortable saying “ I am,” you can say “I'm learning to...” or “I'm getting better at…” instead.
- Use a thesaurus if you cannot think of more powerful words.
4Fold the paper in half. Do not refer to the negative side again. You want your mind to think that you are done with those thoughts. Now, you will train it how to think positively.
5Place the folder paper where you'll see it. Pin it to the refrigerator or tape it to a bathroom mirror. Make sure that the positive statement side is showing. You don't have to linger over the list. It's only there as reminder that you're transforming yourself.
6Pay attention to what you say. Stop yourself anytime you say one of the old, negative statements. Once you stop yourself, say the new, positive statement immediately.
Community Q&A
QuestionHow can I be alert to people who are trying to plant ideas into my head?Nisska GowrieCommunity AnswerYou will notice they keep pushing the same matter over and over again until you accept it. The best way to counter these people is by simple nodding and not listening to them.
QuestionWhat can be done if I am unable to go into a deep trance?Community AnswerIt takes time to enter a deep trance, and not everyone is easy to hypnotize. Try meditating longer, but don't be discouraged if you need to practice meditating for a few weeks to get into a deep trance.
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about autosuggestions, check out our in-depth interview with Jennifer McVey, Cht.
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About This Article
Autosuggestion is a technique in which you use positive words and sentences to change your perception. You can use autosuggestion to change personality traits, break bad habits, or overcome obstacles. Once you know what your goal is, come up with an affirmative mantra to say to yourself throughout the day. For instance, if you want to start taking more risks in your life, you might say, “I am brave.” Practice autosuggestion while meditating to make it more effective. Sit in a comfortable spot and take some deep breaths to relax. Try to let go of your thoughts until your head feels clear. Then, repeat your autosuggestion to yourself and try to visualize yourself acting out whatever it is you want. Do this for about 30 minutes each day to help yourself incorporate the new habit into your life. To learn how to do sleep autosuggestion, read on!