Hot stones have a variety of uses. You can heat stones up in the winter and use them as bed warmers. Another great use for hot stones is massage. Hot stone massage therapy provides tension relief, improves circulation and alleviates muscle pain.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Heating Your Bed

  1. 1
    Find smooth, flat rocks. Look for river rocks, which tend to be smooth and flat. You can also purchase soapstones, which retain heat well. Try to find them from specialty stores, or online through eBay or Amazon.
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    Wash the stones with hot water and antibacterial dish soap. Rinse them with hot water after you wash them. Next, dry them with a clean towel. Finally, spray them with rubbing alcohol to sanitize them.[1]
    • You can also rub them with a cotton ball or rag dipped in rubbing alcohol.
    • Disinfect them with another environmentally-safe disinfectant.
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    Heat your rocks to 105-110℉ (40.5-43.33℃). Warm them on the stove or in the oven. Remove them from the heat using oven mitts. Place the heated stones in a cotton bag, or wrap them in clean rags, blankets, or towels. Put them under your bed covers.[2]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Preparing for Massage

  1. 1
    Obtain your hot stones. Look for flat, smooth river rocks in a variety of sizes. You can also purchase a massage stone set instead of finding them in nature. Look for kits that feature basalt, jade, or marble stones in a variety of sizes. Some kits will also come with a stone warmer.[3]
    • You can buy a stone warmer separately. This is a good idea if you plan to practice hot stone massage professionally.
  2. 2
    Wash your stones each time you use them. Clean the stones in hot water with plenty of disinfecting dish soap. Use warm water if you have marble stones. Rinse the stones well in hot or warm water, then dry them well on a clean towel. Disinfect them with rubbing alcohol or an environmentally-safe disinfectant.
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    Place stones in a saucepan and add enough water to cover them. Put the saucepan on the stove and turn the burner on to medium low. Attach a candy thermometer to the inside of the pan to check the temperature of the water. Remove the pan from the stove when the water reaches a temperature between 110℉ and 125℉ (43.33℃ and 51.66℃).[4]
    • Heating the stones to the right temperature will take about 30 minutes.
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    Check the temperature of the rocks. Hold a stone in your hand. The rocks are a safe temperature if you can comfortably hold a stone in your hand. Drain the water and let the stones cool off in the pan if they are too hot.[5]
    • Dry the stones with a clean towel when they are at the right temperature.
    • Wrap the stones in the same towel to keep them warm.
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    Prepare a small bowl with cold water. Use this bowl to cool down hot stones. The stones might heat up as you use them, drawing on the heat from your skin and the skin of the person being massaged. Dip the hot stones in the cool water until they are comfortable to your touch. Dry the stones before using them for massage.[6]
    • Ask the person receiving the massage if the stones are too hot every time you place them in a new area. Cool them down if they are too hot.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Massaging with Hot Stones

  1. 1
    Find a stone that fits comfortably in your hand. Use this as your main massaging stone. Also find some large stones to put on different points on the body of the person you’re massaging. Look for a few smaller, very flat stones for the face, hands, and feet.[7]
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    Ask the person receiving the massage to lie on their stomach. Cover their back with a sheet. Place one large hot stone in the middle of their left thigh, one in the middle of the left calf, and one behind their left kneecap. Squirt some massage oil in your hands, and massage their right leg. Take your main massage stone and use it to apply heat and pressure to the back of the right leg.
    • Switch the stones to their right leg, and use the same hot stone massage techniques on the left leg.
    • Remove the stones and cover their legs with the sheet to keep them warm after massaging the legs.
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    Put two large hot stones on their buttocks. Let the stones rest in place for a minute or two. Next, use the hot stones to massage the buttocks. You can remove the stones after massaging the buttocks or keep them in place as you continue to massage the back.
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    Place hot stones on their neck and shoulder blades. Put small stones in the palms of their hands. Squirt some massage oil on your main massaging stone and use it to massage the back. Rub the stones along the muscles and tendons, not across the back. Line more stones along their spine. Let the stones rest in place for a minute.[8]
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    Remove all the stones, and have the person turn onto their back. Reposition the sheet to cover their upper body. Set a large stone on each thigh, and use your main massaging stone to massage their arms and legs. Apply more oil to the stone if needed. Next, massage the shoulders and neck with the main stone.[9]
    • Place one hot stone near the heart, one close to the sternum and one on the belly button if you like while massaging the neck and shoulders.
    • Massage their chest and stomach, using the stones that are in place on their sternum and belly. Rub with a circular motion around their stomach area.
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    Massage their face and scalp with your fingers. Add more oil to your hands if needed. Leave the hot stones on their thighs while you massage their face. Place small hot stones on the planes of the face after you massage it.
    • Let the person relax for a few minutes after you have completed their hot stone massage.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How long will the stones stay hot?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    They should stay warm for an hour. After about five minutes after you place them, you can turn them over for a little more heat. Keep a lot of hot stones handy just in case.
  • Question
    Describe how water in a pan gets heated?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Put the pan on your stove and turn on the heat. Adjust the heat to medium or low. Keep the pan on the hot burner for about 30 minutes.
  • Question
    How long stones stay hot
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    They should stay warm for an hour. This really depends on how hot the rocks are when you start and if they heat up a lot in your hand or on the body of the person getting the massage. You can wrap them in a towel to keep them warm or run them under some hot water to heat them up if they cool off during the massage.

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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 211,880 times.
34 votes - 97%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: March 24, 2023
Views: 211,880
Categories: Massage
Article SummaryX

Before you use hot stones for a massage, make sure to disinfect them with rubbing alcohol and heat them to a safe temperature, between 110℉ and 125℉, in a pot of water on the stove. When you’re ready to begin the massage, have the person lie on their back and place one hot stone on each leg. Let the stone sit for a couple of minutes before massaging with a small amount of massage oil. You can repeat this process on their buttocks, back, neck, and shoulder blades. To learn how to use hot stones to heat your bed, read on!

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